Chapter 74 Archangel Gabriel
As an Archangel, Sharjah's life is not as easy as most people think.

As soon as she was born, she was chosen to be an Archangel.Inherited the power of Archangel Gabriel.Although she didn't understand how this was done, nor could she figure out the archangel selection mechanism.

But she was chosen.It's a pity that Ran is not an egg, so she can't return to the Holy City when nothing happens.She can only stay with her boring cheap brother and cheap countrymen.

Attend a Rausch school.Although the Holy Academy of Ojos is a two-tiered university, in her eyes it is nothing more than a sideshow.What she really cares about and desires is the supreme magic.

Similar to the supreme magic of Emperor Ji Nan, who can challenge the entire world on his own.Therefore, when Saga knew that someone had singled out the Black Dragon Emperor, she could no longer hold back.

She is also a battle mage, and her desire to fight is even stronger than Mo Fan.Find him, find the person who defeated the Black Dragon Emperor, and then fight with him to see how close you are to the top of the world!
The goal is that simple.And her intelligence network did not disappoint her. She found the target, and the target was a hidden Chinese professor.

"How disrespectful, Professor. Your actions in subduing the Black Dragon Emperor are a model for human magicians."

"Same to you. Forbidden Curse Mage."

"If nothing else, let's fight first."

There is a big gap between this person and the old man I imagined, like Pang Lai, the mage head of the ancient court.I am not familiar with the image of a middle-aged bearded man like Shao Zheng.It was very unexpected.

Height is as tall as himself.Just like a child.However, Sharjah would not admit his mistake, the powerful, almost imminent magic power on this guy is enough to show his identity and strength!

"Before the battle, why not declare your name first?"

"That's right. Archangel Gabriel, please teach me!"

While saying this, Saga grabbed the book hanging on her waist.This is Gabriel's magic weapon, sealing her power.Kepfu was also more cooperative and did not prevent Saga from transforming, but instead supported the reflected world.

If they fight, the whole of Shanghai will be reduced to rubble.Therefore, he used space magic to weave a new world.Similar to the reflection of Shanghai.In the reflection of nothing, Sakya smiled so brightly.

"bring it on!"

After liberating Gabriel's power, Kepf was able to estimate the power of the strongest mage in this plane.Unfortunately, it was still incomparable to the Ji Nan Emperor he saw, but it was slightly better than Dean Xiao.

"Contract Summon——Black Dragon Emperor!"

However, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.He did not look down upon Saga because she was weaker, but chose a safer approach.Call the Black Dragon Emperor first!

From a summoning space door that was unimaginably large to outsiders, the roar of the Black Dragon Emperor came.First there was the huge dragon head, and then there was a body like a black mountain.Finally, there are the dragon's wings and tail.However, Sakya was not afraid of this. She was as happy as a child seeing a new toy.

"Light magic——Angel Sword!"

As an archangel, she doesn't have many other means except to subdue her opponents with her fierce attacks!She launched her attack first, summoning a giant sword.

A huge sword as big as a city, then, calling for mana, swing it with all your strength!At the same time, he also added some holy armor to himself.

"Hmm, not bad. Then I have to be more serious, old man."

Considering Saga's magic power, this attack was not bad.Then, he has to be a little more serious in order to return the favor.Use what he's good at.

"Projection Magic——Sword of Promise of Victory!"

"Transformation Magic—Slime Touch!"

Just as Merlin can transform the tide of chaos, he can also transform into magic!It's just that he is used to transforming his opponent's attacks into slimes.The kind of slime that oozes mud and pus.While disgusting the opponent, let the transformed slime help block the gun.

It also uses projection magic to create disposable curry sticks.Shoot a light cannon.

"Light magic——Angel's Spear!"

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Sharja changed her strategy.Magic in a wide area will be turned into squirming slimes by Kepf.And Kepfu's attack didn't work at all. Saga had angel wings and couldn't fly very slowly.

Then the outcome will be determined by close combat!It's just a pity. If you fight at close range, where would you put the Black Dragon Emperor?Saga's lance made of pure light was bitten by the black dragon, and the black dragon even had the energy to hit her with its claws.


"Dragon Breath——Dragon Flame!"


This set can be called a three-hit combo.First, he crushed Sharjah's gun with his teeth, and then immediately breathed out the dragon's breath. At the same time, he also knocked Sharjah down with his claws to ensure that Sharjah would not run away.

"Space magic——Confinement of space!"

"Earth magic—Eye of the Rock Demon!"

Kepf was not idle either, and used earth magic and space magic while Sharjah was a little embarrassed by the black dragon.

Space magic suppresses the gravity around Saga, making it unable to move.As for earth magic, the Eye of the Rock Demon turns the opponent to stone. Although it only takes a second or two for Saga to escape from this magic, the time gained is enough.

The real damage comes from the black dragon's breath.Although Saga's angel armor has great defensive capabilities, it is still uncomfortable to take a breath of dragon breath.Being continuously sprayed by the dragon's breath, the archangel could only die.

But the black dragon also knows how to kill you while you are sick.Kepfu suppressed the space to prevent Sharja from using the teleportation of the space system, and the black dragon used his claws to suppress Sharja to prevent Sharja from flying away.Then he breathed out dragon's breath continuously.

"Space magic——Space chaos!"

Fortunately, Sharjah is a battle mage and has quite a lot of experience.She still found a way to deal with it before the third puff of dragon's breath came out and she quit the battle.Kepfu restricted the space and prevented her from moving instantly, so she disrupted the order of the space and allowed herself to slip under the black dragon's claws.

However, this time it can be said that it played into Kepf's hands.While the spatial restraint was added to prevent Saga from using teleportation again, the black dragon flew up and swept it with its tail.

Tail Sweep has a larger attack range than Dragon Breath.In the case of being unable to move instantly, Sharjah's range of activities is very limited.Then, Kapf happily blocked every corner of Sharjah with his ultimate move.

That's the second magic!It's nothing more than smashing the opponent to death with a large amount of magic power absorbed.Since she couldn't teleport away with dimensional magic, and the black dragon's tail sweep blocked Saga's movement, there wasn't much she could do.

It's not uncomfortable to be beaten by a black dragon, so it's not a loss anyway.

 Saga in the original book is not yet at the emperor level, so she cannot actually defeat the black dragon in a duel.

(End of this chapter)

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