Chapter 225 Tilt and Choice
There are some things that everyone knows and it would be meaningless to say them.This is what the so-called tacit understanding bureau says.

The entire system now serves the great families.There is a practical need to retain a large number of ordinary troops with average quality, but it is also in the interests of the big family.

This country has a vast territory, so a large number of troops are needed to guard the city. This is a practical need.So where do the interests of the big family lie?
First of all, it is certain that there is definitely more than one person like Zhan Kong. It is normal for big families to stuff their own people into the army.And those who put themselves into the army are definitely not meant to be the top soldiers!

Looking at ancient cases, Shang Yang was so powerful that in the Qin State's twenty-rank nobility system, he was only No. 16, made in Daliang.Considered top management.Then look at those clans?You can become a Chehou by joining the army without doing anything!
This kind of situation also exists widely in this current plane... Since it is still a feudal society, there will be many such situations.Although most aristocratic families are not influential enough to be granted the title of marquis at once, it is possible to let their own people directly become mid-level officers.That is, the military command level.

But this is not enough!When you become the military commander, you have to take care of something. You have the power of a mid-level officer!Otherwise the big family won’t do it!The power of mid-level officers can be discussed in several categories.

The first category is scientific research positions.Responsible for military scientific research.As for these aristocratic children of the big families, everyone knows that there are not many scientific research posts to fill.

The second category is logistics and support units.That is, technical arms such as animal trainers, medics, and pharmacists.However, most of these auxiliary positions have hard requirements. For example, animal trainers can only be psychic mage, military doctors must have healing skills, and so on.As for what element a mage awakens to, it all depends on the sky, so don't expect this type of position to attract a large number of disciples from the world.

That leaves only the third type.Frontline unit leader.There is no threshold for this, just enough cultivation level.This category is the most able to attract the children of the family.But the problem is, if you let them serve as front-line officers, there must be enough soldiers for them to lead...

A large-scale army with average quality is not only a practical need, but also a political task!And this caused this army to be bloated in some cases... During the disaster in the ancient capital, the Imperial Guard Mage Corps was all dead, and no one came to rescue them!If these people really had a way to activate this somewhat bloated system, Shao Zheng would not let himself deal with the disaster in the ancient capital and the undead emperor behind it!
And this seems a bit unforgivable to Kepf!The counter plan he proposed directly proved that he was no longer sitting with those big families!

Military spending is certain, and military supplies are certain, so the army is also certain.Adding a large number of quick-reaction troops means abolishing a large number of ordinary troops!
Use the expenses of supporting soldiers and military commanders that have been abolished from the ordinary army to purchase and raise Yalong!And if this plan is really implemented, almost all the descendants of the family in the army will be wiped out!

"Actually, I also admire your Excellency. I admire your frankness. If it weren't for the unpleasant official duties, I think the Speaker and I would have become very good friends."

Shao Zheng was also a little emotional.Because the number of quick reaction troops is small, but the combat mission is very heavy, so the high-level mages and super-level mages who can cooperate with these sub-dragons are naturally the most elite.

It will be those younger and stronger super-level mages and high-level mages who will gain the upper hand, rather than those old mages who are already somewhat decayed.In this way, the entire power balance is somewhat tilted towards the civilian class, because the mages who come up from the civilian class have the most combat experience, and in terms of cultivation, they are generally more solid than the children of the aristocratic families!
And this is probably unacceptable to the big family!There will be naked struggles between the families, but this struggle is also limited. Their attitudes towards civilians and mages from civilian backgrounds are exactly the same!No matter who is in power, he will suck the blood of the latter!

"Is there really no room for redemption?"

"Military expenses are also very tight. But we will try our best to consider your opinions and strengthen our air power. This time the enemy is the Kraken, and the Kraken cannot fly. Having stronger air power can indeed create an advantage. We will Try to implement the parts that we think are valuable."

"Then please do it yourself. Anyway, I don't think your Sky Eagle can do anything good."

"That's it. Also, thank you for saving me some face."

Well, Shao Zheng is really grateful to the latter in a sense!The latter chose to meet and discuss things with them in such a private place, which actually gave them a step down.

If he talks about military reform in public, no matter what the outcome is, Shao Zheng will be jealous of those big families.In this matter, Asia Speaker Su Lu would not help him.And if the honorary speaker, deputy speaker, and speaker all have disputes, it will also be a blow to the future efficiency of Shao Zheng's faction.

Kepf is fine, his position is secure.Kepf did not consider the political consequences of offending the big family because he did not need to rely on the big family for his political future.But Shao Zheng can't.

Talking about it in this private setting also saves him some face.But whether it is Shao Zheng or Hua Zhanhong, they must consider strengthening the army.Even if it is impossible to directly use knives against the army as Kapf proposed, at least the army in hand should be able to fight some, right?Small repairs are fine!

And if I don't react in any way, the next meeting on this kind of issue, whether it's the atmosphere or the result, probably won't be very friendly, right?that's all!


After the discussion is over, we eat and drink, and then everyone goes back to their homes.After returning, Kepfu looked at Lu Huan, who had been unhappy since returning from the meeting with him, and asked with concern.

"A little bit."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Find a way to change him. We can't just sit back and watch the coastal areas really become a mass grave for countless troops."

"You're really thinking too much. Who are you? Are you God? Even I can't say I can do it, so what can you do?"

"Relax, my squire. You and I are both innocent. We have done our part. But the ice does not freeze in a day."

This is the reality!Those aristocratic families have fallen into decay, but they are still too big to fail.Lu Huan was just saying angry words, but he could also understand that even a powerful mage like Kepfu would find it difficult to change this national policy formulated for the benefit of the family...

And all he can do now is to sharpen his strength, strengthen himself, and take the lead in fighting the enemy bravely in the future war, that's all!

(End of this chapter)

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