Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 361 Battle of the Gods (2)

Chapter 361 Battle of the Gods (2)

The same thing in the hands of different people is absolutely different!And this time Astraea finally understood what it means to be a top mage!

Under the control of the spell, the goddess opened her eyes again.The real Astraea doesn't understand what kind of power is contained in her body, but as a magician, Kepfu knows much better than herself!
For example, in the original world line, the leader of a small cult or the godfather of the Uzbek Church could have enough power to create a supreme monarch-level Titan.As a goddess, Astraea has the faith of countless people in the world, so this is naturally within reach!However, Astraea herself does not understand how to use this.

She was not trained!In a sense, her becoming a goddess is also the result of rushing to the shelves.Simply Kepf will teach her!

Grab those invisible golden threads that hold people's thoughts in your hands.The power of the goddess is much stronger than that of the godfather of the Uzbek Church. The latter cannot directly absorb faith and needs a transfer ceremony.But as a goddess, you don’t need to be like this, you can do it as soon as you activate your ultimate move!
And this power is indeed powerful.It was so powerful that even emperors as far away as Antarctica could feel the vibrations of the white magic in the Himalayas.Under normal circumstances, no one would think that white magic has lethality, but this time, the Qinglong Yanyue Sword opened the eyes!

The blizzard was driven away by the sheer power of blessing.It can even cause huge changes in the climate and environment outside the Himalayas.But this is not enough.At this time, Astraea can probably understand the meaning of the goddess!
"The power of a goddess!"

The opponent is a spirit, or an elemental demon, and it is an elemental demon whose nature is close to that of a ghost.The usual methods are not very effective.Fortunately, the Goddess does not only have the blessing system, she is also the most powerful psychic mage!The powerful spiritual power brought by divine power is also unparalleled.

It can even reach the level of interfering with reality with spiritual power and creating things out of thin air!Under this blow, the Himalayan emperor was severely beaten...

"Like a bug!"

You can't kill something that doesn't exist.After the initial psychic collision, Kepfu changed his strategy, and at the same time showed Astraea how the master of the psychic system fought.Some methods commonly used by necromancers or poison mages can also be imitated by psychic mages!

Under the power of the goddess, the emperor's figure became smaller, smaller, smaller and smaller.In the end, under the surprised eyes of a group of people, it turned into a worm... Well, Mu Ningxue at the side understood the threat that Kepf often used.

He's not kidding when he says imprisoning a man's soul in a rotting body and turning him into an obedient ghoul!With the ultimate spiritual power, everything is possible!This is the case now, the emperor of the Himalayas was twisted into a tiny caterpillar by the divine power of the goddess!
Then he died under the goddess's boots and was trampled to pieces!The dead one is no different from an ordinary caterpillar!This lesson is really profound. Whether it is Mu Ningxue, Ye Xinxia or Astraea, their spiritual cultivation is very high, but they are unable to use their mental power so superbly.

"I never thought I was so powerful."

When an emperor died at his feet, Astraea felt as if she had also absorbed his power.Let’s not talk about this for now.The point is, Astraea never thought that a psychic mage could reach such a height!
"You still have a lot to learn. We can talk about these later. The important thing is to let me get my things first."

Through the powerful earthquake magic specially prepared for this purpose, the mountain can be easily shaken down.After all, there are many treasures hanging on this mountain, and these things are also a rare treasure.Then on a mountain that was not completely broken, Kepf got what he dreamed of!

"This is it!"

An azure eye with a frozen earth inside.He worked hard for this for a long time, and now he finally got it!The third divine eye!
"This is the fragment of the root?"

Morgan was also interested.She didn't take action just now.Since he wanted to give some advice and teaching to these juniors, he could just watch from the side.Anyway, these things are just small scenes for the magician, and they are far from hurting him.

"Yes. We can study it after we go back. Now, the important thing is to effectively occupy this place."

"Effective occupation?"

"Yes. It's definitely not just about planting the Asian Speaker's flag on the mountain. But if there is a city that belongs to us, then everyone else must admit that this is ours!"

right!That's the one!When he mentioned the city, everyone including the relatively slow Mu Ningxue finally understood.When wiping out the undead empire in the ancient capital, Kepfu bribed the Nine Nether Queen at that time and made the Nine Nether Queen rebel internally, trapping the ancient king to death and capturing the ancient king's palace.

It is a magnificent, floating palace.Of course, it is said to be a palace, but in fact it is not much different from a small city in terms of scale!He didn't take this thing out before, but found a way to hide it after capturing it.Now, you can take it out and use it!

Due to the ability of space transfer, even if it is controlled remotely, it only takes a moment to get in place.Of course, he had cleaned up the undead surging inside and outside the abyss beforehand.These things look like an eyesore.Under the guidance of Kepf, he entered the interior of Shayuan, where someone has been waiting for a long time.

"You succeeded."

The resurrected Nine Nether Queen, who was installed in the body of a higher-level Valkyrie, and the current Valkyrie Brunhild welcomed his arrival and congratulated them on their success.

"I have prepared wine and am waiting for your arrival. This will become a new ancient capital, or an imperial capital."

She had been looking forward to this day for a long time.A little worried, but very much looking forward to it.Everyone present knows that after today, it can almost be said to be a brand new era!
"Cheers to our victory!"

This expedition is not difficult.Although there are twists and turns, it is not difficult.What is really difficult is the calculations and compromises behind it.However, everything is in the past.Even he could relax and have a drink now.Prepare yourself for the coming storm!
(End of this chapter)

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