Chapter 258 Restructuring

"Professor, you can rest assured to leave this matter to me. I will do it properly."

Sharjah nodded.In the bathtub as big as a swimming pool, her body can be said to dazzle Kepf... Sakya is quite impressive!

But it doesn't matter.It's not like he can't move when he sees a beautiful woman.The main thing is to talk.He also believes that Sharjah can do this better.There is nothing too difficult about this matter.

But, this matter is not too difficult, it does not mean that the next thing will be easy.To be honest, killing these six archangels was just a good start for this matter.There is still more to do next!Sharja knew this, and so did Kepf.

After a while, Sharjah asked a question, which was also the most important question about the Holy City.

"The Holy Inquisition and the Heterogeneous Inquisition belong to us. But this organization has become corrupt and cannot be used for much purpose. I feel that if they collide with a slightly stronger enemy, the Holy Inquisition and the Heirloom will be shattered to pieces. And with the war coming, such a weak subordinate is not good news for me or the professor."

"So what help do you want from me?"

Kepf asked with interest.There was a meaning of comparison in his words.Kepf also wanted to know whether Sharja knew how to be the leader of an organization and how much she understood the current situation.Of course, if he guessed correctly, this understanding must be limited, and he still had to give a hint to the other party when necessary.

"I need your help. I don't lack funds or combat power, but I need your knowledge. Rebuilding this broken organization requires knowledge of sociology, economics, and politics, and I don't have it."

"That's great. I also want to know your understanding of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Inquisition Tribunal. Let's limit the scope of the question to why the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Inquisition Tribunal have become so corrupt."

This is a very pointed question!The Holy Inquisition and the Abnormal Inquisition are both the highest organizations in the world in the eyes of outsiders, but at this time, Kepf openly said that the two are corrupt and depraved.This made Sharjah a little uncomfortable, but she knew it was the truth, and it wasn't something you could deny if you wanted to!

After thinking for a moment, Sharja gave her own thoughts.And look forward to gaining recognition from professors!
"Both the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Inquisition Tribunal have become puppets of the family groups, and have become a hotbed of power struggles and political intrigues. This has led to collective corruption."

"This makes some sense. However, you did not tell the fundamental reason. How did the aristocratic group kidnap the Holy Inquisition and the Inquisition, leading to the general corruption of the latter? You must explain this clearly."

"Because of the disconnect?"

Sakya was a little unsure.Kepf's question is too sharp. It is not an exaggeration to say that it points directly to the root of all problems in human society!However, Sharjah also couldn't explain why aristocratic groups would lead to the general degeneration of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Heretic Inquisition Tribunal!She really didn’t know the root cause of this problem!
Rather, if anyone knows, this is definitely the spiritual mentor of this plane!Comparable to Rousseau and Lao Ma!Sharja also wants to know Kepf's opinion on this matter. He comes from other planes. What is his opinion?

"I have some ideas. But I can't guarantee that they are all correct. Moreover, no matter how much I know, it is not more than an ordinary forbidden spell mage who has stayed in this plane for seven or eighty years. I can only work within the scope of what I know. answer this question within.”

"Then it's okay for you to say."

"Then I'll say it. To understand the situation of an organization, you need to understand the top management, the middle management and the bottom level, which is the executive level of all affairs. The top level is the level where the spokespersons of the major political forces are located, because the major groups Different interests will arise even within the same class, so the top management will always fight endlessly, fighting each other in order to gain dominance from the forces behind them."

"Well... the bosses of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Different Inquisition Tribunals are the Holy City, and the highest level is the seven archangels. For them, Sharjah, you know better than me... Just know it yourself. I won't show my shame. .”

That's right.Sharja knew her colleagues better than Kepf did.So after Sharjah nodded, the problem entered a new stage.

"Next is the middle management. We all know that the Holy Inquisition and the Heterogeneous Inquisition, their middle management are representatives of the major families. They act to first take care of the interests of their own families. Maybe a super It is not unheard of for a high-level mage to climb to the management level by virtue of his outstanding talents, but then major families will offer him an olive branch. Or, he will establish his own family. You are also familiar with this matter."

"It's indeed familiar. You can continue."

"And this characteristic determines that whether it is the Holy Inquisition Tribunal or any other organization, their work efficiency will be very low, and they will definitely be unpopular."

"You have to explain why."

This is the first key point.Sharjah couldn't understand why.You can't say that these aristocratic families are all mediocre people, right?Even if most of the children of the aristocratic clan have mediocre talents, cultivation is worth every penny and the children of the aristocratic clan who spend a lot of resources will not be that bad even if they are poor.

The theory goes like this.Although the actual situation deviates greatly from the theory.Sharja asked Kepf to explain why there is a discrepancy between theory and actual conditions.
"Have you seen that Mo Fan?"

"He is a young boy. He is not in your eyes. Of course, I don't like him either."

"Your thoughts are really similar to his in a sense. Really similar. But pure militarism is unacceptable. This is why there is a huge deviation between the actual situation and the theory."

"Be more specific."

Whether it is Mo Fan or Sharjah, they have to call him professor when they see him...the difference between them can be said to be at the level of grandfather and grandson!Although Kepfu did not give her face and compared her Archangel Gabriel with a young boy, Sakya was not angry.

"Human beings are social. The biggest difference between us and other demons is that we have created fictional concepts. Fiction is the basis for the existence of human society."

"The value of the dollar is also fictitious. If you don't believe that a piece of paper with one hundred dollars written on it can be exchanged for resources worth one hundred dollars, then the so-called dollar is just some waste paper. Although this is not us question to discuss today, but knowing this can make our communication very smooth.”

(End of this chapter)

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