Chapter 367 World Line Change

Although Ding Yumian does not know her final fate in the original work, after all, her level is still a bit low and there is no system.But Ding Yumian is not deaf, blind, or stupid. Many things are obvious to her.Kepf just pierced the last layer of window paper.

She wanted to pack up and prepare to leave the university that had sheltered her for a long time and take a look outside.Ding Yumian's behavior reminded Shajia of herself a few years ago...

"Can she do it?"

"It's definitely possible. If you can do it, she can do it too. As a disaster seeker, she's much smarter than you think. Without that intelligence, even if Pearl Academy wants to protect her, she won't be able to protect her."

If Ding Yumian's emotional intelligence was as low as Mo Fan's, would she still be able to stay here safely to this day?It goes without saying that her IQ is very high, but her emotional intelligence is equally high.Otherwise, if she gets into trouble every three days like Mo Fan, Dean Xiao will have no choice but to let go and say, "Bless yourself."

And with her cultivation, she wouldn't really suffer anything.Don't underestimate her too much. If she and Su Lu were to fight in a duel and Su Lu didn't recruit troops, then Su Lu really couldn't do it!

As for whether there is anyone Kepf is optimistic about who is worthy of being promoted to an archangel?After all, Ding Yumian only has two archangels to settle accounts with now.There are still five positions available!
In fact, Kepf thinks that it is not impossible to consider letting Mu Bai become one of the archangels, right?Of course, he still had to observe Mu Bai's words.After all, he doesn't have that much free time of his own.

That's it!As the Speaker of Asia, how can he have so much free time!Last time he contacted Mu Bai as a professor at Gudu University, and he felt quite satisfied with the latter.But now he doesn't know how Mu Bai is doing.

Let Empress Jiuyou investigate this matter and write a report to him.that's all!You can let this matter go for now.Now he needs to deal with the affairs of the southwest families.

That's what I thought.That's what I thought.But back when Shayuan was just about to sort out all kinds of materials and information, a phone call from Shajo Aige made him a little unbearable.

"Hello? It's you, Ai Ge, what's the matter?"

"There is one thing. I can finish it in one sentence here."

"Say it directly."

"Mo Fan is dead. That's it."

how to say?This is unexpected.But this matter itself is not a small matter. The protagonist of the original work, Mo Fan, died.

It was enough for Kepf to temporarily stop working and check his phone for three hours to see the news about Mo Fan.Although it is far less nourishing than the original work, Mo Fan is also a member of the national government. If Mo Fan dies, there should be news.

Then I brushed it for a long time before I got it.After a rough look, he was killed by a pseudo-dragon during a hunting mission of the Jin Zhan Hunter Group.Um!that's all!The number of views is not high, after all, the current front page headlines are the destruction of the ancestral family and the annihilation of the Himalayan emperor by the Asian Speaker.

But the message itself is worth pondering!For example, Mo Fan has returned to his rightful place due to his strength.

Not a son of the plane or the protagonist, but a high-level mage.A high-level mage with some outstanding talents.According to the logic of this plane, it is common for a high-level mage to die, but what about the so-called genius?Are there too many geniuses who die before they grow up?
The number of undeveloped geniuses like Mo Fan who die in infancy every year is calculated in dozens.That's right, not surprising at all.But, well, Kepf always feels that there are still changes in this matter.

So he had two more things to do.The first thing is to go to see Xinxia and Mu Ningxue.Do this first.

"There you are! My husband!"

Well, whether it is Xinxia or Mu Ningxue, they will practice when they have nothing to do.The two of them are not social butterflies like Astraea.When Kepfu saw the two of them this time, they were also practicing.

As the palace of the First Emperor, there are also places for cultivation inside Shayuan.Repair, repair and tidy up and it will still be usable.Of course, there is no such thing as getting stronger, it is just a decent training ground.The best place for cultivation in the First Emperor's time is probably just like that today.After all, times are progressing.

But as long as it works.Xinxia and Mu Ningxue also felt good about doubling their cultivation speed.So I kept practicing.To be honest, Kepf's performance in the Himalayas really surprised them both.It only took a few turns to destroy an emperor.

In order not to be left too far behind, you must work harder!Well, if Kai Shi himself hadn't disturbed them, they would have practiced for ten days and a half!
"There's something. It's not too big. But I feel the need to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Mo Fan is dead. Died during a hunter mission."

As for whether Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia can accept this fact?Mu Ningxue was a little indifferent. After all, Mo Fan had almost no place in Mu Ningxue's heart.The cultivation of the two determines that they are not from the same world at all.Ye Xinxia, ​​on the other hand, felt a little sad.

Well, it's just a little sad.Because Xinxia knows that now is not the time to engage in love between children.Kepf has been protecting her, but to forge iron you need to be strong. She can't live under his protection all her life!As for Mo Fan?Then I can only apologize.There is sadness, but it cannot be said that there is no sadness.

"I can't comfort you two about this. I can't comfort anyone. You can only comfort yourself."

that's all!Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia didn't have the qualifications to love each other as children, and he didn't even have it!That's what it means to be in one's place and seek his own government!Then, he was going to patronize his own system.

"You visit the system frequently enough for it to grow mushrooms."

"Cut the nonsense! It's time to get to work!"

"Okay, okay, okay, okay! You told me to do it! What do you want to do?"

"Go and pay attention to that Mo Fan. I suspect there is something wrong with that Mo Fan."


Reminiscent of the time traveler Hermione he saw in the Harry Potter plane, Kepf wondered whether the dead Mo Fan would also be a time traveler!After all, judging from the news he got from his system, although everyone is shouting about the time traveler business, there are indeed a lot of people!
It would be best if there were no time travelers to cause trouble.But if there are other time travelers occupying the body of the dead Mo Fan, then Kepfu will have to find a way to deal with this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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