Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 377 Fishing in troubled waters

Chapter 377 Fishing in troubled waters
"Damn it! Are those people Mexicans or Americans?! If you can't make them quiet down today, just wait to step down!"

"I authorize you to use all armed forces except the military to deal with this matter!"

Well, it is naturally impossible to let this matter go.Kepf is a foreigner. Although he has a respected status, he still does as he pleases in American territory.The news that these hooligans robbed the Asian speaker who was hiding his identity was sent to the mayor of San Francisco and the president of the Magic Association in less than two hours.

Faced with this news, the local power players were really crazy!Although Kepf did not officially announce his visit, and there would be no loud gongs, drums, and firecrackers during the secret activities, one thing is certain. The occurrence of this incident will definitely have a great impact on the world on the other side of the Pacific. Dude’s idea!
And even if it is out of sincerity, or to appease the other party's needs.As the mayor, he is going to be captured... so the mayor of San Francisco can be said to have broken the defense and gone crazy!
"Please calm down, calm down..."

Similarly, under this kind of situation, the president of the Magic Association of San Francisco cannot escape!But it has happened, what can you do?He can't ask Lord Kepf to do it in large quantities, can he?Who are you?
Therefore, he could only stay with Kepf in a very low profile, bearing no matter what happened next, looking like a scared quail.Well, this is difficult enough for a top person!
As for Kepf himself?Well, he is not angry because of this matter. If he would be angry because of this kind of thing, then Kepf would not have to do anything else and just be angry all day long... Of course, having said that, he still has to do it externally. Show displeasure to give yourself more leverage.

"Such a thing could happen to an envoy."

"Those Mexicans and Africans are really annoying. But the attitude of the United States towards you has not changed. You must believe that."

"But this incident has greatly affected my attitude towards the United States!"

Faced with Kepf's displeasure, the president of the magic association in an international metropolis simply shivered.If the big shots' plans really went awry because of this, he wouldn't be able to escape!However, he can't say anything or do anything now!
What can he do?Can he represent America?Or can it compensate Kepf for his misfortune?He can't do anything!He could only go back to the Magic Association, use his own line to contact the big shots at the top, and ask the Secretary of State or someone else to take over the matter.

As for Kepf himself, well, it seems that he has one more job to do.That is to find out the origins of these gangsters... Don't laugh!If it were in other countries, such a thing would naturally be irrelevant, but this is the United States!

There is a famous novel "The Godfather" in the [-]th century, which made a super publicity for the American underworld, or the bottom community.Of course, a novel is a novel, and the mafia in reality is not omnipotent.But, the so-called art comes from reality and is higher than reality. In the United States, stories like the poor brothers are worthy of special mention in a sense.

It is no exaggeration to say that the story of the old godfather Don Vido has been repeated again and again in the United States.Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.Although it is a country of immigrants, there are also different levels of people in the United States.

For example, the Sicilians in the novel The Godfather were one of the lowest status groups in the United States at that time.The reason is that their educational level is generally low, they have no skills, and they also believe in Catholicism that is different from the Protestantism in mainstream American society. All of the above destined this group to have a low status and stay away from mainstream American society.

It can be said that if it were not for being white, Sicilians would not necessarily have a higher status than the earlier black slaves.But this status is also extremely low, and it can also be violated, plundered, and even killed at will.It was a time when there was no human rights.

So what to do?Do Sicilians also want to live?Hence the godfather.The Godfather himself was also a Sicilian immigrant. When he first came to the United States, his status was not higher than that of other immigrants. However, he was smart, capable, and brave, and proved that he could be the boss.

He was the first to stand out and became rich through dirty business.Then he went to help his fellow villagers, that is, other Sicilians who were still in poverty.As for why we can’t forget our fathers and fellow villagers?

You see, no matter how big the underworld is, it is still a underworld.It won't change because of scale.And since it is a gangster society, there is a possibility that it will be eliminated by mainstream society. This possibility is not low.Like the godfather, he is also planning to clear his name.

And if you want to clear your name, you can't do it if you leave Sicily.Those people have nothing but one thing at hand, votes.Only with the votes of his fellow Sicilian folks could the godfather participate in politics.

Promote those who cooperate with you to become legislators and judges.And the higher-ranking congressmen and judges will take him with him to get to know more congressmen and judges.And with more political resources, gangsters like the Godfather may be able to clear their names!It is also mentioned in the novel that the Godfather family has much more political resources than other families!

This logic continues to this day, and is not completely outdated even in the United States today.It's just that the actors were changed, from Sicilian to Indian, Mexican, or some other ethnic group.The operation is also more cautious and pays more attention to eating.That's all.

If the gang of gangsters who dared to rob him just now were just a small group of gangsters, then it would be fine.The president of the Magic Association will definitely not let a group of gangsters with no organization or background wander around who have offended foreign dignitaries.But what if it's part of an organized underworld like The Godfather?
That would be a little troublesome... After all, in the United States, votes are always valued by the president, governor, and congressmen. No one in this country can be president forever.And if the president or a critical governor were to be re-elected while the maritime war was in full swing, and military problems arose, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?

The so-called county magistrate is not as good as taking charge now!The fact that these gangsters dared to rob tourists in broad daylight proved that the situation in the United States was much more complicated than he thought.Otherwise, how could any gangster dare to show up at this sensitive stall?

(End of this chapter)

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