Chapter 39
Liao Xiaomi returned to the car again. He Mu said that he would give him a ride. The two bodyguards were silent, one drove and the other sat in the passenger seat, looking ahead, like a robot without emotion.

He Mu combed his hair with a comb and used the flat panel behind the seat as a mirror. "Let me introduce myself. My name is He Mu. I am 25 years old and I am the boss of Sichuan Eye Entertainment."

As she said that, she returned to her arrogant look, but she did have the capital to be proud of.

25 years old, how many people have just started working in the company for a few years, and they are considered to be at the top of this society.

With her as his subordinate, one can imagine what level Liao Xiaomi has reached in his previous life. No wonder he wants to rule the earth.

No wonder countless women want to marry him.

Liao Xiaomi watched her comb her scalp innocently, well, today's hallucination is very gentle.

"My name is Liao Xiaomi. I just finished the college entrance examination this year."

"Oh, what are you going to do?" He Mu said softly, as if talking to a little rabbit that could go crazy at any time, for fear of offending him and getting kicked again.

The two bodyguards had never seen the boss like this before. In their impression, they should have raised their heads and said, "Jingsheng, I don't care about you, get out of the car." '

Well, is this a bit racist, targeting the rich?

Back in the car, Liao Xiaomi's fox eyes blinked, as if something was about to come out and float into her heart, "Go home."

He gave the address.

He Mu said: "Send it to him."

The driver nodded, and she continued to ask: "What is your relationship with Qu Yun? Why did the Qu family want to harm you?"

Hearing this, Liao Xiaomi cursed secretly, covered her face, and muttered: "I'm blind, I believe this is her first time in love."

"I knew her true identity, so I beat her up. I didn't expect that the Qu family was so petty. I will retaliate in my spare time. I, I am a little boy, oooooooo-"

As he spoke, he wailed and threw himself into He Mu's arms. He obviously felt her identity stiffen, but her hands unconsciously hugged his waist.

Liao Xiaomi was secretly proud. This trick worked really well. Women are all big pigs. You are so beautiful.

But it didn't occur to He Mu not to enjoy the beauty in his arms. He pressed his shoulders and helped him up, so that Liao Xiaomi almost couldn't take back the smile on his lips.

He quickly lowered his face and flattened his lips.

He Mu said seriously: "I understand, Xiaomi, you said everything you knew was from my father. Although there is no evidence, I believe you."

Liao Xiaomi was moved and said: "Mom~"

He Mu hesitated, moved closer, and said to the air, "mua."

Liao Xiaomi: "."

This man must be crazy. (convinced)

After He Mu kissed the air, he said a little shyly: "But, I don't know what you think. It's just that this is the first time I'm so close to a boy. I hope this relationship can last longer, even though you were chosen by your father." Boys, but let’s start from the beginning.”

Let me go, are you starting to talk about love now?Liao Xiaomi was shocked. He believed you even if you said she was the second Qu Yun!

It turns out that all of my subordinates are this kind of people, so why no one pursues me?
He nodded shyly, leaned into her arms, his eyelids twitched, and he said softly: "Mumu, you are so kind."

He Mu frowned and realized something was wrong.

To smoke is 'mumu', not 'mumu'.

Farke, I am so embarrassed and embarrassed.

She glanced at the rearview mirror and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the driver was not looking away. She said, "Well, I'm here."

The two hugged Wen Nuan for a moment. The driver swallowed and said weakly: "We're here."

He Mu opened his eyes, "Then Xiaomi, you go back first."

She looked at the residential building and said, "I'll buy you a house some other time. We are all college students. It will be convenient to find some friends to hang out with."


Liao Xiaomi got out of the car, still wearing his rather big leather shoes. He smiled sweetly, and the sun melted, "Bye~"


As soon as the car drove away, the interior of the car was immediately covered by low air pressure.

He Mu's face darkened, he found alcohol and a towel from the back seat, sprayed it on the towel, and wiped it on his body.

"Find out for me why he knows my nickname."

The two bodyguards nodded quickly, and one of them said: "Boss, the people at the meeting have been waiting for an hour."

"Tell them to get lost, I'm not in the mood." He Mu sprayed alcohol on his face and wiped it hard.


"Liao Xiaomi, since I can't find out where you are from, then I'll have some fun with you."

The two bodyguards in the car looked at each other, pursed their lips and frowned.

Help, the boss started talking to himself again!
Can't laugh, can't laugh! !


Watching the rear of the car go away, Liao Xiaomi immediately took off the pair of leather shoes and threw them into the trash can.What to do if you have athlete's foot?
"He Xiangyang, He Xiangyang, you are definitely wearing perfume."

He didn't know what to say. This feeling of facing someone in a different status was really amazing.

'I have to take this opportunity to get in touch with the entertainment industry and see if I can find a male lead and make an appearance in front of the audience. '

Thinking about it this way, he was no longer satisfied with the fans of Xiaopozhan, and had to rely on the system to arm himself.

And it's already summer vacation, he is innocent, he can explain to his parents, and there is also Xinbaodao's recording, dance, and the property of Clear Water Manor.

Oops, they won’t really buy the house!

Liao Xiaomi speeded up his pace unconsciously. There was a bit of a bumpy road under his feet. He didn't know when the blood on his hands would stop. Who would know that he had just finished the college entrance examination when he saw him?

After going upstairs and about to knock on the door, he suddenly looked up and Mu Wei appeared like a ghost.

She wrinkled her nose calmly and asked, "Why did it take so long to come back? Have you met any bad people?"

"It's okay, there's a traffic jam." Liao Xiaomi lied unnaturally. Seeing the woman's simple nod, she felt that she was really good.

There is a feeling of stepping into two boats.

He likes his very much.

"I'll talk to my parents first, do you want to..."

"I'm fine, I'm just waiting for you. Go quickly and don't worry your uncle and aunt."

This was a bit of hindsight. He didn't know who asked him to stay overnight, but Liao Xiaomi didn't care and pushed the door with his knee. The door shattered like a mirror in an instant, and a bloody hand stretched out.

Liao Xiaomi ignored it naturally and watched it take out his intestines.

Hallucination, just get used to it, maybe you need to find another person to help you stabilize your sanity.He Xiangyang is good.

Soon, the door opened slowly, and when Chen Li saw Liao Xiaomi, her eyes turned red instantly, and she covered her mouth and said, "Xiaomi!"

He hugged the boy and said, "You're back!"

She pinched his face again and looked at that familiar look, tears streaming down her face.

"What are you doing? Your mother and I went to see you. They said you had never been here. We thought you were being raped."

He burst into tears. Liao Xiaomi patted his back and nodded to Mu Wei before remembering that she couldn't see.

"Go in and talk."


He didn't see it, and Mu Wei nodded subtly, as if responding.

At home, Chen Li seemed to be the backbone, her depressed mood immediately improved, and she chirped to ask him if he was hungry and if he wanted some water.

Seeing the injury on his hand, he hurried to the medical box again.

Half a sentence did not improve the exam, probably because he missed it.

"Where's mom?" Liao Xiaomi didn't see her.

"I called her and she said she was going to sue the police station to court!"

Chen Li said, hurriedly taking out her mobile phone and making a call. After a while, she said, "No answer."

"Forget it, I just want to tell you that the college entrance examination is over and it's summer vacation." He said calmly as if nothing happened.

Chen Li hesitated and said, "Have you taken the college entrance examination?"

"Yeah. I can write with my feet." But if he writes with his feet, will anyone give him an award?

The two fell silent, and when the wounds on their hands were cleaned up, Liao Xiaomi asked abruptly, "You didn't take that real estate certificate to buy it, did you?"

"What real estate certificate?"

Seeing him like this, Liao Xiaomi knew that they really thought he was crazy, so they should stop asking about unknown things.

"It's okay, I'm sick." He explained, "I went out for a walk."

Chen Li wanted to stop him, but she always felt that it was dangerous outside, but after thinking about it, she didn't think of anything, so she had to watch him go out.

As soon as he went out, Liao Xiaomi saw that Mu Wei was still standing. If she looked carefully, she was actually shedding tears. It could be said that her beautiful face was lonely and her tears were drying, and a pear blossom brought rain in spring.

"Why are you crying?" Liao Xiaomi stepped forward and asked softly.

Mu Wei held her breath, feeling the young man's fingertips, and then gasped: "No, it's okay."

Liao Xiaomi joked: "You said it was fine, but where is your sister? Did she fry the eggs?"

"No, she can cook."

Mu Wei took the initiative to hold the boy's hand and said, "Go and sit at my house. She will be back soon to cook."

Liao Xiaomi had nothing to do now, so he nodded, "Okay, I'll take a walk with you in the evening."

Mu Wei smiled and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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