Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 349 Half official and half bandit

Chapter 349 Half official and half bandit
Lingling's drawing skills are pretty good.In order to improve her cartography skills, she also took a two-week cartography class with Kepf.The map drawn is not too abstract, in short it is still understandable.

Several people carried or carried backpacks and fallen patients, hurriedly and slowly, and finally got to the place before these elderly people became ill.Well, luckily I arrived quickly, otherwise I might have run out of oxygen!
Looking at the village again, this village is not much different from other small villages.Well, okay, it’s not much different from other Indian villages.However, all the people living in the village are mages. A quick look shows that there are not many people there. At most, there are more than a hundred people living there.

The village has no boundaries, only simple wooden fences.But thinking about it, there is no need for a barrier.Because neither demons nor mages are stupid.These humans dare to settle here in an organized manner because they have support.You have to be very stubborn to try to see what they rely on?
As long as they are not competing for the limited food and water sources, then let these humans do it!Therefore, it is actually okay not to set up a barrier.There are dozens of wooden wheelbarrows placed inside the simple wooden fence, some of which even have unloaded items.

It is completely conceivable that neither animals nor cars work well here!Too cold a climate can cause steel to lose its toughness, and too low air pressure can cause the engine to collapse.As for taming animals?Haven't you seen that all the local monarch-level monsters are as big as cats?

The harsh local conditions make it impossible to have enough feed and drinking water for these tame animals!Then the only way is to transport it by manpower in the most primitive way, and just buy some wooden wheelbarrows to use.Kepf understands this.

There is a well in the village, a rare resource in the Himalayas.And a modern hospital that doesn’t match the overall style of the small village.Of course, if this hospital wants to operate, it can only rely on human power to generate electricity.After all, you can't expect to be able to pull a power line or build a power plant here.

"Huh? Are you a rare traveler?"

"Help us. My companion has altitude sickness. Needs help. Well, here you go, you'll get paid for it."

As if sensing their arrival, some men and women emerged from the wooden houses.At first glance, it seems that the general level of cultivation is not low, almost everyone has reached the level of a high-level mage.There are even more than ten super mages!
A strong man wearing heavy clothes came over and helped put down the luggage of Kepfu and others.And help patients who are carried around their waists, carried on their backs, or held in their arms to land smoothly.Immediately, he hit Kepf's waist with his elbow.

This move is extremely social.But there’s nothing wrong with it, Kepf understands.He directly took out Old Man Bao's Hunting King emblem and handed it over. The Hunting King's mark cannot be faked, and everyone knows what this emblem means!

"We need some polar medicine. We also need treatment, and we also need to stay here for a while to adapt to the plateau environment."

"What are you doing?"

"Ah. I'm a professor at Pearl University in Shanghai, China. I took over a university project and brought people here to do scientific research. But they don't seem to be used to this condition."

Morgan frowned when she heard this, but Abedo, who was more social to a certain extent, pushed her waist.Signal Morgan to restrain himself temporarily.

"Professor. That's a real big shot. Not like us unlucky guys."

"We will stay for about three weeks. I wonder if there is a room available? Don't worry, the benefits will not be lost."

"Let me see...Singer, is there another room available?"

Money can make the world go round.After knowing that there were many benefits, the leading man called another person.This man covered his head with a blue turban, wore a ceremonial dagger, and had bracelets on his hands. Combined with this name, it is not difficult to tell that he is a Sikh.The latter gave an affirmative answer.

"Three weeks is totally fine. Bock and the others went out to buy supplies and came back almost a month later. Therefore, there is still an empty room available for three weeks. Of course, the four of them have to squeeze into one room."

"Come on! I just don't know if you have an alembic here? Besides being a professor, I'm also a potion master."

"Do you still know about potions? Those things are also available in the hospital. We prepared several sets when we came here. But none of us know about potions, and potion materials are even more scarce in this damn place. If you want If you use it, just use it yourself.”

Totally understandable.In a place like this, the first thing to buy is food.Although a mage can meditate for several months without eating or drinking, you are here to make money!I have to go out to work during the day!And the magic potion?It is better to buy the finished product and use it directly.It’s very troublesome to bring a bunch of miscellaneous herbs.

"Okay. Thank you very much. Um, help me get the equipment and take it into the house."

While saying this, Kepf motioned for Abedo to bring a full set of equipment.After bringing over a bunch of bottles and jars, several people sat in one of the thatched houses.Some things cannot be said in front of outsiders!that's all!

"What are you planning, my husband?"

Just now, Morgan could feel the vague malice of these people.As a fairy, she is born with the ability to sense these things.But she really couldn’t tell what the malicious intent was!Because Morgan doesn't have a lot of experience dealing with humans.

Knowledge of human society is even scarcer.Therefore, although he is a genius, Kepf still needs to point out some things.

"Want to eat pan-sword noodles or wontons?"

"Uh, uh hmm?"

Well, Kepf's words successfully fooled the remaining three people!I can tell that this is a slang, but I can’t understand what this slang means!
"Don't you all read classics? Your literary literacy needs to be improved. Even Water Margin contains such slang."

"Okay, stop talking about this, just tell them what they want to do, right?"

Mu Ningxue was confused about this.As the eldest lady of a wealthy family, how could she have the leisure to do such a thing?In fact, she also wanted to know, why did Kepf still have time to read novels?
And, she wanted to know, on what basis did Kepf make this judgment?She is not stupid, but in terms of experience, she is several levels behind Kepf.She wanted to know how Kepf made this judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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