Rebirth 84, starting from fish farming

Chapter 313 Build a factory in the 3rd minute field

Chapter 313 Build a factory in the three-point court

The three-point field has always been a branch mainly focused on agricultural production, with no other industries.

Since Lu Changhua started raising fish, people gradually began to participate.

Later, everyone started raising dairy cows and koi carp.

It is fair to say that Sanfenchang has breeding products.

As for Lu Changhua’s feed factory, its presence is also very low.

It is an internal supply and rarely expands business externally.

As the saying goes, if a family has a lot of wealth, it doesn't count those with hair.

The risks in the breeding industry are very high. People who raise dairy cows or fish are very nervous, for fear of getting sick or having a disaster!
If a blueberry processing plant can be built in Sanfen, it will allow a large number of people to become workers and earn money, instead of engaging in the insecure farming industry.

As for farming?

Many people have long been disappointed.

It's just Mr. Lu who is stupid and has contracted so much land. He has money to burn it, right?It's obvious that you're losing money, but you're forced to buy it.

Lu Changhua went to Li Zhenguo early in the morning to discuss building a factory with him.

Li Zhenguo had just distributed the land to each household and was in the broadcasting room, speaking hard into the microphone.

"Ah, the employees and families of the three-point field, everyone's ration fields this year have been divided. Please bring your tools and go to the field to confirm your own land. Weed what needs to be weeded and spray what needs to be sprayed. Don't spend the whole day It’s nothing serious. Let me tell you, those who like to play mahjong, please pay attention. The branch is catching gamblers during this period. If you are caught, don’t blame me for not warning you. You should be fined and detained. "

Lu Changhua walked into the team headquarters while listening to Li Zhenguo's speech.

Passing by the broadcasting room, Li Zhenguo's sonorous and powerful voice came from the door.

"Don't turn a deaf ear to what I say. You won't even have time to cry by then. Every household will go to the fields to conduct field management. If you need to replant, report it as soon as possible, otherwise the farming season will be completely gone in a few days."

Lu Changhua leaned against the heating pipe in the corridor, listening to the double echoes inside and outside the house, which reminded him of the loud trumpet sound he often heard when he was a child.

It's just that there were still model shows back then, but no one does them now.

The door creaked open.

Li Zhenguo walked out and saw Lu Changhua in the corridor.

"Yo, why are you here?"

"I followed the leader's instructions."

Lu Changhua looked amused.

"You kid, let's go to my office."

Li Zhenguo's office is still the same as before, not much different from when Director Han was there.

Only the portraits of great men were taken down.

There is a map of the distribution of the various plots of the three-point court.

"Come, come, sit down. You are a rare visitor. You are very busy during this time, right? I heard that you are planting trees in Beishan?"

"Yes, growing wild blueberries."

"Blueberry? What is this?"

"A kind of wild fruit. That's what I came here for today."

"Oh? You said."

Li Zhenguo picked up the thermos bottle, made him a cup of scented tea, and placed it on the coffee table.

Lu Changhua leaned back on the sofa, looked at the busy Secretary Li and said, "These blueberries are suitable for deep processing and can be made into blueberry juice and blueberry wine."

"Oh? That's a good thing."

Li Zhenguo also made a drink himself and sat diagonally across from Lu Changhua.

"Building a processing plant requires land, so shouldn't we discuss this with you?"

"Built it in the three-point court? Haha, I have no problem with that!"

When Li Zhenguo heard that the factory was being built in a branch, he immediately became interested.

As the leader of the three-point field and a family member, how can he not know the situation of his employees?
But the conditions for the division were just like this, and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to.

Now, Lu Changhua wants to build a factory locally. If nothing else, it can solve the employment problem of many people just by using labor.

The employees and their families who were diverted from agriculture have been settled.

As a parent official, he can also explain something.

"Oh, Xiao Lu, Mr. Lu, you have done a good job by giving us separate venues! You must give priority to the people who use our venues!"

"What's not mentioned must be given priority!"

"Then, the land is easy to talk about. Where do you want to build?"

"Do you see that the land in the vegetable garden can be used to build a factory?"

"Okay! That piece of land originally belonged to the branch site and is no longer in the plan. It's perfect for building a factory now."

Li Zhenguo stood up and walked around the office a few times, then turned around and said, "This needs to be approved by the field department, otherwise it will be difficult to explain."

"Okay. I'll apply for a license from the Industrial and Commercial Office, and you apply for land from the farm."


Li Zhenguo was excited, this was his political achievement.

The second branch and the first branch are located along the road between the factory and Beining. Due to the convenient transportation, many people have opened processing workshops in these two branches.

Like an oil shop, a noodle shop, or a noodle factory.

Restaurants, snacks, groceries.

These two branches are among the best in the entire Changshui Farm.

Sanfenchang is located on the side of a mountain, [-] kilometers away from this road.

There has never been any geographical advantage.

Now that Lu Changhua is going to set up a factory here, can Li Zhenguo not be excited?

He had to seize this opportunity no matter what.

He knew that when the farm heard the news, they would definitely persuade Lu Changhua to open the factory on site.

You must keep this project.After Lu Changhua left, Li Zhenguo wrote an application for land for industrial construction, got on Lao Lu's rubber-tired truck, and headed to the site.

After driving for several ten minutes, we finally arrived at the venue.

He did not go directly to the field director, but went to Lu Changzhong.

Your brother is going to build a factory. Can you guarantee this project?

He's really good at playing tricks.

Lu Changzhong laughed when he asked why he understood the matter.

"Secretary Li, you are the parent officer of the three-point field. You are still under the supervision of the field director. I have no control over this matter."

"Haha, Minister Lu, I am also a secretary and a party member. Shall we go to Secretary Li together for this matter?"

This is very clear, we are on the same side.

Secretary Li of the farm was Li Wei, the then League Secretary.

Now he is a senior party official on the farm.

He was Lu Changzhong’s immediate boss.

Lu Changzhong hesitated for a moment, thinking it was a good thing, so he said: "Okay, when you get to the secretary's office, you can say whatever you want, I don't know how to speak."

"Haha, okay, I'll say it myself."

Lu Changzhong took Li Zhenguo to Li Wei's office.

Li Wei was reading documents when he heard someone knocking on the door and putting down the documents, "Please come in."

Lu Changzhong walked in first, followed by Li Zhenguo.

"Changzhong, what's the matter?"

"Secretary, I'm fine. He's looking for you."

Lu Changzhong picked up the thermos bottle and filled Li Wei's tea cup with boiling water.

Li Zhenguo took two steps forward and shook hands with Li Wei.

"Secretary Li, I am Li Zhenguo from the three-point field."

"Oh! I know you, the party and government are in charge. You have done well in the past two years. Come, sit down."

Li Wei invited Li Zhenguo to sit on the sofa, and he came over to sit down and asked, "Does Secretary Li have anything to do with me?"

"Haha, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I really have something to come to see you for today."

Lu Changzhong brought Li Wei's tea cup over and handed Li Zhenguo a cup of hot tea.

He himself held the teacup and lowered his head to drink.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Comrade Lu Changhua wants to build a blueberry processing plant in Sanfenchang, and he needs land for construction. Our branch farm happens to have a piece of land, which used to be a vegetable garden, but later it was used as a feed plot. It has always been the branch's private land. We did some research and felt that this piece of land is more suitable. Before formally submitting the application, I came over to talk to the secretary."

As he spoke, he took out the application and handed it to Li Wei.

Li Wei took it over, looked at it, and put it on the coffee table.

Said: "This is a good thing. It can solve the employment problem of the three-point field workers, and also diversify the simple agricultural production of the three-point field. You can walk on many legs. I support it."

Seeing that Li Wei's attitude was supportive, Li Zhenguo's spirit immediately rose.

"Secretary, I'm afraid that the people on the farm will force this project to be moved to the farm, and then our joy will be in vain."

"I think that since Comrade Lu Changhua proposed to build a factory in Sanfen, he will not change. Besides, it is not the farm that has the final say on this matter, it is the investors that have the final say."

"I know Comrade Lu Changhua well. He has principles in doing things."

"I'll call the Land Department and you can send the application directly."

"Okay, thank you secretary."

Li Zhenguo's heart jumped with joy.

This means that he does not need to submit the application to the field leader, but goes through the legal procedures of the Land Department.

That would be fine.

"Secretary, I'm going now."

"Okay, you go."

After sending Li Zhenguo out of the office, Li Wei picked up the phone and called the Land Department.

"Land Department? I'm Li Wei. Secretary Li Zhenguo from the three-point field will send an application later. You can handle it."

"Okay, secretary."

Putting down the phone, Li Wei smiled at Lu Changzhong who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"Minister Lu, why didn't you say a word?"

"Haha, with Secretary Li in charge, what else can I say?"

"You, you. Just let me take the lead!"

"You are the secretary, so you have to come forward."

"Li Zhenguo came to me directly this time. What do you think?"

"He is the leader of the party and government, so it is normal for him to come to you."

Lu Changzhong said slowly.

"It's right for him to contact the Land Department about this matter. This can also reduce conflicts."

"Sigh, the work is not easy to do. It's all for the good of the farm, so it's worth suffering a little grievance."

Li Wei adjusted his glasses and drank the hot tea in the water glass.

Li Wei was familiar with Lu Changhua. Although the two had rarely seen each other in recent years, they had known each other since their infancy, and he recognized Lu Changhua's character.

Besides, Lu Changzhong has been under his leadership for the past two years. When he should come forward, he must come forward.

Although Lu Changzhong didn't say a word today, his attitude of support has been shown. Can he not support it? !

(End of this chapter)

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