Chapter 275 Depressed
Well, some are happy and some are sad. In this battle between the Parthenon goddesses, Kepf had the last laugh.The other opponents were knocked to the ground by him.Kepf accomplished his goal.

However, even if Parthenon changes, the world will not immediately change dramatically because of Parthenon.Other forces that have nothing to do with the Parthenon can still live as they wish.For example, this is the case for Asia Speaker Su Lu...

"Is the matter clear?"

"Yes. Durank wanted to put Yishya in power, but this guy's methods were too clumsy. Although he had been preparing for more than ten years, the result was of no use. Durank and his group of followers were all Died at the scene of the selection of the goddess. All the supporters of Yisha were killed."

"The Greek family was almost uprooted. In the end, during the purge of the Parthenon's upper and lower institutions, the Pope of the Black Church was accidentally captured. Her identity is surprising, she is the mother of the Parthenon. Pamishi. Currently, this one is taken by the Honorary Speaker."

"Huh... I understand."

Su Lugao is not happy about this result?The answer is very unhappy!The reason is very simple. Astraea purged not only the local Greek families, but also the supporters of Durank, Ilyssa, and Pamishi's partisans. Other families also suffered a lot.

Astraea confiscated all the assets of all the families in the Parthenon.This made Su Lu dissatisfied.Su Lu himself did not hook up with Duranke, but this behavior of confiscating assets made him dissatisfied.

And this dissatisfaction will be expressed. Under normal circumstances, the Asian Parliament with him as the supreme leader will protest to the other party, and the Asian Parliament's counterattacks will follow one after another.The Asian Parliament will refuse to invest in armies other than those of the Fertile Crescent to which it belongs, and will equally confiscate Parthenon's assets in Asia.

Will make small moves in all aspects within the scope of his ability.This is generally the case.But the situation different.Because the Parthenon is a bit special!
"Do those princes still disagree with us putting pressure on them?"

"Yes. I disagree. Even if the new goddess confiscates their assets of nearly one trillion US dollars, those princes are still willing to maintain a friendly relationship with the Parthenon. Just yesterday, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan and The six countries of Kuwait also jointly formed a delegation to go to the Parthenon to congratulate Astraea on being crowned a goddess and wiping out the chaos. They also sent various resources worth US$1000 billion as congratulatory gifts."

"damn it!"

The loyal attendant's report gave Su Lu a headache.That's right, this is the reason why you can't impose sanctions on the opponent as usual this time!The biggest financial backers of the Su Lu faction, the tycoon princes from the Middle East, are no longer willing!

Yes, even if Astraea also confiscated the assets of these princes, the princes are still willing to remain friendly with Astraea.He even gave away a large sum of money yesterday!
Doesn’t it feel counterintuitive?It is said that destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents. According to logic, nearly one trillion US dollars in assets have been confiscated. This cannot be done without saying a word.If you look at the big South Asian countries, their GDP is only three trillion U.S. dollars. If you look at the old enemies of the big South Asian countries, this number is probably only one-tenth of the former... You can understand the concept of one trillion U.S. dollars. !

But from Su Lu's perspective, he can understand the reasons why those princes compromised!The reason is very simple. Those princes have no ambition to dominate, and they know that they lack the ability and resources to dominate.Yes, although the Middle East is a land flowing with gold, and the same is true in this plane, producing a variety of cheap and rare resources, these countries are unable to achieve self-sufficiency in various supplies.

This makes it difficult for these countries to seek hegemony.It doesn't matter how much money you have if you roll your eyes when someone pinches you.They simply know about this, so most of the time they just say hello, me, hello everyone, salute when they see the Holy City, bow when they see the Temple of Liberty, but beg to spend money to let the major powers protect their safety, that's fine. .

Parthenon is one of these powers, but he is more than just a power and protector for these princes.Because this organization has the best healing magic in the world.And what is most important to these local tyrants?Money is not important, but the health of yourself and your family is important.Because they make money faster than money printing machines!
If you follow Su Lu and sanction the Parthenon, what if you have a problem and need to see a doctor one day, and they don't come to see you... You can't guarantee that you won't get sick in your life, right?Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?
It is for this reason that the princes will not agree with Su Lu on this matter.Even not just the Arab princes, there are many noble families who are not willing to do this.They said they could use other "milder" means to express their dissatisfaction with Astraea, but taking extreme threats now would be detrimental to everyone and unimaginable!
You must know that it is not only the princes who need medical treatment, but also the patriarchs and elders of the aristocratic families!Especially mages. Because mages engage in various magical activities, they are more susceptible to illness than ordinary people.For example, the root cause of the disease was caused by killing and killing when young, or the chronic disease was caused by long-term exposure to dangerous magic substances, or it was more straightforward, born with a natural talent with side effects or practiced forbidden techniques.

There are too many such things to count!And Parthenon is literally at their necks at this point.So it’s no wonder that they said that counterattack is necessary, and they cannot watch Kepf monopolize all the resources of Parthenon.But if they were really asked to take some tough measures, these guys wouldn't dare, lest they break up completely.

However, this matter is difficult to handle in Su Lu's opinion... What is Parthenon?It was a behemoth second only to the Holy City!If tough measures are not taken, those so-called gentle reminders and dissatisfactions will be completely ignored!That's just scratching the surface, okay?
Then you want to regain the lost benefits!Sugar cane is not as sweet at both ends. You don’t even understand this!This seemed very depressing to Su Lu.However, he had to do this. He was the representative of these families, but he was only a representative.

If you don't do it yourself, you ignore this request, even if it is nonsense.Then those aristocratic families can support a new Asian Speaker, and all the good things they have done will be made public. No one will help them in times of trouble, and only vultures will come to eat the corpses.You know, Su Lu is not the only Forbidden Curse Mage on their side, there is also Xizhe, and others.Su Lu is not the only one!
(End of this chapter)

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