The Walking Dead: Rebuild

Chapter 87 Fire Dog Gang

Chapter 87 Fire Dog Gang

The next morning, the reconnaissance team headed for the Fort Benning military base set out.

Leon leaned on the back seat of the armed jeep a little listlessly, closing his eyes to catch up on some sleep.

Last night, when he was about to leave the room to find Paige, he finally couldn't stand Amy's innocent and aggrieved eyes like a little white rabbit and her silent plea while biting her lips.

He has always kept the girl's contribution in mind. If he didn't have this girl who was worthy of his trust to help him handle the government affairs in the company, he would definitely not have so much time and energy to go to various places to solve those troubles.

However, his ideal in this life is to become a great ruler. The emperor of America cannot be bound by a woman, but he believes that the wife or lover who can become a ruler must be far better than those who struggle. Women who are amidst all kinds of worldly troubles are much happier.

By the time he arrived at the presidential suite that he had booked with Peggy, it was already close to midnight. Facing the teary-eyed, softly sobbing cute girl in the room, Leon had no other choice.

Sherman, who was in charge of driving, suddenly discovered that after the big boss Mr. Custer fell asleep quietly on his seat, his sister also took the opportunity to get into the boss's arms and began to catch up on her sleep.

However, although this big guy looks like a rough guy, he was admitted to the Department of Medicine at Georgia Institute of Technology. How can his shrewdness and wisdom be so simple as it seems.

Looking at his sister, who was sleeping peacefully in the arms of his boss with a sweet smile on her face, Sherman quietly slowed down the car to make the car drive more smoothly, and at the same time sighed secretly in his heart.

He secretly admired Mr. Custer's character and ability, but as a man, he knew very well that a big shot like Mr. Custer, who stood in the center of the storm, was not a simple and kind-hearted girl like his sister. A good match.

But at this point, he could not stop his sister's decision, because Sherman, who had grown up with his sister, knew very well that buried behind the mask of his sister's simple and kind character was actually a paranoid, crazy, and desperate soul.

When Leon woke up from his sleep, less than one-tenth of the 70-kilometer journey was left. When he felt the girl still sleeping peacefully in his arms, he made no more unnecessary movements and just turned his head slightly. Observe the scenery around you.

Just judging from the surrounding roads and low-density buildings, they had arrived at Columbus, the third largest city in Georgia.

According to the information they found on the map, the Fort Benning military base is located about ten kilometers away from Columbus. Now they only need to make a detour, set foot on the suburban road, and drive a certain distance to reach the destination of this trip.

But when their convoy had just turned onto a suburban road and traveled less than 1 kilometer, they unexpectedly encountered a long-lost robbery.

Two huge trucks were blocking the road, and around the trucks were scattered dozens of survivors holding firearms.

Seeing a vehicle approaching, the leading black young man with dreadlocks was very excited. He waved a shotgun in his hand and directed the others to hide in a nearby bunker.

This suburban road is not wide and can only accommodate four cars abreast. Therefore, large vehicles are basically unable to turn around here.

The first few vehicles in Lyon's convoy were all modified military trucks. Colonel William led the team to clear the way. Facing the interception from the front, Colonel William parked the vehicle nearly a hundred meters away from the other party and confronted each other.

As the leading vehicle stopped, the entire convoy also stopped. Leon's modified jeep was located at the back of the convoy. He could only vaguely see a truck blocking the road ahead, but he had no idea what was happening in front.

When he was still confused, Colonel William's serious and old-fashioned voice came over the radio.

"General, there are unknown forces ahead, blocking our way forward."

"Suspected predators, shall we defeat them?"

While the two were still talking, the two trucks blocking the road suddenly began to reverse quickly and quickly approached Lyon's convoy at a very fast speed.

Then, less than 10 meters away, it suddenly stopped. The back door of the truck opened automatically, revealing the dark compartment inside. Along with the familiar roar, a large number of zombies began to slowly walk out of the truck compartment. .

This scene made the black man with dreadlocks in the lead a hundred meters away very excited.

This is the method they often use to deal with other survivors. They directly release the zombies hiding in the truck compartment and attack those survivors. When both the other party and the zombies are killed, they come out to pick peaches and steal all the peaches. Supplies and vehicles, and sometimes some surviving slaves.

This trick is very effective against ordinary survivors. Ordinary survivors generally have limited firearms and weapons. Facing a large number of zombies that suddenly appear not far away, they will be in a hurry, and then they will be used by looters in the distance with black guns. A sneak attack would basically kill them all within ten minutes.

However, what these predators didn't know was that what they encountered this time were the elite soldiers of the Umbrella Company. Each of them was well-equipped and skilled in fighting. Coupled with Colonel William's precise command, hundreds of zombies appeared in front of them. Like a native chicken or a tile-dog.

Following an order from Lyon who had figured out the situation, more than 20 guards on the convoy immediately burst into intensive and rhythmic submachine gun shooting.

Da da da!Da da da!
Gunshots rang out like raindrops, and in just a dozen seconds, all the zombies pouring out of the carriage were headshot to death.

Before the black man with dreadlocks on the opposite side could figure out the situation and why all the zombies released fell down within ten seconds, he saw seven or eight people coming out of the convoy on the opposite side carrying rocket launchers and launching them. A strong man with weapons.

He was stunned. As a former gang member, although he had heard of such weapons, such heavy weapons were never seen in ordinary struggles between gangs.

In this slight daze, seven or eight rockets with flashing fire flew hundreds of meters and exploded directly around him.


A burst of artillery shells washed the ground and directly stunned these unseen plunderers. About 10 people on the spot were blown into pieces or charred corpses.

Before the remaining dozen people could recover from the shock of the explosion.

The modified military trucks on the opposite side quickly rushed out from between the two trucks blocking the road. Their bodies swung slightly to the side, revealing the black heavy machine guns on the back of the vehicles.

Several expressionless men in military uniforms were holding the handles of heavy machine guns and looking at them with deadly eyes.

Without mercy, without giving them any time to react, these war machines began to roar.

Da da da!Da da da!
Like a scythe of death, even if you are hiding behind a bunker, the bullets from the heavy machine gun can penetrate the bunker and directly sieve the looters behind.Some of the looters tried to resist, shooting at the trucks with pistols they had in hand or shotguns they had procured from nowhere.

But with their marksmanship, such a dangerous and chaotic environment, such a distance, and facing elite soldiers protected by various bulletproof armors, their attacks had no effect, and instead exposed themselves from the bunker.

The four heavy machine guns only roared for less than 30 seconds, and the only remaining predators on the opposite side were the black men with dreadlocks who were lying on the ground pretending to be dead, dizzy from being blown up.

A few minutes later, when the guards cleared the battlefield, applied wounds to all the corpses with expressionless faces, and then dragged the man with dreadlocks to Leon like a dead dog, the only remaining predator had already been killed. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and lowered his head, not daring to look around.

Lyon had never been to Columbus before. He didn't expect to receive such a warm welcome when he came here for the first time. Since he had caught a plunderer who looked like a leader, of course he had to ask about the information here.

He pulled out the golden Desert Eagle pistol from his belt and walked out to modify the jeep with Peggy, who had a curious expression on his face.

Arriving in front of the man with dreadlocks, Leon looked down at him and asked in an emotionless voice:
"Who are you? Do you want to die or live?"

This man with dreadlocks is a bit thin. He has many tattoos on his body and face. He also wears two gold rings of different sizes on his lips and nose. His face does not look like a serious person.

After hearing Leon's voice, he raised his head slightly and took a look. He was immediately shocked by Leon's tall, handsome, and gentle temperament. In today's apocalypse, everyone is struggling to survive and hungry. Having a good meal and living a slovenly life, it is rare to see a pampered and superior person like Leon.

He secretly glanced at the innocent and cute petite beauty next to Leon, who looked like a little lover. He couldn't help but feel a little angry secretly in his heart. He was hungry and full every day, hiding like a mouse. Tibet, but people are still like the rich people in the past, pampering themselves, eating big meals and playing with beautiful women, being escorted when traveling, and not having to do any work.

Why is there such a big gap between people?
However, facing the cold gun threats around him, he did not dare to hold back at all, and said with trembling fear:
"Sir, don't kill me. My name is Cool Dog, and I am a member of the Fire Dog Gang in Columbus."

Leon's expression remained unchanged, and he still asked indifferently:

"Fire Dog Gang, what is that thing, why are you intercepting us here."

The native dog Coolpa swallowed his saliva and said:
"Our Fire Dog Gang is the largest gang in Columbus. After those damn zombies emerged, our old Fire Dog Ace decisively took the remaining members and hid in his mansion."

"After the government and the army left, we robbed the gun store here, and no one in this area could stand up to Boss Ace."

He lowered his head, glanced at Leon's expression, and said:
"Robbery on the highway is a daily operation of our Fire Dog Gang. We have installed cameras at many intersections. Every time we see survivors nearby, we will send people to rob them."

"Kill all those who resist, and take those who don't resist back and use them as slaves."

Seeing that the other party was so understanding and answered all questions, Leon nodded, pointed the golden Desert Eagle's gun at his head and asked:
"How many people do you have in the Fire Dog Gang? Where is your base? Think about it carefully. Don't lie to me."

The native dog Coolpad trembled under the muzzle of the Desert Eagle and quickly shook his head and said:

"I don't dare lie to you, boss."

"We know in our hearts that Boss Ace is not a good person, but in order to survive, we cannot resist him."

"The Fire Dog Gang now has more than 400 people and more than 300 slaves. Its base is at a military academy on the outskirts of Columbus."

"Our old fire dog Ace said that there is strength in numbers. As long as there are survivors who do not resist us, we will not easily kill them. Sometimes we will also include those obedient survivors into our gang. .”

Leon was shocked when he heard the number of the Fire Dog Gang. Damn it, it took him more than half a year of hard work to build the Umbrella Company to a scale of about 1000 people.

Any Fire Dog Gang here, such a large gang, can gather more than 700 people including slaves and members.

It is simply too deceiving.

Leon kept his cold expression unchanged and asked:
"Where did your Fire Dog Gang get so many people? Are there any other forces in this area?"

The native cool dog looked at Leon a little strangely, but still said honestly:

"At the beginning of the disaster, many refugees came from all directions, and we arrested a group of people at that time."

"Later, the military base at Fort Benning fell. Many refugees escaped from there, and we arrested a large number of people."

"With the addition of our original helpers, we have the current manpower."

"However, I heard from our boss that there is a group of refugees in Troy, not far from Fort Benning. There are about 1500 people, all of whom are refugees who escaped from Fort Benning. But They are all ordinary people, they don't have many weapons, and they don't have much fighting power. They just rely on the number of people to support the scene, so they are the weakest."

"I heard that there is a group of deserters at a military outpost to the north of Fort Benning. There are about 200 people. They do not accept refugees, only soldiers. Although they have the smallest number, they retain the most weapons and equipment. The best is the most, and the strength is the strongest."

The news about the cool guy made Leon's eyes light up. No wonder he couldn't find many living people in Atlanta after working so hard. It turns out that all the living people in Georgia came here.

Yes, at the beginning of the disaster, the refugee camp identified by the official media was Fort Benning. With official endorsement, it was normal for refugees from all over Georgia to gather here.

But now, since he has discovered this delicious cake, why is there no reason not to eat it?

With this unexpected information, the results of this investigation have exceeded his imagination. He even wants to go back home directly to plan for those people he covets.

However, changing orders overnight is against the ruler's rule. Come on, let's go to the Fort Benning military base for an on-site inspection. Maybe we can get unexpected gains?

(End of this chapter)

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