Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 310 Extra 6: Realization

Chapter 310 Extra Sixteen: Realization

"Why should I compromise with my enemy? She will treat me as an enemy no matter what. That's not going to change."

Kepf's response to this was simple.No matter what, the time traveler Hermione will not trust herself. She sees herself as an enemy.And she did not regard Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore as enemies, but as objects that could be exploited.Then, you can feel free to do things!

You also know that I brought a house elf here just to confirm the truth!You can't go to the professor to report me, otherwise you won't be able to explain your own affairs!Why would a young wizard from a Muggle family have an ancient wizard's armor and dark magic supplies?You can't get yourself out of this!
"That's true."

"If you have nothing else to do, then I will go and do my own thing. Don't talk to me about our dear Professor Quilinas Quilo and our old Voldemort. Since you don't want me to get involved in your affairs, then Voldemort, you can handle it yourself."

Yes, Kepf knew that Dumbledore wanted to tell him about Voldemort.To this, he could only say, sorry!Take care of it yourself!that's all!

Okay, let’s not mention this.He has one more important thing to do.The analysis of the sign-in system he obtained from the dead time traveler has begun to bear fruit, and the first set of data has been analyzed.

In other words, this set of data can be transformed into a tangible existence by injecting magic power!Ah, fortunately, there are comments written in the core of this system, and different things are divided into categories, and the file names of each item's sequence file are marked. Otherwise, Kepf really wouldn't be able to understand this before materializing this thing. What on earth is this thing!

Of course, time traveler Hermione uses the Room of Requirement, and so does he!This will make it easier to do a lot of things.In the same way, walk back and forth three times next to the tapestry on the eighth floor where the troll beat Barnabas silly, and the Room of Requirement will appear.Of course, before he can do anything, he has a small problem to deal with.

"I want a room that was entered by the last person who entered the Room of Requirement."

Yes, just go and see what the room that the traverser Hermione entered was like.Know as much as possible what your opponent is doing.Uh... well, the imagination of this traverser can only be regarded as mediocre.

All she wanted was a room where she could see the books in the restricted area.After all, the little wizard can't get a certificate for borrowing books from the restricted area with permission from the professor.I think the response room is also a solution.Roughly speaking, there are more than 200 books, all of which are in the restricted area.However, this person cannot take away all these books.

Because if you take it away, where will you put it?You can't put all these black magic books in the dormitory, can you?As for putting it in the system?This is not a system product.Unless you want to recycle directly.But it's such a waste.As for Kepf...

Just pile these books into Ai Ge’s office!that's all!Of course, the crux of the matter doesn't stop there.This is just done casually, the key is to reproduce the first sequence.

"Summon! The original god——Albedo!"

Infused with Kepf's magic power, the original data became a physical entity and turned into a handsome young man.However, the young man's eyes were a little confused at first, and it took a while before they returned to normal.

"I had a dream."

"Can you remember what happened?"

"I feel like my head is dizzy. I have experienced a lot of things, but I can't remember them. It feels like hundreds of years have passed."

The juvenile's voice is beautiful in tone and possesses an attractive and deep magnetism.At the same time, there is a powerful force under the handsome appearance.Kapf estimated that this person's power is no worse than that of the full-time mage's Forbidden Curse Mage or Voldemort in the Harry Potter world!And even more!
"Tell me. What happened?"

"Yes. I will tell you. But, I don't know any more."

Well, although it was a long time ago, Kepfu still remembered a game called Genshin Impact... and had a little impression of Albedo.Just a little, no more.After all, he has traveled through time for decades.

A powerful, dangerous and elegant artificial being.Is such that.Most of the time he is not pretentious with people, but he is very nice to his friends, but even with his friends he will keep an appropriate distance to prevent himself from hurting others.

It's just... well, Kepf really can't tell how much fun this guy has.To be honest, this is what happens when you have a bad mentality.I don’t know what happened after seeing Abedo. In short, the result was that he was jealous and asked the system to accept Abedo, and then trained him and used him as RBQ... These things were recorded in the system log found after the system was dismantled.

Let Abedo give him vent...let him become a pathetic existence without thoughts and only in heat.But fortunately, because the system accomplishes this by modifying data, detailed comments are written.Therefore, after studying the syntax of this system, Kepf successfully restored this guy to normal!
"...Is it an existence from beyond the star sea?"

"Yes. You are no longer in your hometown at this time. And it is very difficult to go back. At least, I can't send you back now. I have my own things to do."

"So we cooperate?"


This Mr. Abedo is actually a scholar.And Kepf is always very welcoming to such people.He has said that he does not lack money or technology now, but rather lacks brainpower.He was very happy and honored to have contact with such an outstanding scholar from another world.

"Come on! I'll take you to see the boss here, Principal Dumbledore. I think he will agree to you staying here. But I think you can't meet people yet. Because some things outside have not been dealt with yet. "

"I wish I could help. You saved me and I'm in your debt."

"Of course! Your power will be useful next time."

After all, this guy can do more than just use magic.In Kepf's understanding, the elemental power of Genshin Impact and the magic of Harry Potter are not very different, right?This one also knows martial arts!And neither Dumbledore nor Snape know martial arts, right?

And this one is very meaty!Compared to Dumbledore, who was a human wizard, the human flesh was nowhere to be seen!Some magic that is fatal to humans may only scratch the surface for this person.It's better to let him go up front to resist damage!

(End of this chapter)

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