Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 301 Extra Episode 7: Ron and Hermione

Chapter 301 Extra Seven: Ron and Hermione

Kepf's words at this time were undoubtedly the first time Harry had an intuitive understanding of the wizarding world.It's not easy to be a wizard. At the very least, you have to be responsible for yourself.

"So, what's right, sir?"

"You have to think for yourself, not ask me. There is a big difference between my being right and your being right. Where do you stand?"

"For successive Ministers of Magic, they all thought they were doing the right thing, and slandering a house they didn't like seemed right to them. As a result, the things they wrote were very different. Right means the same thing to different people. different."

"Another example is Voldemort. In his opinion, it was right to kill everyone who disobeyed him and establish his own rule. However, in the eyes of those who were victims of this policy, this was wrong, so they resisted him. Isn’t that why you became the savior?”

"I just remember there was a lot of green light that night..."

"You have plenty of time to recall those things, don't you? Would you like some more coffee? Oh...nothing's wrong! Let Dumbledore deal with it himself! By the way, you have to go through nine and four minutes when you go to school At the third station, the way to get in is to go to the ticket gate between the ninth and tenth platforms, and push in with your luggage. Otherwise, I doubt you will be able to get in."

Well, at the end of the tea party Kepf was going to dig out the piece of Harry Potter's head.But think about it and forget it.Let Lao Deng have the headache.He's just here for a vacation.Just enjoy life with your wife.

As a magician, is this rare?isn't it?So this kind of time also flies by.As if in the blink of an eye, he was on the Hogwarts Express and on the Hogwarts train.

Although it is said to be a limited express, it is actually a steam locomotive.It was stolen back in the eighteenth century, when the train was invented.Yes, it was stolen!That British Minister of Magic made the largest and most thorough mobilization in the history of the wizarding world, mobilizing more than [-] wizards to tear down a railway and train at that time and steal it back...

In other words, nearly half of the wizards in the British Isles were mobilized... However, this kind of large-scale mobilization only happened once in the world of Harry Potter, and it has never happened since.If you don’t believe it, look at it, neither the Order of the Phoenix nor the Death Eaters number more than a hundred...

"Want some food, kid?"

"Yes. All pot cakes and chocolate."

"Sixteen Galleons and six Sickles."

"it's here."

Ai Ge will not take the train with him.She is a professor.So Kepf and Sister Shi shared snacks on the train together... making Sajo Aige, who was far away in Hogwarts, bite her handkerchief and shed tears.

"Honestly, I never thought I would have a vacation like this."

As long as Kepf is present or there are outsiders, the two ceremonies will never speak.It perfectly meets the qualities of a good wife and mother according to Japanese moral standards.Only at such times would she speak.

This is also a novel experience for her.Although she is the most powerful magician and the wife of a magician, she still doesn't understand magic.As for why Kepf married her?This involves Kepf's real estate speculation in Japan and the underlying prank...

But that doesn't matter, it's all in the past.If the two of them didn't look like children now, this behavior would really look like a close couple!Until a light bulb gets in the way...

"Finally found an empty seat! Harry!"

"Um...Sir! Are you here too?"

"Yeah. Enjoy it with my wife. Come on. Sit outside. This armchair is pretty wide."


The red-haired wizard on the side asked strangely.The red-haired wizard, or rather Ron Weasley, found it hard to believe that someone could get married at this age.

"Yes. She's my wife. Any questions?"

"Well... I wish you happiness. I don't know your name yet?"

Even Ron, who was a bit stupid, realized that he was a light bulb.He motioned for Harry to move away from the young couple and asked their names on the other side.And Harry answered first.

"Well... they also bought all the pot cakes and chocolates!"

Ron would look at the mound of pot cakes and chocolates piled on the table and get jealous!But he could only watch, and finally took out his sandwich.

"I told you I didn't like pastrami. But my mother always forgets."

"Then let me do this instead. After Mr. Kepf came, the Dursleys finally treated me better. They reluctantly prepared a lunch box for me, which was toasted bread, milk and beef jerky. .”

It seems that the British pound still works!After Kepf paid the fee in one lump sum, it can be said that the Dursleys' attitude towards Harry improved greatly... Although he still had a cold face, Harry had moved out of the stairwell and didn't need to No more doing all kinds of rough work.The Dursleys even prepared a decent lunch for Harry.

The two of them had a great time eating.After a while, the third person in the savior team came, and she was also the only intellectually responsible member of the savior trio. She came!
She is a woman who can make Kepfu take a high look!Hermione!Hermione Granger!Came here with Neville Longbottom.Although she is not from a wizarding family and does not have any noble bloodline, Kepf thinks that she performs best among the three saviors!It can be said that those two people get into trouble when their brains get hot!

Of course, Hermione is also a rookie wizard now.There is nothing about her that deserves Kepf's attention now.It was originally like this...

"Has anyone seen Neville's toad?"

"There are no toads here!"

"Would you like to help me look for it?"

"Let's put this aside, who are you?"

"Oh. I'm Hermione Granger, I'm the daughter of a dentist... Well, is it really okay to eat so much beef jerky in the morning? It's not easy to digest."

"Toad, huh? I think I have a spell that could work. Describe the toad."

"It's called Leif. It's just an ordinary toad with no features."

"Okay. Then...Leif is coming!"

All right!Come to life!Kepf originally thought that his work for this trip was completed, but now it seems that it is not!Okay, let’s get back to work for the sake of the holiday for myself and Sister Aige!I aim to finish this job as soon as possible!

Otherwise, why would Kepf take the initiative to use magic to help catch a toad?Does he seem like someone who would care about such a trivial matter?
(End of this chapter)

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