Chapter 189 Growth
Before we knew it, it was March.

Large areas of farmland in Changshui Farm are still covered with pure white snow.

Lu Changhua's reservoir has been restored.

The dead grass on the shore secretly sprouted tender green grass buds, and the finger-thick willows began to wake up, and the branches that had been damaged by the cold winter for several months began to appear green.

Spores popped up.

The spring breeze caresses the earth, and everything is recovering.

Narrow eyes are directing the keepers to break the ice rows on the shore, clean up the weeds, and clear the small river channel where the spring water enters the reservoir.

He held a cigarette in his mouth and took a long drag.

"Zhang Laowu, you boy, please try your best! You eat the most every day, what's the matter? Do you have to do some work and waste your energy?!"

"Brother Miao Sui, I will definitely try my best. Will I be able to become a full-time employee this month?"

"If you want to become a regular, you have to perform well. The reservoir is where we eat, so we must take good care of it. If there are no accidents, we will all drink the northwest wind!"

"Boss Lu is getting bigger and bigger now, and he rarely comes back now, so we'll be fine!"

Someone whispered softly.

"Hehe, you also know that the boss gets bigger as he works?! Just because he gets bigger, we have to work harder. Don't you know why?"

The slitted eyeliner suddenly widened.


Zhang Laowu asked.

"Opportunity. Got it?"

All shook their heads.

"You guys, the pastry has turned white, and it still needs to be refined!"

He took a deep breath of cigarette and blew out a smoke ring.

"In addition to the reservoir and feed factory, the boss now also has a cannery in Beining. Have you seen the advertisements on TV? Changhe gift boxes and so on, they all belong to the boss."

"I know, it seems that his wife is also on TV."

"Ah? Is that her wife? She looks better in real life than on TV!"

"I heard that the grain and oil processing factory has also been sold to the boss."

Squinting has narrowed the eyes into a slit.

"Really? The boss is really messing up."

"It doesn't matter what you say, he's made to be a boss."

"You guys are digressing, let Brother Slit talk about opportunities, don't make dick noises!"

Zhang Laowu glared and roared.

"Brother Mixiao, please continue."

Zhang Laowu saw that the cigarette in his narrow-eyed hand had been smoked to the end, so he quickly took out his own cigarette and refilled it for him.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Laowu.

My mind suddenly drifted to a few years ago.

This is how I flattered Hu Dagui.

"How are you doing with Hu Dagui now?"

"Brother Dagui? That's really awesome! I went to Beining with my boss, and I'm very angry now!"

"That's right, during the Spring Festival, I came back with my wife from a big city!"

"No, girls from big cities are beautiful."

"Then do you know how everything happened to him now?"

He squinted his eyes and puffed out a puff of smoke.

"Well, of course he has to live up to his own expectations!"

"Yes, he is quite capable."

"Hey, you all said it wrong. If he hadn't followed the boss, wouldn't he be like us?!"

Zhang Laowu said unconvinced.

"That's right! That's right."

Narrow eyes raised his voice and said.

"Hu Dagui followed his boss to conquer the world. Now he has gone to Beining. I heard that he wants to buy a house and settle down in Beining."

"He was also the director of the cannery."

"What do you think is the most important thing?"

These people all shook their heads in confusion.


Narrow eyes mentioned the opportunity again, which confused these people who worked hard all day long.

"Perform well, we all have a chance. If you don't perform well, even if the opportunity comes, nothing will happen to you!"

He squinted his eyes and looked at the water with longing.

"Okay, keep going."

Everyone picked up the rake and continued to clear the weeds.

Zhang Laowu thought while fishing for weeds, Brother Mizui talks a lot, he really needs a chance!

Narrow Eyes sighed heavily today. According to his IQ, he could not reach this level.

This is the summary of his parents.

Lao Yang, who was born as a truck owner, is considered a well-informed person on the farm.

Watching Lu Changhua make a fortune in the past few years.

The reason is that the right time, place and people are in harmony.

The right time, the country's good policies, allowed Lu Changhua to catch up.

The geographical location was favorable, and there was a reservoir at the branch site, which allowed him to catch up.

Renhe, how much does Director Han take care of him?

After he came out of the maintenance team, he was made a flood control liaison officer and also a reservoir manager.

It was natural for him to contract the reservoir.

From the beginning, it was just him and Hu Dagui, and it was very difficult.

But as the saying goes, brothers working together can cut through gold.

Within a few years, the two of them started to struggle.

No one can tell, these are all external.

The inner key is vision and opportunity.

The eyes are talking about Lu Changhua.

You said, who knew you could make a fortune by raising fish in a reservoir?
Besides, in those years when the water was heavy, whoever kept the fish would die.

But it happened that Lu Changhua became the one.

Chance is talking about Hu Dagui.

He was the first to follow Lu Changhua out for a duel.Now that Lu Changhua is rich, he also has meat to eat.

After such analysis by Lao Yang and his wife.They came to the conclusion that following Lu Changhua would give them a chance.

This was said a few days ago.

I squinted my eyes and thought for several days before I figured it out.

He heard about the grain and oil processing plant a few days ago, and his heart became excited.

Isn't this an opportunity?

He wondered if he had to have a good chat with his boss. He had been working for several years and whether he had to move up the ladder.

In the feed mill at the northernmost end of the reservoir.

The machine roared.

Dahong and a dozen workers are producing feed.

Looking at the neatly stacked feed in the warehouse, Dahong felt very satisfied.

He was originally a pig breeder.

After the Pig No. [-] was disbanded, he became a child without a mother, without a fortune.I contracted the land for a year and still lost everything.

The children were still young at the time, and the wife did not make any money. Not to mention the hardship the family was living.

It was Lu Changhua who invited them to raise fish in the reservoir.

Since then, I don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

He built a feed factory two years ago and is responsible for the production of feed himself. Although he has not been officially appointed as the director of the factory, he is responsible for it alone.

In charge of both production and sales.

This is a great right.

With so many raw materials coming in and out and so much feed money, Changhua is in charge of himself. Changhua trusts himself too much.

What can you do in return? !

Dahong's eyes turned red when he thought about the excitement.

I must help Changhua guard the feed factory.

Never let him down.

Erhong took five strong young men and patrolled along the reservoir.

Watching them working on the shore with narrow eyes from a distance, he stopped and called a few people to come over and have a rest.

There are ten young men responsible for the security of the reservoir.

Erhong is now in charge, he is the security captain.

These people also knew that Erhong was a tactless person, so they tried to speak as little as possible and acted based on his looks.

Several people got together and smoked.

Er Hong took a puff of his cigarette, and as the smoke rose, his eyes also drifted.

Be even more grateful to your boss.

He himself is stupefied, but his wife is pretty, so how many people are secretly thinking about him.

If Changhua hadn't asked him and his wife to come to work at the reservoir, regardless of whether he was a cuckold or not, his family might have been ruined.

How great it is now, I earn more and my wife earns more.

The job at the reservoir is stable, what else are you dissatisfied with? !

This reservoir is your own support. You must not let bad people destroy it!

He took a deep drag on the cigarette, put the butt of the cigarette on the ground, stepped on it and twirled it.

"Go, go, go..."

These people immediately put out their cigarette butts and started patrolling.

In the fish pond in the south of the ditch, more than a dozen women wiped and cleaned the bottom of the pond.

Dahong's wife took the lead in the work.

She is diligent, quick at work, and warm-hearted in speech. These women are willing to work with her.

Erhong's wife mainly takes care of the gold and silver carp, and rarely participates in other tasks.

The two sisters also gradually developed different divisions of labor.

bell bell~
bell bell~
Squinting his eyes, Dahong, Erhong, Dahong’s wife, Erhong’s wife’s small phone rang.



"Come back for dinner."

"it is good!"

Everyone put down their work and left one person on duty. The others gathered in the nearby duty room to have lunch.

Today's lunch is braised fish, steamed buns and vegetable soup.

I really can't find this food outside!

The old Hutou delivered meals to each duty point and returned to the old duty room.

Eat with the old lady.

"Aunt Hu, your son has become successful and has come back with his daughter-in-law from a big city."

"Hehe, it's time for him to start a family."

"I heard that I want to buy a house in the city? Then why don't I pick you two up to enjoy the happiness?"

"Hey, what kind of blessing are you enjoying? We can't imagine the blessings in the city."

Old Hu's eyebrows were dancing with joy.

He was really proud when he mentioned his son's future.

Aunt Hu also said: "Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. We don't go to the city. This is great. The air, water and people are good, and we can still make money."

"Come to think of it, it's better to be the boss."

Someone started talking, and others joined in.

"Isn't that right? In the past, when the boss didn't make a fortune, what could we do? We couldn't make much money all year round. Look at it now?! Who doesn't make hundreds or even thousands?!"

"That's right. If there was no boss, we would still be drinking from the northwest!"

The lunch break turned into a thank you meeting.

Of course, Lu Changhua, who is in the field department, does not know that he has changed in the eyes of his fellow villagers. He is no longer the ignorant Xiao Lu back then, but our boss!

The boss was sitting at the dining table of his eldest brother's house, drinking and drinking with his eldest brother.

"Brother, 70 is just gone."

"Brother, if you want to be more open-minded, wouldn't I give you a factory?"

"Yeah, brother, my dad is really in trouble too..."

Zhao Yan just coaxed the child, sat over and said apologetically.

"I don't blame your dad for this, it's just that the farm is too poor and there is no cash!"

(End of this chapter)

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