Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 251 Punishment of Traitors

Chapter 251 Punishment of Traitors
"I will do what you ask? But I need something in return. Two fragments have been recovered and others are needed. What can you give me for this?"

"I myself was sold here by the will of two planes. I didn't know I would come here, but that doesn't mean I don't want compensation!"

"Naturally. The magician is very powerful, but some things can only be done better by the will of the plane. You must be satisfied with the quotation I gave you."

"That is?"

"The Shape Moon Plane is already a dying plane. Except for the magician in the Spiral Pavilion who is very nourishing, everyone else is in a dying state. Of course, I know that you will be fine no matter what happens to the plane."

"But, aren't you interested in the mysteries of that plane? It's an ancient mysterious plane. If the mystery is revived, many mysteries should be brought to light again? And I can do that."

"It is impossible to directly revive the Age of Gods environment. Zelrich would not agree to it either."

"So I will give you my auxiliary plane as a reward. You know, I have an auxiliary plane, which the mages call the summoning plane. Although it is generally considered to be desolate, it is also your hometown magician. The world of the gods in your mouth.”

"That's not bad."

"But I'm getting paid more than you do. So I need extra work to make up the price."

"Can consider it."

As expected.Although the summoning plane is desolate, there are also emperor-level and various rare monsters in it.This is definitely a rare treasure.So Kepf knew that the opponent would have to ask for extra.

"Don't worry. It won't be difficult for you to do this...that is, kill that kid!"

"The second and fifth boy you're talking about is Wen Tai, right?"

"Eat what I have and use what I have, how dare you betray me in the end! You kill him!"

"no problem!"

It seems that Wentai, the Holy Son of the Parthenon, and this unlucky plane will also have a grudge, but Kepf doesn't care about this, and this plane will won't tell him how Wen Tai wears his clothes. I don’t admit my fault for wearing long johns.I can't get any results even if I ask.

"Okay. That's it. That's it. You can use the Summoning Plane now, just manipulate it with the eye of time and space. But only after you finish your work, the Summoning Plane will truly belong to you!"

"That's it! Do you have any other good deals?"

"A good deal means nothing. But I think you have to deal with your wife, so I won't stay here any longer. Just let your wife communicate with you. We haven't seen each other for several years, right?"


Well, this was really beyond his expectation... He thought that this plane will was created by squeezing Sister Shiki's body... But he didn't expect it to be true!It's not that I pinched it myself, but I got on the real Shiki sister's body and communicated with me!
Don’t forget to find trouble for yourself before leaving!Well, the two rituals and Ai Ge's palms and backs are full of flesh... Ai Ge has been here for a long time, and Sister Shi is still at home guarding the vacant room, which is a bit bad.

He was already thinking about how to deal with the jealous Sister Shi... Well, the earliest marriage between him and Sister Shi was also a political marriage. After all, the Yongyi family, the exorcist family, has also declined in this era and has become a local business. The gray industry practitioners of the underworld and real estate infrastructure.

Then his marriage to Liangsi was originally due to this. He was engaged to Liangsi during the real estate boom in Japan. Kepfu benefited from the real estate business of the Liangsi family, and the Liangsi family would also use its own strength. Help Kapf squeeze out other real estate developers, he has also engaged in real estate!

Kepf then in turn helped the Aes Sei family to crowd out the rest of the underworld and protect them from the magicians.It is also a marriage based on mutual benefit.As for Kurogiri Mikiya...his world line doesn't even include Araya Soren, and he and Shiki-nee got engaged too early. They got engaged in [-], when Shiki-nee was only seven years old!

There is a 12-year age difference between him and Sister Shi!Naturally, nothing happened without Kurogiri Mikiya after that... He even didn't know if there was Kurogiri Mikiya in the Apocryphal Holy Grail War world line where he was, maybe not?

No more!I can't continue to think like this!Well, when Liang Rixi woke up, he just gave him a big hug.He didn't immediately take out the dagger in his arms and trigger the hatchet ending!

"I missed you. It's been three years."

"It's okay, now go home."

Well, if I were a jealous little person like Ai Ge, and I dared to leave her alone for three years, I would be really asking for a hatchet!Sister Shi is still gentler than Ai Ge... Well, look at Ai Ge next to her, she seems to be in mood now...

So he won’t mess around!It is very necessary not to bring additional political risks to yourself, and if you are not satisfied with the things you have at home, you are afraid that something will happen, so you go out to look for it!This is for fear that the fire will not be strong enough!

Well, anyway, let’s be satisfied first. After three years of guarding the empty house, the current two ceremonies are also the same as if you don’t want to satisfy others... Although there is no direct explosion, it is inevitable to pay the public food...

But what happens after that?Well, he has a new job to do.For example, to deal with some problems for his favorite wife... This plane is not the moon plane. Although the combat power is a bit weak, it is also the world of the Age of Gods, and Shiki-nee's combat power is not the same in this plane. Not enough to protect yourself.

Yes, she has the magic eye of death.But, you have to hit the opponent...and there are so many flying things in this plane, just any flying monster will be enough to blind Shiki.And he might be with Sister Shi every day, running up and down every day.He couldn't let Sister Shi become his weakness, and a woman who was so strong in the two rituals was never willing to become his weakness.

But he currently doesn’t have enough energy and time to deal with this matter!So what to do?Well, visiting an old comrade's house that I haven't been to for a long time. Kepf doesn't like that guy, but this thing is very convenient sometimes!

"You remember that you have a system!"

"Don't act like a resentful woman in front of me! You are not my wife, I won't spoil you!"

Roughly speaking, he hasn't seen this system for another year, right?He is really busy.How do you have time to read the system page every day?No matter what system messages they were, he blocked them all.There's no punishment anyway.

This attitude made his system unhappy.But Kepf doesn't tolerate this guy's attitude. You're not my wife, so why should I tolerate you?
(End of this chapter)

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