Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 373 Pan-American Conference

Chapter 373 Pan-American Conference
After fighting a battle, whether it is a victory or a defeat, summarizing experiences and lessons is the most important thing.This is essential.

And, he also hunted something very useful this time.The skeleton of Neptune and the divine bird with the same name were completely shattered under his magic and turned into a pile of bone powder.In this case, Mo Fan's Heart of Fire in the original work is naturally out of the question.

But maybe this is better for him, right?After all, he did not agree with those so-called great mages. Improving the quality of the soldiers as soon as possible was the top priority.With the bone meal of the divine bird and Neptune's skeleton, he can also do some interesting things.

Of course, let’s put these things aside for now.These things must be done, but they are not the most important.Several brothers came to visit him and offer him victor's congratulations.And he had to see these people, because these people were different from Shao Zheng...

"Welcome! My friends!"

"Congratulations to you too! Your career has taken another step forward, gracing people from London to Tokyo."

The visitors were several nobles.Including the noble who first came into contact with him, a descendant of the Taft family.Well, he has now advanced to become a super mage.

There is another person.Also came with gifts.Kepf could easily identify him from the emblem he showed.He is also a German nobleman, from the Mecklenburg family in North Germany...

These nobles have been working with him for a long time.Both sides have benefited greatly from these cooperations.Recently, he has also advanced a new collaborative project.Further expand the scope of communication.

Not only limited to the exchange of finance, technology and capital, Kepf also plans to let these guys help handle his army!He wants to build a new army, but the more troublesome thing is that he has no relevant talents under his command.

Lu Huan is the leader of the special forces and is not well suited to the training of the regular army.It turns out that one of Lu Xu and Shi Zheng was responsible for collecting intelligence, and the other was responsible for personnel work in the army. Their understanding of training new recruits and non-commissioned officers was also limited.That’s not to say it can’t be used, but there is a problem with efficiency.

But he needed a well-trained army.Then the only way is to introduce external forces, find these guys, and let them help train a core force!There was no way. Although he had received military education, it was just that. When it came to specific tactics, Kepf was afraid of changing things beyond recognition...

These things have been agreed upon and will not change.So, what are these two doing here?Kepf is really curious.After a few pleasantries, Kepf got straight to the point!

"Is there any good business today?"

"That's true. Someone wants to negotiate a good deal with you."

"So that's it. You are here to be the middlemen. Their status must be very extraordinary."

That's right.Kepf understood a little bit.The two people in front of me are here to act as intermediaries to help promote a cooperation.As for why we still need a middleman?
What is certain is that the identity of the person opposite is also extraordinary.Because any dispute or unpleasantness with the Asian speaker in public will bring additional losses.At his level, there is no need to ask for it, it is enough to make many self-righteous guys unable to eat and walk away...

When the two bosses meet, you talk about yours and I talk about mine?How is that possible?You have to first test the caliber through an intermediary, gain some basic consensus, and understand some concerns!
"That's right. The invitations are here. There are two in total. One is from the Pan-American Conference, and the other is a private invitation from the bosses of the American consortium."

"Ah. It's the Americans. I already understand what the Americans think. In this maritime war, the Americans are also unable to survive alone. Their past geographical advantages no longer exist in this war."

The United States, also known as Citigroup, is regarded as a special country by various public figures on the Internet and has been touted... Let's not talk about this for now.From Kepf's own point of view, the United States does have something special.

But this special feature is in American hardware.What about the leadership of the United States?They are definitely good people, like Nixon, Reagan, and Roosevelt, they are all capable people.But this does not mean that there is a clear gap between their leadership level and that of other major powers.The problem still lies with the United States itself.

The United States is isolated in America, not on the world island, and has long been isolated from the core spheres of influence of other powers.This gave the United States a chance to grow.At the same time, the United States itself is both a continental country and a super island country.

The huge size of the United States means that the navy alone cannot destroy the United States. It would also require an army of at least tens of millions to achieve this.But the traditional mainland powers are also unable to defeat the United States, because the United States is surrounded by oceans on both sides, and the army alone cannot reach it!

The location is a perfect one!At the same time, the internal conditions in the United States are also very strong. In this dimension, the feudal power of the United States is weaker than other countries, and the internal natural conditions and resource conditions are better than other countries.When the powers on the world island are strong, the United States can stay in the Americas, relying on its rich resources, excellent geographical conditions and not so many internal demons to stay in seclusion.

When the mainland's powers are generally in decline, the United States attacks everywhere to dominate the world!This country is destined to be a big country.The same is true in this plane.

The United States is insulated from the power of most demonic empires, and is also insulated from the power of other great powers.When the major powers and monster empires are fooling around, Americans are going everywhere to pick up foreign goods.This is also why the common currency of this plane is still the US dollar. Except for the United States, it is difficult for other countries to issue a world-wide currency.

But this time, it doesn’t work!Well, Americans were surprised to find that in this maritime era, the United States seems to be unable to stay out of the situation and live its own life behind closed doors as before.Because this time, the previous geographical advantage has expired!

Let alone Hawaii. Until now, Americans don’t care about those overseas islands at all.The key is still the United States.This time, Americans have to face the attacks from the left and right of two Kraken empires, the Pacific and the Atlantic...

After the outpost battle between Kepf and Neptune Skeleton ended, the Americans were even more frightened!Although Kepf won easily, he was one of the most powerful mages.The power of the Pacific Empire also surprised Americans.Such a big monster is thrown out to explore the way. You can imagine how many big monsters there are behind the scenes...

(End of this chapter)

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