Chapter 240
"If you want to kill someone, why bother using a knife or a gun yourself?"

"I do not quite understand you."

"The magic power of a super-level mage is not endless. In the case of a super-level first-level mage, although his realm is stable, he can generally only use super-level magic three times, five times at most. For this light system super This is also the case for high-level mages."

"I can resist a few times, but Xinxia can't bear it."

The giant dragon has rough skin and thick flesh, but its heart is relatively crispy.This is also the reason why it is not convenient to rush directly.It can't be used, and Xinxia is very dangerous.

"The mind-controlling mind-controlling magic of the psychic system can not only be used in combat. Of course, you don't need to apply too many mind-obsessing and mind-controlling spells now. You only need to use the primary spells of the psychic system to induce it. You can achieve your goal easily.”

"How to do this?"

Xinxia is also very should I do it?She is a psychic mage, but her understanding of the psychic system is not only insufficient, the key is that her brain is not as big as Kepf.It is also a high-level Psychic mage, the latter can play tricks for you, with endless changes.

"This is simple. I asked you to come in as a hunter. This identity seems to be able to play more roles now. Use the identity of a hunter to capture the souls and control the minds of a few guys, and then let them take the body of Mother Malune. Just spread the news about the hidden treasure everywhere."

"Huh? I can understand the mind control. What is the mistress's treasure?"

The more he said this, the more confused he became.None of them got the treasure, so where did the treasure hidden by Mistress Malune come from?Mu Ningxue didn't understand.

"Didn't you get some seizures when you cleared up these bandits? Well, take out a part, it doesn't need to be too much, the total value is [-] to [-] million US dollars. Then hide these treasures in some places, and then release the news to let these bandits and The mercenaries are here."


"The intelligence trading market in this kind of place is huge, and there will only be one. After the initial believers taste the sweetness, the number of people willing to search for Mother Malune's treasure will increase exponentially. When thousands of people crowd into the information trading market to buy the news about Mother Malune's treasure, it's time for you to show up."

"The giant dragon also has the ability to control the mind. Although it is different from the mind-based magic, it does exist. Use your dragon power to control these guys, and then let them attack that Yangsil. The magic power of the super-level mage There is a limit. After the magic power is used up, you can just go up and collect the heads."

"This is really shameless."

Mu Ningxue could only express her admiration for the unethical idea that Kepfu came up with!And secretly lamented that ginger is still spicy when old!As for letting these bandits and illegal mercenaries die?This Mu Ningxue really doesn't care.

Because isn't that what the rules are for bandits and mercenaries?The strong is king, the barrel of the gun is the biggest, and power is truth.This is applicable to bandits and mercenaries, and it fully adheres to this logic.To put it clearly, these villains can bully beings weaker than them without mercy, and when beings stronger than themselves bully them, no one will stand up for them!

"In that case, let's do it now."

Xinxia also successfully understood this person's methods. This person is so amazing. He can turn decay into magic if he is not careful!She was also happy about this, this person was on her side.

But I'm also a little scared and uneasy.

"Have you heard? Someone has discovered Matron Matron's treasure!"

"Is it fake? Even if Malune is dead, how can cats and dogs find her treasure?"

"I won't lie to you! There is a position here, you can try it yourself!"

The Pig Head Bar is the largest and only local information trading market.The basement sells some stolen goods, the second floor sells information, and the first floor provides mercenary trading.On the second floor of this bar, which covers an area of ​​two square kilometers, there is a person telling the story of Mother Malune's treasure with his mouth full of saliva.

The narrator holds a bottle filled with rum in his right hand, blowing on it from time to time.One eye was blind and the other looked listless.Mouth full of yellow teeth, spewing out spittle and alcohol.Although the story he told was vivid and lifelike, people in the audience still booed him from time to time.

"Old Tom, are you dreaming again?"

"Try, what about trying? It doesn't cost anything to try!"

"Come on, the goods I sell worth tens of millions of dollars a day are not more real than the so-called treasures?"

This guy called Old Tom was one of the people chosen by Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia.Controlled it with soul-controlling mind control.What is being told now is naturally the content written by Mu Ningxue and Xinxia and corrected by Kepf.Occasional booing.

This is also to be expected.After all, most of the people here don’t have a lot of business?Of course, even so, one or two people in the audience still slipped away quietly. Although there was business, there were big and small businesses. Some mid-level mages made tens of millions a day, and some just had little money. It’s hard to say if you can make tens of millions!
"Okay ah?"

"The layout is very obvious. You can see it if you break the stone!"

At the location Old Tom mentioned, there was a treasure that Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia had arranged to lure the enemy.It is a finished Nebula Vein.The value is considered good among mid-level mages, and it is worth more than 3000 million.

For the overall layout, Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia also accepted some guidance from Kepf.Controlled some animals beside the key places designed by myself.See the situation through the eyes of the animal.After all, isn't it normal that there are some animals like mountain eagles in this kind of place?
"Okay! It worked!"

The treasure is obvious enough.Under a stone in the abandoned mine, you can see the vessel containing the Nebula Veins by breaking the stone open.After all, you can't hide it too deep, otherwise it will be embarrassing if you can't find it... So far, it seems to be going very well!

"This guy will definitely take it back to get it! Because I gave a hint on this nebula vein."

Although Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia tried their best to implement the plan, some details could not be perfected until they received Kepf's guidance.For example, controlling wild animals to maintain awareness of various places, such as placing a curse on these treasures to ensure that the next plot happens...

Not some harmful curse.It's just a spiritual suggestion that will disappear automatically after being triggered once.After all, if these things could be recovered, they would still have to be sold for money!The content of the spiritual suggestion is also simple, that is, after getting the treasure, go back to the second floor of the Pig Head Bar to tell everyone... and convey the accuracy of Mother Malune's treasure to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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