Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 316 Extra Story 22: Inflammation

Chapter 316 Extra Story 22: Inflammation
"Every student at Hogwarts has to buy Bathilda Bagshot's History of Magic, but because of our Professor Binns, most people actually have no interest in this subject and learn it purely for the sake of it. Just to cope with the exam. But I am different from them."

"To consider the emergence of dear Mr. Voldemort, we must turn to this knowledge. After all, there are many very talented wizards in history, but they have not become like Mr. Voldemort. This knowledge will tell us that Mr. Voldemort The reason why it happened, and why the pure-blood nobles became restless."

"Please continue."

The Magical History of Hogwarts really has a bit of a coping nature.Otherwise, Lao Deng and previous principals would not have allowed a ghost to teach there, making this course disgusting in the hearts of the students.However, Lao Deng believes that he will not be aimless.

"The history of magic in Bathilda Bagshot finally mentions a very important piece of information. Since the eighteenth century, the wizarding world of the British Isles has added about two hundred pure-blood families and at least a thousand mixed-race wizards. , and there are even more hemp wizards. Is that right?"

"...It seems that there is such a thing."

But where is the point?Lao Deng felt that the matter was about to reach the most critical point, but he just couldn't grasp the point.This situation made Lao Deng extremely uncomfortable.

"Those ancient pure-blood wizard aristocrats must have become so restless because of this. After all, if Voldemort hadn't appeared yet, then their consequences would have been even worse."

"I wish you could explain it more clearly."

"You know. Many of the ancient pure-blood aristocrats are not only inbred for several or even ten generations. These pure-blood aristocrats also own a large number of industries. The Potter family has a monopoly on all hair-growing potions and products in the UK and Ireland. Regarding the sale of shampoo potions, the Black family has shares in Gringotts and has great authority in the transaction of dark magic items, and Malfoy is a large real estate developer."

"With the exception of the Gaunt family, who completely emptied their family property by eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling, most pure-blood nobles have monopoly business. Or positions. You don't deny this, do you?"

"That's true. But you'll have to explain further why they're restless. You're not enough to convince me now."

"This has always been the case in the past. But after the eighteenth century, this situation has changed significantly. As I said, since the eighteenth century, a large number of new pure-blood families have been added, as well as mixed-blood wizards and Hex wizard. At this time, the ancient pure-blood nobles can no longer live as they did in the past. Don’t make any mistake about this!”

"Wizard families who make potions will hire half-blood wizards or hemp wizards to make potions. This also replaces their status. You know, in the past, those industries were passed down from family to family, and whatever the father did, the son would do. Now the time has come. Today, with the exception of the Ollivander family whose technical level is relatively high, profits are too low, and the demand for goods is small, mixed-blood and hemp wizards have long replaced the status of pure-blood nobles."

"So those people should get up early..."

This angle is very novel.But it can also explain why those pure-blood nobles join the Death Eaters and advocate extreme bloodism.It doesn't matter whether Voldemort himself is pure blood or not, the point is that he supports the destruction of all mixed-blood and muck wizards.

Think about it, if this thing really comes true, then the wizarding world will really return to the so-called ancient and glorious era.Because pure-blood nobles can become the masters of the wizarding world again.And if it doesn’t come true...

Or even further, what would happen if no Voldemort showed up?Haha, there are more and more half-bloods and hemps, and sooner or later there will be another Dumbledore among these people.And if people want to cut down the vassal and seize the property and power of pure-blood nobles, then these guys have no choice but to wait for death!
And naturally these guys will not pray for possible mercy or resort to luck.And at this time, there happened to be a powerful dark wizard who advocated pure blood and was strong enough.So isn’t it good to strike first?This kind of thing is really to act first to be strong and then to suffer.

"So there's the crux of the matter. They're hungry for Voldemort. In this life-and-death struggle, one side has to be dead. Unless that's the case, at the right moment, the old Dark Lord will repeat itself."

"Is it necessary? I don't want to kill anyone!"

At this point, Lao Deng became a little frightened, a little frightened, but also a little angry.To be honest, Dumbledore has always liked the so-called reconciliation.Although he has been calling for equality in the magical world, he has not tried to make any changes.Of course, Kepf can partially understand this.

"I can understand your thinking, principal. But I can't agree. No one can live as they did in the past. Organizational form is the same as life. The consequence of stopping evolution is death."

"Therefore, Voldemort is inflammation. He is not the problem itself, nor is it the cause of the problem. It is a manifestation of society itself trying to solve the problem and the problem becoming more intense. However, judging from the results, this does not solve the existing problem but instead New problems have been added. Loss has been inflicted for little gain.”

To be honest, Kepf could understand Dumbledore's conservatism and caution.Although Dumbledore has not studied economics, Dumbledore's approach is very consistent with economics.His conservative style and opinions are not groundless.

The wizards in the world of Harry Potter are completely different from the magicians of the Spiral Hall in the Moon World.Even when the latter had the smallest number of people, there were more than 10,000 people.And an army was formed under the banner of higher-level beings, namely the immortals.Spiral Pavilion has the nature of this kind of military organization.

The magicians were organized to increase the bargaining power of all members, making Gaia quite afraid of these guys.And a large enough number also allows these guys to have the cost of bold innovation and trial and error.They have a large population, perhaps tens of millions or even hundreds of millions as of today... Naturally, they are not afraid of trial and error.

But look at the wizards in the Harry Potter world!The organizational form is very backward, and the educational level is extremely low.More than half of the employees of the Ministry of Magic are unable to cast the Iron Armor Curse!The army has never been seen before.

Then the population is even more hilarious!There are less than [-] wizards in the UK and less than [-] wizards in Europe!Other magic schools in Europe are far inferior to Hogwarts. Durmstrang and Kodosdorez have blood discrimination, and pure hemps basically cannot get education!

(End of this chapter)

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