Chapter 279
How did Kepf know this?Well, when he told Sharja about this before, he said that whether it is the Holy City or other organizations in this plane, their middle-level managers are all composed of people from the world.And under this system, it couldn’t be easier to exploit loopholes!

A secret weapon he had deployed in the past came into use at this time.He had controlled Mu's elders and forbidden spell mages in the past, and had little contact with Mu since then.Although Mushi may also have a seat in the Asian Parliament, Kepf does not value it.He is the speaker of the Asian Parliament just for the sake of status, and does not really intend to gain any benefits through the Asian Parliament.At least that's the case for now.

The significance of Mu Shi is that he planted a nail within the system.The elders of the Mu clan do not stay in the Mu clan's mansion every day. In addition to the Forbidden Curse Masters, the elders also hold various positions in organizations such as the government or magic associations.

And this time the news was told to him by Mu.Because neither Shao Zheng nor Su Lu could have personally contacted the gangster guild, this kind of concealment would have to be unsubstantiated, which is not easy.Then the best way is to let the middle management handle it, and then the middle management will use the approved activity funds to find temporary workers.

Shao Zheng and Su Lu's plan was exposed at this link.This is sad enough!This is also the reason why Kapf distrusts the family from the bottom of his heart. These guys can be said to be impenetrable, forming an extremely large and extremely closed interest group, seizing most of the resources.Unless you force it open like Kepf did, these guys could stab you at any time for their own benefit.

"That's it. Shizu. Well, I finally understand why you hate Shizu so much."

"The aristocratic family is not a good thing. They can betray anyone for their own interests, but they themselves are not engaged in creative productive activities."

"Okay. I'm not an expert in this. I will need more help from you when I reorganize the Parthenon. But now, the focus is on how to deal with Su Lu and Shao Zheng."

Astraea used to be a crazy girl who actively avoided the fight with the Parthenon family and chose to be a mascot.As a saint, she has no real power, but she is not dangerous either.And her previous experience does not provide any solution to the current problem.

From a mascot to a top leader, the span is quite big!Therefore, although Astraea has a general idea, she still needs to listen to Kepfu's idea.This is her debut, so she must win!
"Then what do you think?"

"You said this is a game for the brave. I also think so. This is really a vivid way of saying it. As long as we can show that we are tough enough, it will be enough to make most of the guys who are eyeing them quit. This is There is no mistake at all.”

"There is a Chinese saying that means to seize the opportunity first. There is also a saying that means to hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming. It is appropriate to put it here. Most of the noble families are still hesitant at this time and have not made up their mind to deal with you. Moreover, as the new leader Goddess, you also need to establish your own prestige and grace."

To use a suitable term, it should be the broken window effect.If Astraea becomes tough and shows her strength, wisdom, and unpredictable methods, then those families will be afraid, will not mention their losses, and will continue to be friends with her, or even bow to her. .But if she retreats at this time, those big families will swarm up and tear off a piece of flesh from her body, and it will be difficult for Astraea to do things by then!

"How exactly?"

"Aren't Su Lu and Shao Zheng planning to let the Gangster Guild do something in Crete? That's great. I'm going to directly attack the headquarters of the Gangster Guild in Crete and attack Su Lu and Shao Zheng. Destroy the gangster guild in Crete before you can come to terms with them.”

"When the golden giants like mountains appear on Crete, I will be worshiped as a god. Because they will know that the goddess is a god, a god more powerful than the ancient old gods! After this , no one dares to resist me!"

"Good decision."

For the method Asharuya came up with, Kepf said it was not bad.Although this is indeed an old-fashioned method, Kapf has to say that this method really works!

Emperors of all dynasties in China successfully rebelled and overthrew the old dynasty. After becoming emperor, they would organize history revision to prove their legitimacy.For example, the reincarnation of the five virtues that was popular in the Han Dynasty, or the vision from heaven when the founding emperor was born, or nursery rhymes, or prophecies, and there are also reincarnations of living Buddhas.

In this way, we can create the sacred and inviolable imperial power!In fact, the goddess is indeed the leader of politics and religion, possessing both divine and imperial power in the secular sense.This is a great way to establish your own authority!

Come to think of it, what authority could be better shaped than the old gods being trampled underfoot?Let it be known that she has brought countless generations of Parthenon nightmares to their knees!This is a perfect example of divine authority!Moreover, not only her divine power, she also left her majesty in the world!
Su Lu and Shao Zheng just started to prepare, but Astraea trampled your preparations to death.This will truly gain the fear of all the big families and let them know that the goddess is a god. She is watching you no matter when and where, and nothing can be hidden from her!Although they know that Astraea can do this with the help of Kepfu, this kind of unknown power without conclusive evidence will still gain the awe of all the great families!
Because the big family also knew that Kepf had no time to cultivate party members.So these people don't know who is the Goddess's person and who is not.This information asymmetry creates a lingering, dire fear.Kepf has a deep understanding of this matter!
Whether aristocratic, democratic or neutral, the magicians of the clock tower are in awe of the gem.There is a fear and respect for Gem Unzelrich that transcends political affiliation.Although they consider it an affront to their ideals not to go to the root, they retain this supernatural awe.Because Gem is the only one in the clock tower who can recognize the root.

The same goes for the Spiral Pavilion.It is said that the more you learn, the more profound your knowledge will be. In modern times, people in Helixuan still worship the immortals.It is also because the immortals, their leaders, as magicians have powers that they cannot touch and are unaware of.Otherwise, how can you explain that these ancient beings correctly understood and recreated the roots?

(End of this chapter)

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