legendary worker

232 Blessing Comes Misfortune

"Pobowski, he passed Tariko ... Tariko was like a puppet in front of Poborski. Poborski is getting more and more stealing now."

The game has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

They all want to see if Sunderland can continue to be magical.

There are media, fans, and even some other Premier League clubs are paying attention to this game.

Sure enough, as people thought, although Sunderland arrived at White Hart Lane, they had an absolute advantage immediately after the game started.Started to keep hitting Tottenham's defense.

And Poborski is leading the way.

In the League Cup final last season, Tariko was already beaten stupid by Poboski.

Unexpectedly, when they met again this time, Tariko was still very timid when facing Poboski.

It was very tense from the very beginning.

And Poborski is now more and more mature.Having experienced ups and downs, he can be said to be very relaxed.

As for Tarico, Poborski had long since forgotten.

"Looking at Sunderland's current situation, the purpose is very clear. Su Yun must win this game. Once Sunderland wins, then Sunderland will lead Manchester United by seven points. If this continues, who can predict Sunderland's success this season?" What kind of results will De Lan have."

Mortensen was so right.

Su Yun's expectations for the league this season are simple.

To qualify for the Champions League.

With the reform of the Champions League, the Champions League is becoming more and more important in European football.The combination of the Cup Winners' Cup and the UEFA Cup is also because the expansion of the influence of the Champions League is related to the weakening of the influence of their two cups.

As long as you enter the Champions League, you will have a lot of benefits.

Su Yun can also take a walk in Europe.

But now Su Yun suddenly found that Sunderland's situation was very good.

In the first half of the season, almost all the strong teams have already played all over, leading Manchester United by four points, and playing one less game.

As long as you win this game, you will get seven points.

Seven points.This is the difference of three games.

Premier League champion?

Sometimes Su Yun would dream about it.

But it goes without saying whether he can win the Premier League championship, Su Yun is determined to win this game.

Not only Su Yun thinks so, but also the Sunderland players.

Williams snatches Ginola's ball and passes it to Poborski on the right.

Poboski is also very excited about this game.

Or Poborski hasn't felt this excited for a long time.Thinking that Sunderland also has a chance to win the Premier League title, Poborski is full of energy.

"It was Poborski again. He got the ball! This game Poborski was active on the right."

Seeing Poboski take the ball, Tariko almost collapsed.

Although the game only lasted more than ten minutes, Poboski has already broken through Tariko several times.And Tarico almost never defended Poboski.Now Tariko feels his legs tremble when he sees Poboski holding the ball.

Bobowski saw Tarico coming to defend and walked over easily.

Before Tarico reacted.Push the ball forward.Poboski's ball just passed through Tariko's crotch, and then Poboski broke through Tariko with a very light quick step.

"Oh, Tariko was so humiliated by Poborski."

"Tariko has no confidence at all against Poboski. This shouldn't be. Tariko's strength is still good. Could it be that Poboski is born with Ketariko?"

Humiliation indeed.

Boboski has easily broken through Tariko several times in the game.

Make Tarico look like a fool.

It wasn't as humiliating as this time, though.It's so embarrassing that Bobowski passed through the crotch directly.

Lost face.

Tarico listened to the voices of the fans at the stadium and felt that they were all jeers.The cheers of Tottenham fans reached Tarico's ears as laughter.

Everyone is laughing at themselves.

Annoyed, Tarico turned around sharply, trying to re-mark Poborski.But Poborski was too fast.He was completely out of reach.Tariko, who was so determined, suddenly went crazy and shoveled from behind.


The referee's hurried voice also followed.

"Foul, this is a very serious foul. Tariko shoveled from behind, and directly shoveled on Poborski's calf. This is a very dangerous action. Poborski has not yet got up. Hope Poborski is okay."

Mortensen was surprised by Tarico's foul.

It's too bad.

Although England fans like to watch physical confrontation and various collisions.Because they think this is a man's sport, this is football.Just like Williams can have the current popularity in English football, not only because of his good strength, but also because he is handsome.More importantly, Williams fully embodies the most tyrannical side of the British midfielder.

But it doesn't mean that English football encourages this kind of completely bad foul.

On the contrary, they all hated it.

You can show your physical strength on the field.But you can't behave badly, and act completely aimed at people.

Tarico's actions just now were obvious.

It is an act of revenge after becoming angry.

Bobowski clutches his calf.At that moment there was no pain at all.Bobowski felt that this was not his leg, as if the entire calf suddenly lost consciousness.But when Bobowski wanted to try to stand up, there was a piercing pain that made him scream out unconsciously.

Bobowski is not a tough guy.

But it's not the kind of player who will fall to the ground after two touches on the court.He is in his fourth year in England.Various collisions have been seen many times.All kinds of minor injuries have also been experienced.

But this time is different.He was sweating profusely.


It hurts!

Unbearable pain!

Bobowski closed his eyes tightly and could only cover his calf.Even trying to make some sounds, I couldn't make them.

Su Yun was already stunned on the sidelines.

The Sunderland team doctor has already run into the field.

Williams, who was closest to Poborski, came to the side of Poborski the fastest.Williams is an emotionally dull player.There are not many friends in the locker room, most of which are related to his poor expression.

Williams was not enthusiastic.

Not enthusiastic at all.

But after seeing the situation of Poborski who has been together day and night for two seasons.Anger can't stop rising up.He could see Tariko's revenge action just now.

When he looked up, he happened to see Tariko.

Tarico is self-aware.After knowing this action.I will definitely be punished.So after the referee raised the red card high, there was nothing to show.No excuses.Not at a loss either.

So he immediately turned around and prepared to leave the place.

But he just turned around.I saw a huge fist.

The beginning is the origin, and gradually the fist becomes bigger and bigger.


Everyone was stunned this time.

Don't look at Williams as a tough guy on the court, he makes many players uncomfortable on the court.But he is far cleaner than Robbie Savage and Lucas Neal in defense.And he hardly ever nags with referees, and he never retaliates.

So the media commented that Williams is a tough guy.But he didn't get the evaluation of a villain like Robbie Savage.

Some even said that Williams was shy.

But after seeing this punch, everyone was stunned.

"Williams is too impulsive. Tariko has already been sent off with a red card. This punch will get Williams banned for a long time. Maybe five or six games, or even seven or eight games are possible."

Mortensen said regretfully.

Williams made this move, and the Tottenham players quit.They immediately surrounded Williams, but the Sunderland players were not vegetarians either.They are all well-known villains in the stadium.How can people bully Williams.

So the players on both sides began to confront each other.

"Beep beep-"

The referee's whistle rang many times in a very rapid manner.

Then Campbell, Ginola, Lucas Neal, Robbie Savage, and Kevin Phillips, who were the most active on both sides, all received yellow cards.Finally, a big melee was stopped.

In the end, the referee gave Williams a red card.

And Tariko, who was punched down by Williams, stopped his nosebleed there.

A big melee almost wasted more than ten minutes.

But at this time Su Yun didn't have time to care about that.Because all of Su Yun's spirit was not on the court at all.Instead, it was placed on Bobowski.

"How's it going?"

Bobowski is a general under Su Yun's account.

With the rise of Sunderland's performance, many people say that Poborski is currently one of the best right midfielders in the Premier League.Poboski's breakthrough on the right is a major feature of Sunderland's offense.Although the current Duff is good, he is much more immature than Poboski.

Moreover, this is the third season for Poborski in Sunderland, and his cooperation with midfielder Williams, right back Danny Mills, and striker Quinn is quite tacit.

Nothing can happen.

But seeing that Bobowski hadn't gotten up, Su Yun was very worried.

Bobowski didn't walk off at all.

It was directly carried away on a stretcher.

The team doctor shook his head at Su Yun. "Not very optimistic. It is conservatively estimated that he will not be able to play within two months. The specifics need to be further checked."

"My grass!"

Su Yun couldn't help cursing suddenly.

No scolding.

two months.Still a conservative estimate.

My Bobowski.

Su Yun would rather not win this game than to have an accident with Poboski.

Damn Tarico.

Su Yun really wanted to kill this bastard if possible.

Without Poborski, Sunderland's offense will be greatly affected.

Who else in Sunderland can replace Poborski now.No one in Sunderland who can play on the wing is as strong as Poborski.

Su Yun even felt that his whole body was emitting green smoke.


Su Yun kept scolding this damn Tariko in Chinese.

"Accident, it was too unexpected. It turned out that the game went according to the script, but it was a pity that Poborski was injured. It seemed that the injury was not serious. Now Williams punched and was sent off again. The game was really good. What a surprise."

"But Sunderland must be the most injured. Williams sent off. Poboski was injured. Today is really not a lucky day for Sunderland." (To be continued., welcome to (.) to vote , monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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