Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 334 From Landlord to Agricultural Capitalist

Chapter 334 From Landlord to Agricultural Capitalist

"Now on to the next question. Say what you want to say, ma'am."

"I assume there were no minutes of the meeting in the hotel? How did you know I had other issues to discuss?"

Then talk about something else.Well, when Kepf stated his words directly, the woman was even a little surprised.Looking around, this room has luxurious decoration, crystal chandeliers, and a big bed where senior bureaucrats and family elders can have sex with their mistresses...but there are no meeting minutes that can explain this matter, right?
Therefore, the woman was curious about how Kaishi learned this quickly.But at this time, it was not convenient for her to say anything.

"So you don't actually need to hide anything from me. Nothing can be hidden from my eyes. Tell me, madam, how much tax does the Ruan family contract?"

"Um, um... ok...tea tax, forestry tax...and some mining tax and sparse taxes. It's not too much for a wealthy family."

"This will definitely not work. It cannot continue like this. If people cannot be liberated from the shackles of Chamindar, then the new production method will be a castle in the air. What will be built is just a few new-style houses."

Looks like it's all over?He obtained enough technical personnel through the Victoria family and European collaborators. If this was not enough, he had Su Lu and Shao Zheng to make up for it.

There are educated engineers and a market.There are three things left, one is the origin of raw materials, which is what he is doing now.Obtain enough raw material sources by conquering those wild mountains.This is not a big problem.Then there are two things left.

The second thing is the force sufficient to protect oneself from outside aggression.This is no longer a problem.The knives of him, Astraea, Saga and others have been sharpened extremely quickly... Then there is a third thing left, and this problem must be solved.

Otherwise, the industrial machine will definitely not be able to rotate!The problem is manpower!Engineers can be used to develop new technologies and engage in daily management of industrial facilities, but there are still enough workers with basic qualities to engage in production!The source of this worker is more problematic...

Well, Kepf originally thought it was not a problem.But after he became the president of the Clock Tower Magic Association in the ancient capital, he found that there was a big gap between his ideal and reality... A new problem popped up again!

"Is this a big problem?"

Seeing the change in Kepf's face, the woman visibly became nervous.This can be regarded as a high-ranking official, and he has many records that can be queried.This guy rarely talks about difficulties, but as long as he asks for something, then this thing is almost a necessity.And when he said it was difficult, it basically meant that the success rate of this matter was not high!
Since this man never fails, the woman must pay attention to the difficulties he talks about!This is not something that can be taken lightly!

"The real power of the so-called industrialized mass production is that it greatly improves production efficiency and eliminates individual production in the past. But if Chaiminda still exists, there is nothing we can do about it."

Yes!That's the problem!Due to the existence of aristocratic families in this plane, the Chaiminda system is generally implemented in taxation!This is the so-called tax farming system... Of course, the family cannot be entirely blamed for this, there is also the influence of monsters in the wild.

Demons are rampant in this plane and run rampant in the wild.Human beings are trapped in cities, like isolated islands.Economic exchanges are not frequent, at least not as frequent as in the Xingyue World.Also because of the existence of demons, transportation is not very developed, and there are very few railways and roads!
However, even so, there are still some things that need to be done, such as collecting taxes... But this creates a new problem.How to collect this tax?The tax in the city is a little better, after all, you don’t have to go out into the wild.

You only need to focus on the half-human, half-ghost dark creatures entrenched in the city, and collecting city taxes is not a big problem.However, human beings are not limited to cities, but also small towns, villages and urban-rural combinations.How are taxes collected in these places?

And this is very troublesome... After all, the wild is a paradise for monsters, and you can't expect every village to have a defense force comparable to the imperial capital.And not all civil servants can reach the magic level of Su Lu and Shao Zheng. In fact, many civil servants who issue documents may not be magicians!

That would be more troublesome.After all, rural people will not leave their villages easily because of the existence of demons.I am afraid that I will be eaten by unknown monsters in the wild.In this case, the economy is self-sufficient, and the only way you can collect taxes is in kind.I just want money anyway!

Well, for this kind of thing that you can't do but have to do, the only solution is to contract it out and let others do it for you!But there are also international organizations and families from various places, such as the Magic Association, the Hunters Alliance, the Ocean Alliance, and the Holy Inquisition Tribunal!These guys have no obligation or power to tax, but they have the power of wealth.

For this reason, Chai Mindar came into being!In addition to their own industries, all the major families have more or less elements of Zaiminda.However, this point is very difficult to handle, very difficult to handle!

“If the Chamindars are not eliminated, or at least the rural people are slightly loosened from the shackles of the Chamindars, then industrialization will be out of the question!”

alright!The system seems perfect.The country has received taxes and solved the problem of not being able to collect taxes.However, what is the cost of applying classic lines from Warcraft?What's the cost of doing this?

Let's not talk about anything else. The biggest price for Kepf in this matter is that industrial development is stuck at the last step... Kepf can make peace with other things, but when it comes to his factory, it is absolutely impossible. No more!
"Dear Madam, this is not a sufficient condition, but it is a necessary condition. If this necessary condition cannot be met, then nothing will be possible."

To explain it in the simplest terms, as long as this thing exists for a day, the factory will not find anyone to work!
(End of this chapter)

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