"Priority transfer right?"

Valdano nodded slightly ( ).Free eBook Download

In fact, Valdano is very optimistic about Eto'o.As Valdano, who once trained Redondo with one hand and unearthed Raul with the other, his vision is very accurate.In his view, Eto'o's strength is still there.

The important thing is that he is only 19 years old now.

The future is limitless.

But Valdano also knew that Real Madrid was not a place to develop young players.Unless you are a peerless genius who can shock the world as soon as you make your debut.Otherwise, Real Madrid will not give you a chance.

Take a look at Raul().

When he was 17 years old in his first season, he scored nine goals for Real Madrid as a left midfielder.

In the second season, he scored [-] league goals and [-] Champions League goals for Real Madrid.It shocked the entire Real Madrid and Spain at once.

Plus Raul is Spanish.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Raul to have the current status.

Obviously Eto'o is not Raul.

In terms of nationality, Eto'o has already lost to Raul.

Moreover, Valdano and Florentino talked about it. Florentino has his own set of ideas for building Real Madrid.In this grand plan, there is obviously no place for Eto'o.

If the transfer right is given priority, it is really possible.If Eto'o is really good in the future, Real Madrid can take it back.

In fact, Valdano wanted to set a buyback clause.

But I also know it's not realistic.

After all, although Chelsea is not as powerful as Real Madrid, it is also a big club in London.

"If you add the priority transfer right, it can indeed be considered. I don't know how much transfer fee Chelsea is willing to pay?"

For Valdano, it really doesn't matter who he sells to.


Valdano's eyebrows twitched slightly.

It's not that I'm scared by 700 million pounds.

Who is Valdano?

Not to mention the past, but now he has become the sports director of Real Madrid ().Florentino wants to introduce Figo this summer, and he directly activates the termination clause.The amount of the termination clause reached nearly 6000 million US dollars.

Valdano is no country bumpkin who has never seen money.

However, hearing Su Yun easily call out 700 million pounds still made Valdano smile bitterly.


These Brits are fucking rich!

Eto'o is just a fledgling 19-year-old kid.Look at this bunch of bumpkins from Chelsea, who start off with £700 million.

The pound sterling is very valuable now.

700 million pounds is already more than 1000 million euros.

Valdano really doesn't know whether it should be said that Chelsea value Eto'o, or that Chelsea are really fucking upstarts.

But Valdano was very satisfied.

Now Mallorca is also negotiating with Real Madrid.But their current offer is 450 million euros for half ownership.Compared with Chelsea, the gap is too big.

But Valdano said nothing.

Pretend to be thinking about it.

In Valdano's view, Chelsea's bottom line has not yet been reached.

"Coach Su. Samuel is..."

Although Su Yun did not conduct any negotiations, he also saw Valdano's tricks.

"Mr. Valdano, I like simplicity (). My last buy. £800m. That's the most we can pay at Chelsea."

It was only when Su Yun opened his mouth that he raised another 100 million pounds, Valdano smiled.

Eight million pounds, that's already twelve million euros.

This is not a small amount.

As the sports director of Real Madrid, Valdano knows the current financial situation of Real Madrid.Don't look at Florentino being fierce.To use the termination clause to buy Figo.In fact, Real Madrid now owes more than [-] million euros in debt.

What Florentino is thinking about now is how to repay the current debt.

This time, it is indeed a good deal to be able to sell a 19-year-old player, Eto'o, who was unable to play in Real Madrid, for 800 million pounds.

"Coach Su, happy cooperation."

After coming out of Real Madrid, Clark shook his head at Su Yun.

"Su, it's expensive. Although Eto'o is really good, 800 million pounds is really too expensive. 800 million pounds, you can buy a famous striker."

In Clark's view, 800 million pounds is really too expensive.

If it is a professional negotiation, it should be able to buy Eto'o between 600 million pounds and 700 million pounds.

Su Yun smiled.

"Steve. Any transfer will be risky. When you talk about Vialli buying Sutton last season, who would have thought that his performance would be so poor. The same is true when we buy players now. Absolutely You can’t ink it, and you have to strike when you see a good target. After all, if you miss this village, there will be no more stores.”

"It seems that 800 million pounds is very expensive now. Maybe Real Madrid will regret it in a few years?"


After getting Eto'o's transfer ().The latter was handed over to Chelsea's transfer department.

The current transfer is only just beginning.

But before returning to England, Su Yun heard very bad news.

Deschamps submitted a transfer application to the club.

Su Yun didn't think of this at all.

Among the new season's Chelsea lineup, Deschamps is a player that Su Yun is very fancy.Absolutely cannot let him transfer.


"You know that too. He has a very bad relationship with Gianluca, he was not happy at the club last season. I think that is the reason. A player who has reached his position, if he is not very comfortable at Chelsea, he will certainly be. chose to leave."

Cotterill also smiled wryly.

Su Yun lay comfortably on the seat and slowly closed his eyes.

This is a player that Su Yun is very fond of.

With him in Su Yun, he is very relieved to defend.

"Steve, what kind of personality is Vialli? I heard that Deschamps and Vialli used to be very close teammates and had a very good relationship. How did this happen?"

Su Yun really didn't understand.

What the hell did the coach Vialli do?

Why is the relationship with teammates so bad.

And not a two().Players who used to have a good relationship with him are now falling out with him.I really don't understand why?


"Gianluca. He is very passionate. Very passionate. It is a pity that sometimes the passion is too much and it is easy to have conflicts with the players. Everyone likes him as a player, but as a coach..."

Clark named Vialli's features.

"Are you familiar with Deschamps?"

Clark shook his head.

"When I retired, he hadn't come to Chelsea. But this man is the captain of the French national team and has just won the European Cup. It's hard to convince him."

"Looks like there's still a battle to be fought."


"Didier, hello."

Su Yun went to visit Deschamps in person.

You can't do without a visit.

"Coach Su, hello."

Deschamps is also very polite.He was deeply impressed by Su Yunde.He's at Chelsea this time.In fact, it's mostly because of Vialli's face.Of course, there is also his good friend Desailly in the Chelsea team.

But after arriving in the Premier League, the relationship between Deschamps and Vialli became very bad.

And what impressed him most in the Premier League was Sunderland.

He played against Sunderland three times, but Sunderland conceded four goals three times.

Deschamps has not been humiliated like this for so many years ().

Therefore, he was also very impressed with Su Yun.

"I hear you want to leave Chelsea?"

"Yes. I think I made the wrong choice to come to Chelsea. I'm not happy at all here."

The most unhappy thing for Deschamps is actually the breakdown of the relationship with Vialli.

Two good friends from the past have become strangers in Chelsea.This made Deschamps very sad.

"Didier. Can I implore you as the new manager of Chelsea to stay at Chelsea. When I came to Chelsea, knowing you were at Chelsea, you don't know how deep in my heart I was. But to hear you A transfer request was submitted. I was shocked. Very shocked."

Su Yun knew that for a player like Deschamps who had already made a name for himself, nothing else was attractive.

So Su Yun could only impress him with sincerity.

Indeed Su Yun's words surprised Deschamps.

In Deschamps' view, Chelsea's biggest problem now is those old players.There are too many old players in the Chelsea team.Moreover, each of them is a big boss, and Vialli can't handle them.

And Su Yun is a very young head coach.

Su Yun should want to deal with those old players.This also includes myself.

Unexpectedly, this is not the case.

Su Yun's attitude is very sincere.

"Didier, you are the best midfielder in the world. I hope you can stay at Chelsea. You should know that I have one of my favorite students, Jack Williams (). I have great respect for him. Hope, but in my opinion he is far from successful. I think only someone as good as you is qualified to teach Jack how to defend."

"Didier, stay. Chelsea need you badly. I need you too."

"And you definitely don't want people to say that your trip to England was a failure."

Hear Su Yun's words.Deschamps didn't speak.

He is not afraid of others saying that his trip to England was a failure.Now he is covered with honors all over his body, and the medal can break his neck when he hangs it.He is not at all afraid of being told that his journey at Chelsea has been a failure.

Deschamps is not the kind of person who is afraid of other people's eyes.

But Su Yun's attitude made Deschamps very satisfied.

What Deschamps needs now is this kind of respect.

"Coach Su, can you give me some time?"

Su Yun nodded.

In the end, Su Yun once again sincerely said to Deschamps: "Didier, I hope you remember. Chelsea and I really need you. I hope you can stay at Chelsea. If there is anything about Chelsea that made you unhappy, I hope that in the coming season, you can make the best impression of London and Chelsea."

Deschamps smiled.

Deshang was quite satisfied with the meeting with Su Yun today.Although young, he made Deschamps very happy.Because Su Yun gave Deshang a lot of respect.

"I hope so."

"Didier, I am waiting for your good news." (To be continued...)


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