Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 299 Extra 5: The Dursleys

Chapter 299 Extra Five: The Dursleys

Well, Lao Deng cannot restrict his personal freedom.Although he still wished he could have less contact with his chosen savior.Although Kepf had no intention of teaching his magic to a profound place...

"Seriously, why did you tell that bad old man your origins?"

"Whether they are French or Germans, it is not normal for people to appear in Hogwarts. This is especially true for East Asians. Our presence here will attract more attention."

"Do you want them to stare at you all day long and put your every move in the spotlight? If not, we can make a deal. Going to someone's house with a knife to rob will usher in a desperate resistance from the homeowner. Even if you win, you will probably suffer a lot of damage. But if you bring a knife to someone else's house to do business, the other party will give you a better price because they are in awe of your power!"

Walking on the streets of London, Shatiao Aige and Kepfu really looked like a pair of siblings.Shajo Aige’s beauty makes passers-by turn their heads frequently, so some of them bump into telephone poles.Shajo Aige wanted to know why Kepfu partially disclosed his identity.

And Kepf has his own opinion on this.Why do people dislike the behavior of time travellers?In the final analysis, isn't it just pirate style?

These people put everything in their pockets!It's really impossible to get in!Make things messy and benefit yourself, then walk away.And no one likes such a person, right?The plane itself is not short of resources. After all, it is a plane. As long as it is not too outrageous, the endurance limit and power of the plane itself are higher than any magician imagines!
The key is that this kind of grab-and-go approach is so disgusting!If you encounter this kind of thing, everyone will give you a happy face!If you are like Kepf, who can create new products by taking resources, and even earn money for the plane itself like he was sent from the moon plane to the full-time mage plane, then you can continue to play as a time traveler. , the plane itself will even pay a higher price for it!

Although the task was completed too easily, in theory he was done.But he also agreed to spend his honeymoon with Ai Ge and Sister Shi...and if he wanted to live a more comfortable life, it was still necessary to have a good relationship with the old guy Dumbledore.

Of course, he did not deny that he had the idea of ​​​​exchanging with Dumbledore to study the magic of this plane itself... Although wizards in the Harry Potter plane generally have crotches, there are also excellent magic products!

This is certainly not a big deal.That one is very average.The so-called boutique refers to something like an hour reversal spell!This magic is used to create time-turners.In terms of their knowledge of the world and the highest level of magic, the wizards in the Harry Potter world actually surpass the wizards in the full-time wizard plane!Although very immature, the wizards in the Harry Potter world have already begun to dabble in time magic!

So, if Dumbledore doesn't want him to teach Harry Potter magic, you tell me to do it... Anyway, it's not him who faces Voldemort in the end!Let Lao Deng have this headache!

Of course that's what it says.But Lao Deng was still very worried about himself... So when they walked to Harry Potter's address, the Dursleys' family in Little Whinging, they could see the giant Hagrid sitting in the yard opposite. ………

"Hello! Uh... Shatiao... I'm sorry, it's hard for me to pronounce your name."

"Did Dumbledore send you to take Harry away?"

"I think not. There is a spell on Harry Potter, which Professor Dumbledore told me. This can keep him safe until he reaches adulthood. But it will only take effect when he is next to his blood relatives."

"I understand. Just leave it to me. Don't be so rude, giant."

He knocked on the Dursleys' door.There has been a lot of discussion among book fans about the abuse of Harry by the Dursleys, and in Kepf’s own opinion, Lao Deng did this very unfairly...

You leave the child of an estranged sister to someone else's care, and say that terrorists may attack at any time?Just because he is said to be the savior of the wizarding world who has nothing to do with anyone else?Do you understand that if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government?
Then the Dursleys inexplicably had an extra child to raise.Regarding the troubles caused by taking care of children, readers are asked to search on their own... Although welfare in the UK is more developed, the investment in raising a child is still not small.Having one more person to eat is not a small expense.

And then, not to mention all this, Lao Deng arranged for his people to be opposite the Dursleys... and the Dursleys would use magic to threaten them if they violated the rules even a little bit!This is indeed an unfair thing to do... The most unreasonable thing is that people have endured extra pressure but have not been compensated for it.

In other words, no money was given... The Dursleys and their family, who had suffered mental and material losses inexplicably, could only imagine the bad attitude towards Harry!The problem has been broken down to this point, and the solution to this problem is very simple!

"Damn you wizards! Give me..."

"Quiet! Mr. Dursley! You don't want to find three undecomposed corpses in the sewers of London a week later, do you?"

As soon as he knocked on the family's door, Mr. Dursley, who hated wizards very much, exploded!If Kepf hadn't immediately used magic to lock this guy's tongue, it would have been completely expected that this guy would say a bunch of rubbish!

"You wizards..."

"I have no intention of intervening in your family disputes. This has nothing to do with me. But considering the losses you have suffered and allowing our savior to live peacefully at home in the future, I can make some compensation!"

"The acceptance limit for this check is 50 pounds. You can fill in any number you think is appropriate and get a large amount of money! Then, I don't want to see what happened today again!"

The only way to solve this problem is to give us money!Just pay the Dursleys the money they deserve! With 50 pounds, Kepf felt that he had been able to compensate the Dursley family for the mental and material losses they had suffered!

"Now, I hope to spend a pleasant afternoon with our savior, who has any objections?"

Well, Mr. Dursley and Aunt Petunia were quite satisfied with that number.And he promised that nothing like this would happen again... It's best, otherwise Kepf will kill someone!Seeing the timidly disheveled boy coming out of the stairwell... well, Kepf thought he could take him for a cup of coffee.

(End of this chapter)

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