Chapter 269
Empress Jiuyou didn't care that she was loyal to him.Really, don't care.

She who is older than Apasi can understand the truth.She was always giving her allegiance to one person.Otherwise, with her strength, she would not be able to stand on her own.In Kepf's opinion, anyone who has enough confidence to be able to stand out from others must at least reach the level of gem Onzelrich.

But Queen Jiuyou is still far from it.But, well, after being promoted to the emperor level, Sharjah has emperor level magical powers, and the Nine Nether Queen also has them!Now that she has decided to become Kepf's subordinate, Queen Jiuyou also hopes that he can invest more in herself.

"I want to get a contract pet. Do you have a suitable contract pet?"

"You still have the summoning system? Oh, yes."

that's true.Kepfu had forgotten that the Valkyrie had the ability to control magical beasts.Even the mass-produced Valkyrie has the ability to control Warcraft. The power of this ability can be equal to that of the top.

It's just that this ability is useless to Valkyrie.The reason is also very simple. The Valkyrie itself is not weak, and is very different from the fragile magician.In this plane, it is definitely considered to be at the blood bank level. With divinity, magic power and Kepfu's protection, the emperor level can't even do one move for a second.

Then his own output ability is not weak.Group battles are even more ferocious.There is no need to use contract beasts to make up for the lack of attack power.What's even worse is that Valkyrie is very fast, far faster than ordinary mages and contract beasts.

The time it takes for others to take action once is enough for Valkyrie to take action seven to eight times.In this case, the ability to tame monsters is useless.There is no such thing as a good Warcraft.If the Valkyries cooperate, they will always cooperate with another group of Valkyries.

You might as well equip them with more equipment!However, Kepfu also believes that Queen Jiuyou has needs in this regard.She is a veteran and can figure out the relationship between input and output.

"Every emperor has magical powers. It is a magic unique to the emperor. Well, my magical powers are of the summoning type. They are quite useful."

"what is that?"

"It's also related to the summoning system. You must have obtained this power from an ancient existence with dimensional abilities, right? What that girl and I obtained are dimensional powers."

"This power is to gain power, and let the summoned beast bear the price of power."

"Is this really possible? Then this one is a bit overbearing!"

Although the Queen of the Nine Netherworlds, or rather Brunhilde, spoke very vaguely, as a magician, Kepf could understand the meaning.In his opinion, this is a bit overbearing!

There is a lot of magic in this world, and there are many types of magic. Although it is not as many as the moon plane, there are indeed many types.Among the numerous types of magic, there is one type of magic that is very useful but dangerous.

It's the so-called sacrificial magic.By sacrificing one's own cultivation and even life, one can obtain very powerful power that far exceeds one's own strength level in a short period of time.The principles of this kind of magic vary, but most involve the dark plane or other ancient existences, so most sacrificial magic is forbidden.

Otherwise, where did you temporarily obtain such a powerful force?But remember, the so-called buying is not as good as selling, and you will definitely have to pay far more than you get.And Kepf does have such magic in his hands.

There is a lunar plane.But there are also people in this plane. Apasi gave him something very interesting, which was a sorcery item called blood profit that he got from Hua Zhanhong's subordinate Lu Nian. After using it, he could temporarily gain extremely powerful power.

After Kepfu's research, there is no doubt that this thing is a witchcraft. Lu Nian's experimental results confirmed that no one can survive after using this magic.Therefore, Kepf lost interest in this evil magic after conducting detailed research.

Of course, he now knows that in the original world line, Mo Fan relied on this kind of evil magic to show off, and that was his biggest reliance.Just because of him, the world line has shifted greatly. Mo Fan has not awakened the demon system, and also lost the little loach, which is the Azure Dragon vessel. Now Mo Fan is not much better than an ordinary mage.But he doesn’t intend to give the Demonic Element to Mo Fan.

But the magical powers obtained by the Emperor-level Empress Jiuyou are awesome!This kind of magic that pays after use, Empress Jiuyou can use the powerful power obtained through borrowing for herself, and then let others pay the price on her behalf!The whole game is a one-handed move!
A dimensional contract beast is obviously good. After using the demon type, you can enjoy it yourself, and then let the contract beast suffer on your behalf.But in Kepf's view, it would be better if he could choose other objects!

"Can this magical power only be used on one's own contracted beast?"

"There is no limit to the target. It just needs to establish a contract with me. A summoning contract, or any other contract will do."

Well, he suddenly had the urge to ask the Nine Nether Queen to use this kind of magic on Mo Fan... This is similar to what Aozaki Orange once did.

"This kind of magic is really overbearing. I happen to have come into contact with some useful things..."

"Sacrifice magic? You enjoy the benefits while making others uncomfortable. You are really a little genius..."

"I originally wanted you to be the leader of the Valkyries, but since you have this ability, you should act on your own. However, I don't have much work in hand right now. I want to conquer the world's largest mountain range, but The relevant preparations have not yet been completed.”

"By then please let me prove my worth."

That's right, that's it.Queen Jiuyou knew that she needed to prove her worth.And she needs a suitable identity after her resurrection, otherwise she won't be able to wander around easily, right?

As the elder and general manager of Kepf's family, he is good.After all, Kepf does not have time to manage his family every day. Although he can make plans, he cannot personally supervise his family and deal with all kinds of trivial matters every day.And Queen Jiuyou... is relatively free.

And the experience is quite rich.After all, she was the supreme ruler of a big country in the past. Letting her be responsible for the up and down operation of a family can even be said to be overqualified!
"You can make your own choice. In fact, I think Mo Fan is a good candidate for this. This person has brought me a lot of inconvenience."

"Ha ha."

In fact, Kepfu doesn't understand this point enough, why Hua Zhanhong and Shao Zheng like Mo Fan.He was very troubled by people like Mo Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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