Chapter 97 Building

Liao Xiaomi snorted and almost stopped laughing. "I like myself. Can anyone say this now?"

Wang Wen said that she was a killer, but she didn't know that he was the employer. It shouldn't be a big deal that the mobile phone was with that woman.

Liao Xiaomi got straight to the point: "Okay, Wang Wen, I never like to hide things. You want to kill me too, right? Is it because Liu Jie killed your parents? Then you should kill her."

The corners of Wang Wen's raised lips immediately sank, and she said sarcastically: "Have you ever seen someone use a knife to vent their anger?"

Liao Xiaomi said: "Then why are you looking for me? I'm just an innocent little boy."

"It's because of you!" Wang Wen suddenly became excited and looked at her, "Because of you, your woman will be full of possessiveness! That's why you will find a killer to kill her!"

"Your face, your existence is a mistake!"

Liao Xiaomi moved the table in front of her, squatted in front of her, and said pitifully: "Don't say that, sister Wang Wen, He Mu actually doesn't know about this either, you should go and kill Yu Fan."

Wang Wen looked into his eyes, as if facing the dark muzzle of a gun, "I will kill her."

Liao Xiaomi smiled and said: "Is there another sentence - you can't run away?"

He tapped the rope on the woman's body, "It's a pity that you are limited by me and can only humble yourself and live in an ignoble way?"

Wang Wen lowered her eyes and lied, "I won't kill you."

"I believe you." Liao Xiaomi said, pulling off a knot, and the rope that was tied into a mess suddenly came loose.

Facing Wang Wen's disbelieving look, he smiled like a fox, "After all, a woman who wants to be a killer can't possibly not be able to tell who the target is."

Wang Wen looked at the floor unnaturally, "It's natural."

Liao Xiaomi lifted her up and found that she was taller than him. He picked up the wet towel next to her and handed it to her, "Since she wanted to kill me, why did she point the gun at Lin Miao?"

Wang Wen wiped her face and shook her head, "I don't know."

When she took the towel away and saw a large area of ​​red, Lin Miao glanced at the ashtray next to her unnaturally.

Liao Xiaomi picked up the bread and put it in her hand, "Okay, since the other party can fly over walls and walls, just close the curtains. But we can't let her change around, we have to find a way."

I recalled that the other party was squatting upstairs. This was the fourteenth floor. There were 33 floors full. There was also the nineteenth floor. There were twelve rooms on the first floor. If you could descend from here, you could still get to Hong Han's room. It landed from the rooftop.

Tsk, are you keeping watch on the rooftop?
Liao Xiaomi was thinking about the key question, can he be killed?

If she's really Yoo-jae's lover, killing might anger a killer, which isn't a good thing.

It would be nice to talk to her, and another hostile takeover wouldn't be bad either.

Liao Xiaomi said: "Wang Wen, let's go to the rooftop to ambush her and catch her."

Wang Wen chewed the bread and said inarticulately: "She has a gun."

"Let's just wait for her to land and hold the rope in our hands."

Lin Miao, who was next to her, said worriedly: "Having said that, how can we determine when she will go? If we guard her in advance, there seems to be no place to hide."

He clapped his fingers and said: "She can come through the safe passage or the elevator, and it's impossible for us to enter other people's rooms."

"Let's talk later."


The elevator has backup power, but why is it always stuck on the 32nd floor?
Plum Blossom J looked at the motionless elevator, cursed secretly, took out her phone, and the light immediately dispelled the darkness.

Even though she had been trained, she couldn't stand the environment where it was always dark all day long, and she had to deal with people quickly and run away.

On the phone, she was full of chats with her employer. This man was very troublesome. He hired her to kill Hong Han at first, then asked her to see Liao Xiaomi, and then asked her if there was a man beside Liao Xiaomi.

In short, he wanted to kill Liao Xiaomi at one moment, and Lin Miao at the next. It was as if there were three people talking to him.

If she hadn't kept adding money, she would have given up long ago.

The elevator didn't work, so she had to take the stairs. Her light steps were undetectable, but she had already heard trivial movements.Someone is lying in wait to kill someone.

As food slowly ran out—or most people had no food at all, cannibalism seemed a given.

Some people are determined, some are hesitant, and some are feasting. Slowly, the smell of blood becomes a lingering shadow in this building.

When ancient soldiers faced the choice of cannibalism, which required a battle between heaven and man, the bottom line of modern people has undoubtedly dropped to an incredible level.

Because they do not believe in God and have received countless cruel messages, they firmly believe that it is understandable to eat their fellow humans when they are forced to do so.

After all, the reason for all this is - the rescue team raised by the dog's father can't even see his father's shadow!
Plum Blossom J understands them very well and is naturally well prepared as a killer, but this does not mean that she will not fight back.

So the hunters of the night began to hunt, and several new dishes were added to the table of the hungry.

She walked to the door of the rooftop covered in blood and took the only key just in case. Now she opened the lock and walked out. She was immediately hit by the heavy rain and felt chilled to her heart.

This natural disaster was indeed very serious, and there were many buildings like this one - she looked around and saw countless dark forest-like buildings.

She found the location of Liao Xiaomi's room as usual, fixed the angle, and slowly lowered the rappel. She probably knew that the curtains were closed, but it didn't matter. She made up her mind to make a big move.

She wanted to throw in the only grenade she finally got.

Please, this is the treasure she got through desperate measures. She has to burn incense and worship it every day.

The woman descended like an agent, and she was familiar with every landing. Although the harsh environment made it more difficult for her, it also prevented people on other floors from noticing her passing figure.

For example, the young couple on the [-]th floor had energy to play games at first, but now they are lying motionless. Maybe one of them will hug the other and gnaw them today.

Another example is that on the 29th floor, there is an elite female white-collar worker. She is more irritable than everyone else. The room is a smashed mess. Now no one can be seen. Is she hiding in the darkness and waiting to die?
Or join a hunting team and be killed by her in one blow?
Every time she goes down a floor, she will step lightly on the glass above, as silently as raindrops, and then use her legs to stretch out the length of one floor at a time, so that the next time she lands, the glass will be on top.

This kind of work is elegant and playful, and it is one of the driving forces that drives her to become this kind of sewer rat.

Although it is not as cool as in the movie, it is still beyond the reach of ordinary people.

While she was thinking about things, she had already reached the fifteenth floor. Looking up, just ten floors were swallowed up by darkness, like the Optimus Pillar.

And her fortune and life all depended on this little rope.

However, she had locked the door and set a trap on the door. If she forced the door open, she would most likely be split open by an oncoming fire axe.

Moreover, the rooftop couldn't hide anyone at a glance, so she didn't worry about being stolen from her home by the sixth one.

So I kicked my legs again and put the rope in a happy mood. After descending from the fifteenth floor to the fourteenth floor, I put my lower body through the window very smoothly.


She looked at it in shock. The originally solid upper glass was only used to transmit light and could not be disassembled at all. Why was it empty now?
Oops!Was counted!
She hurriedly kicked her legs, but under the gravity, her body went in a little further. Sadly, her tall figure gave her no chance to stop him.

Not to mention she felt her thighs being grabbed and pulled as hard as she could.

They didn't hurt her, they seemed to be pulling her in.

After realizing this, Plum Blossom J breathed a sigh of relief, and took out his pistol to point it at the glass below. Although it was blocked by the curtain, the position was not bad according to the feeling of the other party hugging him.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a man's voice, which was very plain, like chatting.

"Oh? The rabbit is trapped?"

She felt an extra pair of hands grabbing her and immediately pointed the pistol in that direction.

The man said: "That guy must be pointing a gun at us now. You have to move so that she doesn't know where you are."

The muzzle of Club Jack started to waver.

"Also, you are too gentle. Look, pick up the ashtray. This is your knee, right?"

Tonight in the hotel, people who had done something wrong heard the female ghost screaming outside the window. They quickly hid the leftovers and shivered under the covers.

(End of this chapter)

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