eye of fate

Chapter 101 Suppressing the Tengu Prince

Chapter 101 Suppressing the Tengu Prince
Prince Orochi's eyes flashed, he weighed it again and again, and responded decisively: "Okay!"

Although Prince Orochi hates humans and regards humans as slaves and ants, he is not an idiot and naturally understands the situation at this time.He is not willing to start a war with Prince Tengu easily!
"Wait a minute! Your Highness, Prince Tengu has extraordinary strength and intelligence, and he will definitely be our enemy in the future! Now is the best time to eradicate him! I am here to eradicate this enemy for His Majesty the Crown!!"

Wang Chu transformed into Tojo Morika to activate his true energy, and galloped from a distance at a terrifying speed of twice the speed of sound. A punch filled with endless killing intent, he blasted towards the Tengu Prince.

"Tojo Morika, you dare to attack me. Do you want to start a war between the Tengu lineage and the Orochi lineage?"

Prince Tengu's complexion suddenly changed, his demonic aura boiled, and he transformed into a tengu with a height of [-] meters, a pair of wings growing on his back, and a ferocious face.

Wang Chu punched the big Tengu Prince's face, breaking through the Tengu Prince's body-protecting life force field, and landed on the Tengu Prince's head. The Tengu Prince was blown away directly, and his bones were dented.

The Tengu Prince let out a mournful cry, ripped the air with his claws, and blasted towards Wang Chu.

After revealing his original form, Prince Tengu struck with all his strength. Once he hit, he could even injure an ordinary human god-level master.

"Not dead? As expected of the great Tengu demon, his bloodline is indeed powerful! But even so, the gap in the realm is not so easy to smooth out!"

A fierce light flashed in Wang Chu's eyes, he smiled coldly, swayed slightly, and easily avoided the blow of Prince Tiangu, appeared behind Prince Tiangu, and punched Prince Tiangu on the forehead.

The Tengu Prince spurted out a mouthful of blood, and was knocked down by the punch, hitting the ground.

A cold light flashed in Prince Orochi's eyes, and he shouted sternly: "Stop, Tojo Morika! Don't hurt Prince Tengu, this is an order!!"

At this time, the Tengu lineage and the Orochi lineage have reached a compromise to accumulate strength in order to annex the Great Yan Kingdom.If the Tengu Prince is killed by Wang Chu, this balance will probably be broken, and the Tengu lineage and the Orochi lineage will fight the dog's brains.

"Haha! Die! Die! Die!!"

Wang Chu laughed ferociously, like a crazy demon god, punching one after another, with the terrifying power of splitting mountains and cracking the earth, hitting the head of the Tengu Emperor.

In just ten blows, the dog prince was directly killed by Wang Chu that day and turned into a corpse.

"His Royal Highness!!"

"No!! Tojo Morika, you killed His Highness the Crown Prince, we will fight you till death!!"


The Tengu Prince is talented and charming.As soon as he was killed by Wang Chu, his men immediately rushed towards Wang Chu.

"Well done! Since you won't die any longer, let me send you all down!"

Wang Chu laughed loudly, swayed slightly, and at supersonic terrifying speed, he disappeared and punched the warmaster-level monster of the Tengu clan with one punch.

There is a great secret realm between the Warmaster and the God of War, and the difference in strength is extremely terrifying. There is no monster that can withstand Wang Chu's attack.Even though he was as strong as the Tengu Prince, he only managed to hold on for a while before being killed by Wang Chu.

"We withdraw!"

Prince Orochi said with cold eyes.

A Warmaster-level dog demon asked curiously: "Why? Your Highness, Tojo Morika has killed the Tengu Prince, and now we can enjoy that spiritual pond exclusively!"

Prince Orochi said coldly: "Is that spiritual pool better to be enjoyed by a group of people or by one person?"

The warmaster-level dog demon shuddered and said: "You mean Tojo Morika will take action against us? How is this possible? Isn't he afraid of the thunderous wrath of His Highness the Orochi King?" "As long as the murderer is silenced, then No one knows he did it!”

The Orochi Prince snorted coldly, dodged, and fled quickly down the mountain.

Wang Chu raised his voice and said: "Your Highness, why did you leave? I have almost killed all of Prince Tengu's confidants. We can enjoy this spiritual pool together!"

"Tojo Seika, I will give that spiritual pond to you!"

The Big Snake Prince was calm and unwavering. He cast a secret technique and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Wang Chu looked at the fleeing Prince Big Snake, and a look of pity flashed in his eyes: "Prince Big Snake is really not easy! If he stays, I can kill them all and eliminate a great harm for my Great Yan Kingdom!"

Prince Orochi is also a genius of the demon clan. If there are no accidents, once he leaves the Fuso Secret Realm, he will be able to open the first divine treasure and become a God of War level powerhouse.

A strange light flashed in Wang Chu's eyes: "However, it is also beneficial for them to escape. In this way, a war between the Tengu lineage and the Orochi King lineage may break out. It can weaken the war potential of Fuso Kingdom. It is best to delay it a little longer. Time for the Battle of the Northeast!"

The root cause of the Northeast Campaign lies in the impending birth of Linghua Cave Heaven.

In the battle in the Northeast, in addition to the Fuso Kingdom, Rakshasa Kingdom, and strong men who were the main forces, strong men from Tianzhu, Dashi, Dayue, Luzon, Greece, Europa and other countries also participated in the battle, fighting for the Linghua Cave. Don’t repair.

Even though the Great Yan Kingdom was tyrannical, it would naturally be at a loss when faced with the attacks of so many strong men from the country.

However, if Fuso Country's war potential can be weakened, it will give Dayan Country one more chance of victory.It would be best if Fuso Kingdom could withdraw from the Northeast Campaign.

After all the monsters were killed, Wang Chu came to the edge of the spiritual pool, picked up a monster's finger and tentatively put it into the spiritual pool.

Waves of spiritual energy poured into the monster's fingers, making the monster's fingers more active.

"This spiritual pool can be used!"

Wang Chu took off his clothes and stepped into the spiritual pool.

The extremely pure spiritual liquid poured into Wang Chu's body crazily from the spiritual pool.

"You can start improving your cultivation!"

A long river of destiny suddenly appeared in Wang Chu's eyes, and the mysterious light extended. He began to consume destiny points and crazily improve his cultivation.

After spending 54000 destiny points, the seven magical skills of [Taishin Health Preservation Skill], [Great Sun Sutra], [Lingyue Sutra], [Lingyuan Sword Sutra], [Xuanwu Sutra], and [Qinglong Sutra] are all He was directly promoted to level 31 by Wang Chu.

The huge amount of true energy filled Wang Chu's body, putting him in the strongest state.

"Second Divine Treasure, open!"

The four kinds of true qi surging in Wang Chu's body, including the great sun true qi, Lingyue true qi, Caizhen health-preserving true qi, and Tianlei true qi, are boiling, attached to the spiritual sword of the Lingyuan Sword Sutra, and directed toward his eyes Stab away.

A mysterious and mysterious Shenzang door appeared directly, and was split open by Wang Chu's sword. The spiritual sword mixed with four kinds of true energy sank into the Shenzang door.

(End of this chapter)

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