Chapter 21
Rather than Medusa itself, Kepf paid more attention to the so-called eyes.According to Dean Xiao, it seems to be the same treasure as the Eye of Ice God he discovered?As for the monsters themselves, keep them if they are useful, and kill them if they are not.

"Yes. Just like the Eye of the Ice God you discovered, the eye of the Medusa ancestor is another divine eye. It is the divine eye of stone, possessing the power of the earth element. The Medusa family also has the power of the earth element because of the Medusa Elder. Only the ancestor’s inheritance has the power of petrification. If you want to get rid of the Medusa clan that is harming Africa and the Middle East, you must find a way to get rid of the Medusa ancestor.”

"It's a bit embarrassing. I can't work for you for nothing. And this creature is different from a dragon. Everyone knows that there will be a dragon in a certain position, so just avoid it. This news is a big deal. But Medusa This kind of creature will be entrenched in abandoned spiritual tombs and underground palaces, and you have to find it bit by bit. It's such a waste of time."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have a guy like that? One with a keen sense of smell."

"Well. Not counting my subordinates, I should consider them friends. He was a priest with me. When you are ready, we will go to see him together. I believe he will give you a good answer."

Dean Xiao was talking about none other than Lao Bao, another forbidden spell mage in the magical city of Shanghai, his former colleague.Unlike when he retired as a priest and became the president of a university, Lao Bao showed little interest in this and finally chose to take the route of a hunter.

So, will his colleague Old Man Bao accept this commission?Counting the previous one, the search for the Eye of the Ice God.There are two commissions in total.

It’s not that they can’t be beaten, the point is that hunters are very troublesome.Kepf used to be a soldier, which is different from a hunter.He himself also planned to find a high-level hunter to help him.Dean Xiao did not have this kind of experience. Although he had a clear goal, judging from the environment of the Himalayas, having an old hunter come out to help would save a lot of trouble.

As for the latter one, it’s even more so.So far, no one knows where the underground palace and evil temple where the ancestor of Medusa is hiding is. Winning is not a problem. The key is that it is very troublesome to find.Having an old hunter help can save a lot of trouble.

Will this person help?Dean Xiao believes that [-]% will happen.Lao Bao doesn't like political situations that much, and prefers fighting and exploration in the wild.Dean Xiao believed that Old Bao would be tempted by the big news that the Eye of the Ice God had appeared.And it's not just the Eye of the Ice God, there's also a king who travels through planes standing next to him!
"Then let's go. It's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Although it's getting very late, I don't have a problem yet."

Looking at the clock in the principal's office, it's already eleven o'clock in the evening.But there was nothing wrong with him.I really need to find a hunter with sharp skills and experience to help me. He is really not the material.

"I just don't know if Lao Bao has rested."

They are not adults anymore.Dean Xiao is already in his fifties and close to sixty, and is about to retire.His colleague Lao Bao is a little younger than him, three years younger, and also over 50.In fact, if there is no such shocking thing as the two things I talked about today, do you want to invite a hunting king out of the mountain?That's very difficult.

Especially since he knew Lao Bao's bad temper and would immediately reject the business if he didn't like it.Thinking of this, Dean Xiao felt a little nervous again.Don't let anything happen because you offend the Dark King.

"Hey, what's the wind blowing today? Lao Xiao, you came here so late. The two people next to you...please help yourself."

Fortunately, when Dean Xiao took them to Qingtian Hunting Station, the stronghold of his colleague Lao Bao, the store was not closed yet.But since it was getting very late, there weren't many people in the courtyard.When you walk into the house, you can see an old man with his eyes closed and concentrating, and a young girl reading a scroll.

"Hmm...who is this...~Ah! Dean Xiao, you are here! Sit down quickly, I will make tea for you."

"Is there some big commission? Otherwise, Grandpa Xiao wouldn't take two people there in person."

When they heard the sound of them entering, a beautiful woman came down from the second floor, wearing the clothes of the Judgment Council, a law enforcement organization in this plane.When he saw Dean Xiao, he was a little surprised, but he welcomed his arrival.Then, she consciously stepped aside.She knew that the two of them were going to discuss some little secrets that only the Forbidden Magic Mage could know.


"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Let's just talk about it."

Although it was not good to tell a child this matter, Kepfu knew that Dean Xiao would keep silent afterward.The old hunter would not leak the news about such an important treasure.But the guy who comes downstairs has his own social connections, so it’s not certain whether he will talk nonsense everywhere.

"Okay. There's no need to be polite about our relationship. Let's talk about what's going on and why you brought a big devil to me."

"Yeah. I have a big commission, and the guy next to me proposed it. I'm just trying to see if you dare to accept it."

While saying this, Shion next to him placed a crystal ball on the table in the hall.The crystal ball is as big as a human head, and it is Dean Xiao's collection.After Kepf imbued it with his own magic, the crystal ball revealed a fast-flowing image.

Falling down from the towering clouds, I saw the mountain in the middle of the clouds, the lair of snow-capped monsters and the powerful monsters active on the top of the mountain.The screen continued to descend, falling from the clouds, to the mountainside, and saw the demon's lair on the mountainside, traces of where human hunters had been stationed, and traces of the demons on the mountainside competing for each other's territory.It then fell to the ice pool at the bottom of the mountain, under which were also inhabited ancient monsters from the polar regions.This is the real situation in the Himalayas. There are demons everywhere, and you will encounter them every step of the way.

Finally, pull the perspective back.This unknown peak in the Himalayas appears entirely in the picture.Seeing this scene, the little girl next to her was very excited and shouted loudly.

"Snowy mountains! It's the Himalayas! It's a big commission!"

This is true, this is the land of monsters, but the brave hunters with high skills can unearth treasures unimaginable to the outside world.Although the fact is much more amazing than the biggest treasure unearthed in the Himalayas.Although Kepf didn't understand what the little girl was excited about.

"Going to the snow-capped mountains to collect herbs? I will arrange for my students to go with you. Lingling will also follow."

Seeing Dean Xiao's slow smile, Old Man Bao said unhurriedly.The commission fees for such snow-capped mountains are usually quite high, but it is not his turn to take action personally yet.But after these words were spoken, they did not change the smile on Dean Xiao's face.He just signaled Old Man Bao not to jump to conclusions and continue watching the show.

(End of this chapter)

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