Chapter 237 The Desperados
"That's what happened. Mu Ningxue and Xinxia haven't found anyone yet. They probably took off the national team badges. But fortunately, I found you."

"Mo Fan has been captured. We have to find a way to rescue him!"

Well, while Mu Ningxue and Xinxia were working hard to get krypton gold for their magic tools, Jiang Shaoxu finally found Ai Jiangtu and Nan Yu... The two of them worked together to figure out a way...

Although Jiang Shaoxu did use Mo Fan as a shield, it does not mean that Jiang Shaoxu really abandoned Mo Fan in the end.She still had to find a way to fish Mo Fan out, even if she couldn't fish him out, she still had to do it!

She has a pretty good impression of Mo Fan. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that as long as she does it, no matter what the result is, it will not affect her!This is very important!Although he gives the impression of a cynical vixen, how could Jiang Shaoxu, who comes from a bureaucratic family, be as simple as he appears!

If that were the case, she would have been given to a certain Forbidden Magic Mage as a gift!This is also a shirking of responsibility.

We were attacked by bandits. The opponent was too strong. We ran away separately. I ran away, but he didn't run away. It was just his bad luck.I have fulfilled my obligation to remind you.Otherwise, what else do you want?I'm a psychic mage and I don't have the ability to lead people to escape.

Let’s talk about the next thing.Jiang Shaoxu also asked Ai Jiangtu and Nan Yu to discuss how to fish the person out.If she fishes it out, the instructor will give her a commendation... because it is not easy to fish people out of the hands of these bandits and mercenaries.If you can't fish it out...

You can't blame her for that either.right?When my teammates were in trouble, I tried my best to save them, but the absolute strength gap was too big, so the responsibility was not mine.You can say that Mo Fan has bad luck, or you can say that Ai Jiangtun Nanyu didn't play well.However, you absolutely cannot accuse Jiang Shaoxu of not doing his best...

As a child of a bureaucratic family, Jiang Shaoxu can be said to have a good understanding of this matter.It is a pity that Nan Yu, who was born as a commoner, may be fooled by this trick, but Ai Jiangtu is not a vegetarian either...

"Did you do something? Why were you surrounded and beaten by dozens of high-level mages?"

"No. I don't know. I really don't know. After arriving here, we only spent less than a day doing shopping and replacing equipment."

"We didn't see Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia either. Let's find Lao Zhao and the others first. The three of us definitely can't solve this matter."

Faced with Jiang Shaoxu's attempt to shift the blame onto him, Ai Jiangtu was unambiguous.Are you kidding? Why should I take the blame for what you caused?However, it is also a political taboo to not save teammates when they are in trouble...

So Ai Jiangtu decisively practiced Tai Chi.Let me find everyone else I can find!There are so many people here. If they can't be saved, there's really nothing they can do.As the saying goes, the law does not punish the public, you can blame Ai Jiangtu and Nan Yu individually, but it is impossible for the government to kill them all because of Mo Fan.Even if Mo Fan is the person that Hua Zhanhong and Shao Zheng are optimistic about...

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't say anything about this move.Just nodded in agreement.As long as she doesn't take the blame herself.There is nothing wrong with finding other people to come.Although she was not optimistic about Mo Fan's fate after they delayed for a long time...

But anyway, let’s get to work!The Guofu team has a special badge magic weapon, which is of no use except that the Guofu team members will shine when they get together.Through this magic weapon, it took half a day to finally gather everyone.

"Mo Fan... was he really caught?"

"Speaking of which? Could it be that you assassinated that super mage?"

"Ha! What kind of super mage? I'm not sure!"

Zhao Manyan felt a little uncomfortable.Mo Fan, a bad friend, would probably not end well if he was caught by a group of bandits.However, Jiang Yu had his own questions to ask.

"Now it has spread all over here. On the first day we came here, an assassination occurred locally. It caused a sensation in the entire Atacama region!"

"Isn't it normal for assassinations to occur in this place?"

Well, Nan Yu said he didn’t understand.Isn't it normal for bandits and mercenaries to commit assassinations?This is her perception.

"That's right. But the person who died this time was a big shot! He was the strongest mage in the area! He was a fourth-level ultra-level mage, and he is close to reaching the full level of ultra-level cultivation!"

"Fourth Series Super Mage!"

Okay, Nan Yu takes back what he just said.A fourth-series super mage, this person's level is equivalent to the president of the Ancient Capital Magic Association.The death of such a person is indeed shocking!
"Yes. There are rumors about this guy's death. It spread all over the place within a few hours."

"Tell me in detail."

"This guy went to a nightclub. At that time, her bodyguards were guarding the door outside the nightclub. Later, because the person didn't come out for a long time, they went inside to check. As a result, they saw the person dead in the private room of the nightclub. Even all his clothes were stripped off. He was completely naked, his head was completely cut off, and what was left in place was a headless corpse!"

"Wow... who has the ability to assassinate a fourth-series ultra-mage? And let a fourth-series ultra-mage die so cowardly?"

"I also want to say it! The whole time was less than four hours, and there was no news during this process! So now there are different opinions outside. The only thing that is certain is that there is an unknown spiritual magic left in that nightclub." trace."

"Is this why we are being attacked? Why should I assassinate a super mage! This is not good for me!"

Well, Jiang Shaoxu was a little annoyed.This is a typical city gate fire that affects Chiyu. What is certain is that because of this assassination case, all the new unidentified psychic mages in the area were suspected, so Jiang Shaoxu was attacked.As for Mo Fan, he was even more unlucky. He only got into this situation simply by staying with Jiang Shaoxu.

"Then what do we do?"

"What to do? No what to do! Call the mentor. This is no longer something we can handle! A fourth-series super mage was killed, which caused many local bandits to explode. This is no longer something we can handle. That’s it! Let the instructor find a way to fish Mo Fan out! Then let’s get out of here quickly!”

"Leave here? Where to go? The next destination is the United States, but that will be a month later. Besides, the captain and vice-captain don't know where they are yet. Is it really okay if we lose them?"

Well, asking a tutor for help at this time is not considered a violation of the rules... To put it bluntly, it is a performance by a group of students. If they really encounter such a hard-core matter, they still have to be handled by the people behind them.But what about Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia, ​​leave them alone?This is also a way of selling teammates!
(End of this chapter)

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