Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 27 New encounters in Croatia

Chapter 27 New encounters in Croatia

"Ha! The young kid should run to find his mother!"

"Yes! You are not welcome here! It would be better for a brat like you to serve in the home of some dignitary!"


As soon as he entered the hunting hall in Croatia, he heard insulting jokes from several hunters sitting nearby.Indeed, he is not a hunter. Although he has served as an army commander, he is indeed not a hunter.

He glanced over the hunters who were teasing and even whistling directly at him, feeling their cultivation.A high-level mage or demon can judge the cultivation of a low-level person at a glance.He believes that two of them are sorcerers who have just broken through to the high level, and the rest are full of mid-level cultivation.

It's considered elite.But there is no comparison with him.However, Kepf will not be angry because of this and will immediately show his unpredictable power.

Those who don’t know are not guilty, and they don’t know that they are high-level mage, so why bother to be angry?Moreover, he might never interact with them for the rest of his life, so why bother getting angry over some strangers?What's more important is that these hunters are all local veterans, and may even be related to the bureaucracy. They shout to kill immediately, and are prone to lawsuits for no reason.

Although it won't be anything bad in the end, it will be disgusting.It was like stepping on a fresh splash of dog poop.So Kepf ignored the insults and headed straight to Hunter Girl's service window.

"Please show me your hunter certificate, or are you here to hang up a commission?"

The hunter girl said without looking back.There was a boredom in his tone.The money that hunter girls can earn is not very high, and most of them are civilian mages who can't find jobs.All the mages who can fight have become soldiers or hunters, and as the number of hunters increases, more and more service personnel are needed.

Naturally, they don't have a higher salary. Unless their family has a mine or they are hooked up with a super important person, they will be like this for the rest of their lives.Therefore, after saying this sentence without looking back, Kepf could clearly hear the boredom and weariness in this sentence.

"This is my hunter certificate, but I'm here to hang up the commission."

With a measured movement, Kepf bent down and handed the hunter's certificate through the window.The rule is always like this, first check your identity before discussing things.

"Hmm. Huh? Huh??!"

He also took the certificate without looking back.And open this certificate, which is similar to a household register and issued by the Hunter Alliance and is anti-counterfeiting.As usual, I turned to the first page to check my identity. When I saw the first page, the hunter girl jumped in fright.

Then, he looked around, turned his head and looked at Kepf, who was sitting there expressionless.Then he read the certificate several times before finally shouting.

"Come and see! There is a representative from the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Hunting King here!"

"Everyone, come here quickly, there's big news!"

As a hunter girl, she still knows the big shots in the Hunter Alliance.Because only ten hunting kings are selected every ten years, there are seven generations of hunting kings in total, which means there are only 70 people. 70 people, of course they remember clearly.

After confirming that the information was correct, she shouted excitedly.This sound directly attracted the attention of all hunters.Not only those who were walking around in the Hunter Hall, those who were discussing business with their employers, or those who were sitting aside to rest, all turned their attention to Kepf.

Not just hunters, but service workers as well.The second minute after the roar came out, a hidden door was pushed open from the inside.A well-dressed man walked out of the hunter girl's service window, grabbed the certificate from the girl's hand, looked at it again and again, and only looked at Capf with a flattering smile after he was sure that there was no mistake.

"It turns out that you are a hunter from Shanghai Qingtian Hunting Institute, a representative of the Holy Inquisition and the third generation of the Hunting King. How disrespectful. You sit down first and I will prepare tea. As a representative of the Hunting King, you deserve the highest level of treatment."

"Forget it, let's go. As you said, I am the representative of the Hunting King. I am here to do business, not to drink tea. There are many opportunities to drink tea, but it will be bad if things are delayed."

"No, no, no, this is also part of the rules and regulations. As for doing things, you will naturally enjoy the fastest treatment. No one will cause trouble for you."

"Do as I say."

"Uh... um... ok. Daisy, you will receive the representative of the Hunting King here. No matter what the needs are, you will do it immediately. If something goes wrong... hum... …”

There is no way, the man is just a senior receptionist.Naturally, it was impossible to confront the Hunter King head-on.Kepf's lack of face was even more of a setback for him.But he understood the importance clearly. The Hunter King and the elders of the Hunter Alliance were the chairman of the board. It was a game between the chairman of the board. What were they, the employees, messing around with?Anyway, the representative of the Hunter King has spoken, and even if he is held accountable afterwards, he will have something to say.So many people are watching.

"What do you need? What commission do you want to send?"

"In the blink of an eye, an old hen turns into a duck."

"Hey, isn't this also business? If you want to come to Croatia next time, just ask me. I'm relatively well-connected in Croatia, and in a small country like this, locals who are familiar with local conditions are very important."

"By the way, my name is Daisy. You can just call me that."

Although she didn't change on the surface, her thoughts were actually far away.What she focused on was not the commission itself, but how she could take advantage of this opportunity to crawl into the bed of the representative of the Hunting King.There was someone in the court who was easy to do. If he really fell into the hands of the Hunter King, his miserable life would really come to an end.

Although this is still a child, a bit younger, but he has also grown.completely fine!There's nothing wrong with it!
"I need a team of master hunters, with no less than seven people in total, and the team must be led by a high-level full-cultivation mage."

"Although Croatia is small, there is still a group of master hunters. I just don't know if you are willing to wait for them to come back. The current team is not the strongest one that can be found."

Although she was thinking about having sex, Daisy still completed her job well.There was no way around it. Croatia was a small country with only so many hunters. She had to meet these hunter teams at least a hundred times a year, and it was difficult for her not to be familiar with them.She didn't even need to look, she was so familiar that she could tell which guy was coming again by the sounds of different hunter boots in the hunter hall.

This kind of outsider is actually very rare.And Croatia is not a particularly powerful or important country. There is the Black Dragon Emperor nearby, so there are even fewer outsiders coming.Because everyone knows that when the black dragon wakes up, it becomes furious and can wipe out the surrounding countries.

(End of this chapter)

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