Chapter 369 Sea King Skeleton
He doesn't have time to play tricks on these aristocratic families.A big battle is about to break out in the Magic City.Both Shao Zhenghua Zhanhong and him attach great importance to this big battle that is about to break out!In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that this great battle determined the subsequent maritime war!
And the Siren did not keep him waiting too long.A week after he ended his negotiations with the southwest aristocratic families, this tentative offensive campaign began!The demons that came to invade Shanghai can be seen now.

Not an emperor, but an invincible monarch!Of course, using an invincible monarch to test the reality of the magical city of Shanghai is definitely a sign of sincerity.And this invincible monarch is the skeleton of Neptune who should have appeared three years later in the original work and attacked the Magic City...

Of course, the invincible monarch did not rush to attack after he arrived.At this time, you should first observe what formations the humans on the opposite side have set up.The intelligence of demons of this level is at least as good as that of humans, and probably much higher than humans.On the Oriental Pearl Wizard Tower, Kepfu was also observing the Neptune skeleton...

"President...We can't go on like this...Now people are panicked, and we must fight back."

In the spherical conference room at the top of the Oriental Pearl Mage Tower, a middle-aged mage wearing black gold robes sounded anxious.He looked at the leader and president of the Oriental Pearl Wizard Tower with his face half-hidden in the black robe and his longing eyes.And hope he will make a decision immediately.

Those who can stand here are all the highest-ranking mages in this country.Including Pang Lai, the chief of the ancient palace, Dean Xiao, the principal of the Forbidden Mage Pearl Academy who hides his identity, Old Hunter Bao, the old hunting king, Min Wu, the president and chief Forbidden Mage of the Oriental Pearl Mage Tower, as well as the Speaker of Asia and those who have served as Kepfu, the president of the Ancient Capital Clock Tower Magic Association.

The person who just spoke was a top man, one of the unlucky ones who died in the sneak attack of the Dragon King and the Mother Ant in the original book...but what he said now made sense.

The appearance of the Neptune Skull and the government's cowardice and inaction have greatly shaken the government's prestige and credibility. If something like this happened in Shanghai, an international metropolis, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has shaken the very foundation of this country!If it continues to be unresolved, the government's prestige will continue to be undermined...

And this is unacceptable!After all, the people are not blind. A monster like a hill stands at the exit of Shanghai. This can be seen by everyone.They must come up with a solution!
"The more we get to this time, the more calm we must be! Before the decisive battle begins, any unexpected losses are unacceptable! Do you understand what I mean?"

President Min Wu's deep voice sounded in the ball-shaped conference room, and he choked back all the other words that the top man in black and gold robes had to say.Although what Min Wu said was hard to hear, it made sense.

The top person and the forbidden curse are both used and one is missing. If there is an unexpected loss, the subsequent battle will be really difficult!And who can tell clearly whether there is an emperor-level force behind the Neptune skeleton?
Of course, the Kraken didn't pull out the army.This means that this time it is not the final battle.But if the Kraken has the ability to kill a Forbidden Mage or a top person who makes a mistake, then they will definitely be happy to do it!What they are doing now is not children's play, it is not something that can be ended by saying stop and end!

They are responsible for this beautiful country until the end of their lives.Therefore any rashness and impatience are undesirable.However, things always have to be done, and the person in the black gold robe is telling the truth. This problem must be solved!
"But on the other hand, it is also unknown how much power we can muster at one time with the Kraken. The constraints and fears are exactly the same for both of us."

"What do you think the ancient mayor has to say?"

Kepf spoke.This opening was like a light in the darkness, attracting everyone's attention.President Min Wu also lowered his attitude a little and asked for advice from a younger generation.

The status of the ancient city chief is not as high as that of the demon city chief.But Kepfu is more powerful than Min Wu.Min Wu didn't know how strong he was. Like Su Lu and Shao Zheng, he was in the Schrödinger state before the actual war started.

Rushing into battle can have dire consequences.Needless to say, the first one is your own death.No one who has climbed to this position has spared his life.The second point is that the war situation and the government's prestige have collapsed.

But Kepf is different. He has already demonstrated his strength with actual results.If he takes action, he may not be able to take advantage in a hurry, but he won't suffer any big losses.For this reason, his status is higher than that of himself, the president of the Pearl Mage Tower.

In addition, this man has extraordinary military knowledge.Maybe he has already thought of a way to deal with it?Therefore, President Min Wu must listen to what he has to say.

"The Siren Emperors also don't dare to gamble, and they are also very guilty! They don't know that in just one week, we can gather several top people and several forbidden spells here!"

Kepf knows that some people have become the puppets of the Kraken, but he cannot say this yet. On the one hand, there is no evidence, and on the other hand, saying it here may lead to a terrifying counter-revolutionary movement... Throughout history, none of the counter-revolutionary movements achieved very good results!Many innocent people and our own people were killed in the purge of counter-revolutionaries!

But even if there is a mole, Kepf can guarantee that the Siren cannot figure out how many Forbidden Magic mages are gathered in the Demon City now!Because not all people at the level of Forbidden Mage stay in the system, there are also Forbidden Mage who are hiding like Old Man Bao and Dean Xiao, or who are running around the world after retiring.

Under this situation, Kepf did not believe that the Siren could tell how many forbidden spells there were in the Demon City!And as long as you understand this, things will be easier to handle!
"What does the ancient mayor mean?"

"Just let me go! If the top person goes out, he is very likely to be eaten. But the Forbidden Curse Mage is different. If we directly send the Forbidden Curse to fight, the sea monster will definitely be afraid and will definitely think about how many forbidden spells are concentrated in the Demon City now. Conjurer."

"That also makes sense."

This containment is also mutual.If the emperor-level emperor who is hiding behind the siren wants to take action, he must kill him instantly with one move and then escape quickly!Because the Kraken is also not ready for a full-scale war, the Emperor is here just to see if there is any advantage to take advantage of.And if you don't take advantage of it, but instead take advantage of yourself, it will be a big loss!

(End of this chapter)

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