Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 314 Extra 2: Magical Thoughts

Chapter 314 Extra [-]: Magical Thoughts
"Explain your understanding, Mr. Kepf."

After asking two passing Gryffindor students to carry Cedric Diggory, who was unconscious in pain, to the school hospital.Professor McGonagall wanted to get this magic.This is no small matter, it can really kill someone!

Then put the parchment recording this new spell in the forbidden book area, and no one is allowed to learn it without her permission!that's all!
"When a piece of cake is enlarged, it is not only the volume that becomes enlarged, but also the weight. And if this magic spell is applied to people, the effect will also be very good."

"You see, human bones also have their limit to bear weight. Once the weight becomes more than ten times larger in an instant, then the bone will be crushed entirely. And I think the pain caused by this method is enough for most people The wizard is incapacitated, which is much better than the Cruciatus Curse."

"But this magic spell can do more than that. We can make human bones bigger, and then we can also make human organs bigger. If the heart, lungs or brain become ten times heavier in an instant, I I thought that person would explode and turn into a human firework."

When the words reached this point, everyone fell silent.This is indeed a heavyweight existence.Transform a curse used in life into a powerful curse that combines the Death Curse and the Cruciatus Curse!But, well, this is not a magic spell that can be used easily. Once used, you will have to spend several months in Azkaban!
"Very good! Put this in the Restricted Section! But, for your brilliant invention of Transfiguration, Slytheringa! If I ever knew of a guy who used this spell on people at school, I would Tell him to get lost!"

Frankly speaking, this does not completely belong to the category of transfiguration. In fact, Professor McGonagall prefers to classify this as black magic!This reminded Professor McGonagall of her former student and current colleague, Severus Snape.

He was also an almost excellent student.And also created his own secret magic, the black magic god Wuying!He would only teach this spell to his favorite students.But, well, like Snape and even Voldemort, he prefers dark magic that can cause pain and even death!
And Professor McGonagall himself does not agree with this view of magic... God, look at this spell, besides using it to kill people, what else can you use it to do!

This extreme view made Professor McGonagall think that she should have a good talk with him... After making sure that these children promised that they would never use it casually after learning this magic, today's Transfiguration Club meeting ended.It’s almost as long as it used to be!

"Honestly, Mr. Kepf, you're very talented. But I'm a little worried about you."

"Huh? You continue, Professor."

"We would all be happier if you took your energy away from spreading pain and death. He Who Shall Not Be Named was just that, and no one wants to live through another dark age."

Looking at Kepf's unkind eyes, Professor McGonagall finished what she wanted to say.This one has not yet shown his fangs to others, and is polite and distant to everyone.

As for the virtues of Hogwarts students, as an old professor who has taught for more than ten years, how can she still not know clearly!A child does not act lightly or harshly, and if some ridiculous joke falls on him, it will very likely lead to a terrible disaster...

There is precedent for this!For example, Harry's father, James Potter, lured Lupine and Snape into the Shrieking Shack on a full moon night... which almost killed Snape!The hatred between the two old men was not just the so-called hatred of seizing his wife. This incident also made Snape unable to let go of his life!

If such a joke were played on Kepf, then... the consequences would be disastrous.And this kind of thing is not something that Professor McGonagall can control... Parents may not be able to control their own naughty children, so what do you ask Professor McGonagall to do!

Then the only feasible way is to ask this person to restrain himself!Um!Nothing wrong!That's what Professor McGonagall thinks!
"You are a smart man, you know what can and cannot be done. If you can't make Voldemort stop his actions through so-called persuasion, then you can't use this method against me either. I must keep this from beginning to end. kind of power.”

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the world. I really don't know where you got this idea. No matter where you are, you seem to be ready to fight at any time. This is not normal."

very good!This reminded Professor McGonagall of the time when she went to his home again!He arranged his home like an iron bucket, which could not be penetrated by a needle or splashed by water!In Professor McGonagall's impression, the only one who has the same style as him is Mad-Eye Moody!
That is a wizard who has been fighting the forces of darkness all his life.Therefore, even though he has aged, he still retains that vigilance.However, Professor McGonagall didn't know where Kepf's vigilance came from.Although she knew that Kepfu just used some kind of magic to change his age.

"In fact, I think this is a normal attitude, or a rigorous attitude. Our lives are so fragile that we must use all our energy to protect it."

"But this is the responsibility of the professor! At Hogwarts, the most important responsibility of the professor is to protect your safety! How could we neglect our duties in such a matter!"

"Hey! I don't think so!"

Well, Professor McGonagall felt as if she was being despised.Not just her, but all the other professors.What this person lacks is not just a sense of security, but also trust.That's why he always looks like he's ready for a fight at any time or can retreat immediately when faced with an unfavorable situation.

"Believe me! In the end, a person can only protect himself. And to be honest, I think you and Lao Dengtou are a little too sensitive... Some spells are actually very useful, as long as they are used properly. control and practice. And yet you’re turning people away out of fear of getting hurt or dying. That seems really bad to me!”

"Does every wizard have to learn how to use the Death Curse?"

"In my opinion, that's the best thing! Because if every wizard knows and masters it, then Voldemort will have much less room for action! Because he can no longer scare other people and make people submit to him Under the despotic power!"

"Your idea is very problematic! Also, don't mention that person's name."

(End of this chapter)

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