Chapter 292
"Xiaofeng, congratulations on winning the Kaina tournament!"

After the award ceremony, Xiaozhi and others found Xiaofeng and congratulated him.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, long time no see! Thank you."

Xiao Feng smiled and greeted the two familiar people.

"Hi, I'm Xiaoyao from Chenghua City, and I'm traveling with Xiaozhi and the others, and I'm also participating in the Kaina Conference."

"Before, the gorgeous battle between you and Mr. Robert made me amazed."

"I would like to ask..."

Xiaoyao, who met Xiaofeng for the first time, introduced herself to her.

When talking about the Gorgeous Contest, Xiao Yao looked quite excited.

It seems that there are a lot of questions about Xiangguang, and I want to discuss and ask for advice with Xiaofeng, who won the championship.

"Wait a minute, sister, you haven't introduced me yet!"

"Xiaofeng, I'm Xiaoyao's younger brother—Xiaosheng."

"I've watched all of your matches at the Silver Conference."

"Especially, I watched the match against King Shiba several times."

"Super Lucario, really handsome!"

Before Xiao Yao could finish speaking, Xiao Sheng interrupted forcefully.

Slightly excited, he "sells" himself to Xiaofeng.

He likes to fight, after watching the match between Xiaofeng and Xiba, he was deeply attracted by the heroic appearance of Super Lucario.

For super evolution, there is a strong interest.

Involuntarily, he became half a loyal fan of Xiaofeng and Super Lucario.

He longs to become a powerful trainer like Xiaofeng when he grows up, and to have an elf capable of super evolution.

"Hi, I'm Xiaofeng, nice to meet you."

"Like Xiaozhi, I am from Zhenxin Town."

Seeing this, Xiaofeng also made a more formal introduction to the two of them.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, why are you here to participate in the beauty contest?"

After the few people got to know each other, Xiaozhi couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart anymore, and immediately asked Xiaofeng.

He was thinking about defeating Xiaofeng at the Caiyou Conference.

But don't tell him that he, like Xiaoyao, has changed to become a coordination trainer.

"Oh, well... it's all about looking for inspiration in order to become stronger."

"After all, the current champion of the Hoenn region—Mr. Mikri, is an excellent coordinator."

"I want to find out the secret of its power from the gorgeous contest."

Xiaofeng said, paused, and gave Xiaozhi a fairly legitimate reason.

"Oh, I see……"

Hearing Xiaofeng's explanation, Xiaozhi couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, without any doubts.

He even thought about whether he would try to participate in the gorgeous competition.

"Then Xiaofeng, will you continue to participate in other gorgeous competitions in the future?"

Xiaoyao looked at Xiaofeng expectantly.

After watching Xiaofeng and Robert's gorgeous match, she is still a little fascinated.

He once imagined that after his strength became stronger, he would be able to compete with Xiaofeng on the stage of the Gorgeous Contest.

So, there is the current problem.

"Well... now I mainly focus on challenging various gymnasiums."

"For the gorgeous contest, it depends on the situation."

"When time permits, I will definitely continue to participate."

Facing Xiaoyao's question, Xiaofeng thought for a while and said ambiguously.

The reason why he participated in the gorgeous competition was not only to experience it, but also to have a good time.

The main reason is to try to see if it can be used to make the system generate a new copy.

And this purpose had a clear answer shortly after Xiaofeng received the ribbon badge.

"[Detected that the trainer has experienced a special event]

[The system starts to generate a new copy]


[Resident copy "Confused Forest", generated]"

Thinking of this, Xiaofeng took another look at the information that the system had previously flashed.

After winning the gorgeous contest, the system did generate a new dungeon called "Glamourous Contest".

And, it is worth mentioning that this copy is also a so-called resident copy.

In other words, after Xiaofeng successfully clears the level, it will not disappear like other copies.Instead, it will always appear in the list of replicas that can be simulated.

Xiaofeng's goal of participating in the Gorgeous Contest has been overfulfilled.

According to his experience, after that, he wants the system to generate a new copy.

Maybe the only chance is to wait for it and go to a gorgeous large-scale celebration.

However, the entry condition for the gorgeous large-scale celebration is that it needs to collect five different forging belt badges.

Xiao Feng was also not sure if he would have the time to collect all five badges.

He came to Fengyuan area to travel, but also to enhance the strength of elves, as the top priority.

Impossible, wasting too much time in order to participate in a gorgeous large-scale celebration.

Therefore, the gorgeous competition in the future can only be a matter of fate.

"That's right!"

Hearing Xiaofeng's words, Xiaoyao had a regretful expression on her face.

On the contrary, Xiaozhi felt very happy as if he had taken a reassurance.

In addition, the idea of ​​participating in the gorgeous competition before has dissipated a lot.

Xiaofeng didn't participate anymore, so it seemed that he didn't need to participate.

"Xiaofeng, how many gym badges have you collected now?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and said to Xiaofeng.

A hand reached into his clothes, wanting to show Xiaofeng the two badges in his badge box.

"Not long ago, I just collected the third one."

Hearing this, Xiaofeng smiled slightly, and told Xiaozhi the number of badges he had collected.

"Ha, ha... I only collected two."

Xiao Zhi put his hand into his clothes, paused, then pulled it back again, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"By the way, Xiaozhi! I heard from Miss Joy from Fighting Town that you and Mr. Daigo also fought against each other in the Stone Cave?"

When mentioning the gymnasium badge, Xiaofeng remembered the story that happened when Xiaozhi and others were in Wudou Town.

So, with strong curiosity, he asked Xiaozhi directly.

"Uh, I lost the battle with Mr. Dawu..."

Xiaofeng's question couldn't help but bring back Xiaozhi's memories.

During the battle with Daigo, he sent out all the elves one after another, but failed to kill any of Daigo's elves.

Swallowed the biggest bitter pill since traveling.

Even, because of this, I was depressed for a day.

Fortunately, with the encouragement of his companions, he managed to recover and ignited a stronger fighting spirit.

With several companions, on the island of Wudou Town, special training was carried out on the spot.

By chance, a lobster soldier was subdued.

With it set foot on the ship to Kaina City.

It's just that Xiaozhi lost a bit miserably in the battle with Dawu.

But he wasn't, and he didn't gain anything at all.

In terms of the command and performance of some elves, Xiaozhi still got Dawu's appreciation.

"Xiaofeng, take a look first, what is this?"

Thinking of this, the corners of Xiaozhi's mouth turned upward, and he took out the "mysterious gift" that Dawu gave him from his pocket, and asked Xiaofeng to watch it.

"Isn't this... the keystone?!"

Looking at the familiar colored stone in Xiaozhi's hand, Xiaofeng said in amazement.

"After the battle, Mr. Dawu, give this to me!"

Xiaozhi shook the keystone in his hand, and said with some complacency.

In the battle, Xiaofeng showed a strong bond when commanding the elves.

It left a very deep impression on Dawu.

So, he gave Xiao Zhi the extra keystone on his body as an encouragement.


Xiao Feng, who learned the origin of the key stone, couldn't help falling into a brief silence.

I have to admire Xiaozhi's luck as the protagonist.

"Okay, let's find a place first, let's get together!"

Later, seeing that it was getting late, Xiaofeng used the excuse of celebrating the victory of the gorgeous contest.

I went to a restaurant with Xiaozhi and others and had a detailed discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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