Chapter 228 City of Shadows
How to put it, the local area is very different from what Mu Ningxue thought.Ye Xinxia and Mu Ningxue, who were wearing black cloaks and masks, thought so.

Although they expected that there would be a black market run by mercenaries and bandits, the scale of this black market can be said to be astonishing!At least, Mu Ningxue felt that this black market was no longer just a market, but a small city like Bo City!
Don't underestimate this!Not all residents in Bo City are mages, more than [-]% of the residents are ordinary people.And the mercenaries and bandits here are almost all mages, and yet they can have the same scale as Bo City!This is very amazing!

The streets are full of guys dressed like them, wearing black robes and masks.Under the guidance of Kepfu, Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia specially purchased a small voice-changing magic weapon before coming here. Now it seems that this kind of thing is really the favorite of gangsters and mercenaries, because the people in this city Everyone is using it!
As for the city itself?From the perspective of Mu Ningxue, who was born in a big family, the construction was very rough.All buildings, whether streets, houses or road signs, are crooked.After all, you can't expect that kind of dedicated city planner among the bandits, right?
But these guys don't skimp on materials.The city's streets, houses and shops are all made of a very rare black earth elemental magic stone. Kepf believes that it is probably difficult for the super wizard's magic to harm the city.It can be seen that although it is rough, this city is very strong and durable.

Then Kepf gave them money.Xinxia and Mu Ningxue can go together.Of course, this process still requires some guidance, which is where Kepf can help!

"Uh... yes... go east, pass by Blood Oak Street, and enter the alley. There are good things in the second shop from the left in the alley."

When these words appeared in the minds of Mu Ningxue and Xinxia, ​​if an outsider observed carefully, they would find that Mu Ningxue's ice-blue eyes suddenly turned black in an instant, and then returned to normal.Well, this is also what professors across the sea are doing.

According to Sharjah, there are multiple super-level mages and even super-level full-cultivation mages in the local area.As for Mu Ningxue and Xinxia... they have unlimited potential, but they are still a little green.The opponents are a group of vicious mercenaries and bandits, and their methods are beyond the imagination of the two students.

After obtaining their consent, Kepfu found a way to establish a psychic link and use psychic magic to observe the surroundings on Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia, ​​which was safer.Of course, as an old mage, what's more important is that Kepfu can tell where the treasure is from the subtle magic fluctuations in the air!

Neither Mu Ningxue nor Xinxia hesitated at this statement. They walked more than 80 steps eastward, entered the alley, and entered the store Kepfu mentioned... Neither Mu Ningxue nor Xinxia Xia Du felt like he had entered a new world.

The store that looks small from the outside uses some kind of space magic inside, but is actually quite vast inside.Inside the store, the products are placed in iron cages of different sizes.

The beings in the cage were very weak and had injuries that left them unable to resist.Some of the iron cages contained monsters. Even Xinxia, ​​who had good academic performance, could not distinguish all the types of these monsters.Others made them unhappy, because those were mages of all ages and genders!
Both men and women, old and young, had their heads shaved.There are shackles made of some special resource on the hands and feet. According to Kepf, they are a kind of animal training equipment.They were all disheveled and dirty, and the dust was already embedded in their wounds. If they moved even a little bit, their skin would be torn and their flesh would be torn open.

The cage is small and not big enough for them to stand up.He could only curl up in the cage in an uncomfortable position, unable to move.In this tragic situation, if Kepfu hadn't controlled the bodies of Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia, ​​these two students who had never seen such a "big world" would have vomited directly!

"Oh? Are you here to see the goods?"

A voice sounded inside the store.A man walked out of the dark interior of the store.The body is thin and withered, but very tall, like a very thin baguette.The shopkeeper, who was still blind, was enjoying himself with a syringe in his hand.

This person can make Mu Ningxue and Xinxia disgusted!But Kepf took over the control of the two bodies and responded with an adjusted voice without emotion.

"Are there any licensed products without feet?"

"Ha! You are so young, but so knowledgeable."

"Both each other. If you have any good stuff, don't hide it."

Although he was an addict, the boss's hands trembled when Mu Ningxue skillfully spoke some slang about hunters.He put the syringe aside and motioned to Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia to come and choose.

"What is a licensed product without legs? You must make it clear!"

Mu Ningxue wanted to scold her.This professor really sees everything in black and white!I can communicate with this kind of person without any barriers!This made Mu Ningxue wonder if he had any side job!
"When hunters hunt monsters to obtain the battle souls of rare monsters, since the process is relatively long and complicated, they will use special magic tools to break the monster's feet and legs, and then use special magic tools to slowly obtain them."

"Not just demons, but human mages as well."

"Please be clear. What about human mages?"

"My fiancée. This is a real chaotic place. Is it surprising that there is a forbidden magic? Most of the magic that can transfer people's cultivation and talents to others is forbidden, but this process is almost the same as There is no difference in obtaining a fighting spirit. You still need to have no feet."

"In other words, this man is a slave trader?"

Xinxia, ​​who had been silent until now, spoke.Her conclusion is right on target.

"Completely correct."

"Look, what do you think of this? It's a super-level mage of the light system. Is it licensed?"


"20 million knives."

"It's too expensive. The most I can afford is [-] million dollars."

"Who can buy a super mage with [-] million dollars? Are you robbing him?"

"Eighty million."

"Too little."

"But unfortunately, I think you have to do this business!"

"I think this is tough! I am a service member of the Black Decoration Club! If you dare to touch me, you are the enemy of the Black Decoration Club!"

Well, this blind boss's cultivation level is really good, and he is also a high-level three-series master.Generally speaking, you are not afraid of causing trouble.But this high-end third series is a bit discounted.

He is a drug addict and a blind man, and his combat effectiveness is much worse than the average high-level three-series fighter.But the background of this person after he was captured by Mu Ningxue and Xinxia made him a little concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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