Chapter 303 Episode [-]: Branch
Four people took a small boat and rowed into Hogwarts.This mimics the process by which the four founders of Hogwarts entered Hogwarts.However, what Kepf wants to complain about is that most young wizards don’t know about this...

So what's the use?But putting this aside, more than 40 first-year students still entered Hogwarts.Well, squeezed into a small hall on the side of Hogwarts, a bunch of first-year students were in such a mess that Kepf wanted to complain that this was a bunch of ducks!
But let’s not talk about this either.Professor McGonagall introduced the four colleges to them.Let you prepare.Sorting first, eating after sorting.

and the Academy Cup.This is another place worthy of Kepf's complaints.From the beginning to the end, he didn't understand the purpose of the Academy Cup... If you meet someone who has his own way of doing things or has a strong personality, you can't use this thing to restrain him.For example, it is him at this time!

Sister Shi is better.Will be with him.But Kepf really doesn't care about such things!

Then all the ghosts in Hogwarts came to watch the fun!Well, that doesn’t include Peeves and Moaning Myrtle, who are hated by everyone!The ghosts also came to chat with the new students and enjoy their surprised looks.Ghosts known for their horror, such as the Bloody Balor, may also enjoy being frightened.

Amid the uncertainty among the freshmen, the sorting process began.Even children from wizarding families don't know how to sort houses, and a school history of Hogwarts doesn't even write about how to sort houses.This is always an old trick that old people want to scare newcomers.

And the Sorting Hat.Kepf is quite interested in this thing, but it is not an artifact.It's somewhat similar to Voldemort's Horcrux.It is a prop entrusted with a part of the four founders of the school, so it can have its own thinking and implement the standards of the four.interesting.

The Sorting Hat sang its song.For people who have a certain level of stability in Kepf's mentality, or simply say they are veterans, there is nothing much to say.Fortunately, Hermione was sorted earlier than him because of her name.

"Hermione Granger!"

Kepf just watched her being sorted!The Sorting Hat hesitated for a while, but finally sorted her into Gryffindor.Then they were divided up, and it was basically divided to him at the end.There is no way, the initials of his name are basically the last ones!

"The last one, Johannes de Kepf!"

Still the last one!He also caused a bit of surprise among the old students at Hogwarts, as it was not common to see French or Germans at Hogwarts.As for Sister Shi, she is of noble blood. Even if she is a noble from the Far East, she is still a noble!

Slytherin!As for him...

"Child, you are very good at Occlumency, but please open your memory to me! Otherwise I won't be able to sort you!"

"I'm afraid not. If anyone deserves it, it's Dumbledore. I'm going to Slytherin so I can look after my wife."

"Hey! Kid! The Sorting Hat won't leak secrets! But...this is also the blood of a noble, maybe even from the time of Solomon. Who is your wife?"

"It's the girl named Ping Wu Xing. She's in Slytherin."

"A marriage with a Far Easterner. This is the first time I've seen it. I wish you happiness. Then, Slytherin!"

Ping Wu Xing is the pseudonym Kepfu gave Sister Shi.After all, you can't appear in front of the time traveler with your real name and two rituals!But those who know more about Eastern magic can probably understand what this means!

After everyone was divided into houses, the principal gave a speech.Lao Deng will not talk endlessly like some leaders, just a few sentences.

"That's all I have to say! Idiot, scum, cry, screw! Then, eat!"

"That man was actually sorted into Slytherin! I thought he was from a Muggle family!"

Then everyone started eating regardless of manners!After all, I didn’t eat at noon, only some snacks on the trolley and the lunch box I brought to make up for it.While grabbing a fried chicken leg, Ron expressed his opinion in surprise!
He really didn't expect that Kepf, whom Malfoy called a mudblood, was actually a pure-blood wizard!This is strange.Why is he so angry about this?But this is none of Ron's business.Anyway, Ron had a pretty good impression of him.

Gryffindor and Hufflepuff eat very lavishly, while Ravenclaw and Slytherin eat very carefully.The other Slytherins very gentlemanly made a small area of ​​land for him and Sister Shi, so that the two of them could have affection, and it was also convenient for them to feed each other's wives and husbands.Except for Draco Malfoy, who went to bed in the hospital after being sorted, everything was great!
"Hey! The dinner is not over yet, where are you going?"

Of course, Kepf did not forget his purpose.So after eating a few bites of the rather sumptuous dinner, he was about to go do his own business.And Blaise Zabini, who was sitting four seats to his right, was puzzled by leaving in the middle of the banquet.What is this person doing when he leaves the show midway?
"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh. That's it."

This is the so-called urine escape!Although this trick is old, it still works every time you use it!He believed that Sister Shi could handle these little brats on her own!Then, he went to the Forbidden Forest to hang out.Kepf knew that if Dumbledore saw him leaving the banquet midway, he would take the initiative to look for him after the banquet!
There is no one in the Forbidden Forest, so it is convenient to talk about anything.After the mechanical watch hanging on Kepf's hand turned for another two full hours, Dumbledore came!

"Have you dealt with those students?"

"What do you want me to talk about in a place like this?"

Dumbledore still had that kind grandfather smile on his face, without any dissatisfaction.It was just a conversation in the Forbidden Forest at night, so it was no big deal to him.As long as Kepf doesn't harm students or blatantly perform magic, Dumbledore is willing to do anything with him!

"Things are a bit troublesome. Do you remember the system I told you last time and gave it to you?"

"Isn't this matter resolved?"

Well, Lao Deng's expression changed.After getting the system fragment that Kepfu gave him, Lao Deng could understand that it was really an ominous existence.So when I mentioned this, Lao Deng became very nervous!This tension is even directly reflected on his face!
"That guy is just a fat pig, and killing the fat pig does not mean the end of the matter. There is another system holder, and this guy is even worse. It is very likely that a young wizard will die directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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