legendary worker

278 Getting Better

"it is good."

Unlike Eto'o's goal, Su Yun was also very excited after Williams' goal.

It's definitely not because Su Yun prefers Williams.

But the way of scoring is different.

"Steve, you know what? That attack just now is the football I want. It's just a counter-attack, but that's the football I want. Juan is exactly the kind of full-back I want."

Su Yun shouted excitedly to Clark next to him.

Su Yun never ignored the side attack.Now there are so many central midfielders who can attack and defend well in the midfield. It is definitely not because Su Yun likes this style of play.Su Yun chose this style of play out of desperation.

Su Yun has never been willing to blame others.

Play whatever kind of football you have.

Su Yun understood this truth very early on.

After Su Yun's father left the army, he started to do business.At that time, many conditions in China were immature, and the technology was very backward.Some technicians who have returned from studying abroad only know how to vent all kinds of dissatisfaction on the construction site.They think that this machine is not up to standard, and that technology is not up to standard.

The mouth is full of one set after another.

But the great Chinese workers of that time did not give in.

In the crude environment, relying on the technical conditions at that time and using simple methods that many overseas technical personnel looked down upon, they were able to accomplish one miracle after another.Because they know that since there are no conditions, they should think of a solution if there are conditions.

When his father told these stories when he was young, Su Yun only listened to them as stories.

But looking back now, it gave Su Yun a lot of inspiration.

Adjust measures to local conditions.

This sentence is easy to say, but difficult to do.It is impossible to succeed if you are involved in anything mechanically.It must be combined with reality to be able to exert the greatest effect.

This was the case when Su Yun took over Chelsea.

Although Su Yun has cleaned up many Chelsea players, there are so many central midfielders in Chelsea that Su Yun can't do anything about.It can't really be cleaned up all at once.

Since it couldn't be cleaned up, Su Yun had to find another way.

The current style of play is Su Yun's expedient measure.

If Su Yun just complained that Chelsea's players didn't match his tactical thinking all day long, then Su Yun would have been worried to death.

"Yes. Su. Our players seem to be getting used to this tactic more and more."

Clark nodded too.

At that time, the tactics were formulated, and Clark was also one of the participants.It should be said that he is one of the important framers, and of course he has great expectations.


Not long after the start of the second half, Wenger replaced Pires with Wiltord.

Pires' performance did have some problems.

Wenger wants to increase his impact inside the box.He also expected Wiltord to reproduce the miracle in the European Cup, but unfortunately he was wrong.

Chelsea is not Italy.

Arsenal is not France.

In defense, Su Yun put in a lot of effort.It can be said that there is no team like Chelsea in the entire Premier League.Put the four central midfielders in the middle, and then start stirring with you in the middle of the midfield.

It is Vieira, a world-class midfielder who can attack and defend well, who feels a kind of difficulty in front of Chelsea's defense.

These people are simply too difficult to deal with.

Didier Deschamps defending alone at the back is already disturbing.

The problem is that both Williams and Lampard are players with very active running and very strong physical strength.Running up and down from the start of the race to now.Not tired at all.At 30, Di Matteo is in his prime.

The previous performance is also very good.

And Arsenal can't really attack with all their members.That nasty Eto'o kept putting pressure on Adams and Keown in front.

It's a constant pressure.

Eto'o kept running and tired Arsenal's defense.

Whereas Zora is more of an invisible one.

But no one in Arsenal's defense will ignore Zola.Don't look at Zola's listlessness now, as long as he is allowed to hold the ball, he will be a great threat.

With players like Zola and Eto'o in front, Arsenal's defense simply did not dare to push out.The defense cannot be pressed out, and the midfielder cannot be supported in time.This makes the Arsenal midfielder also a bit out of touch with the defenders.

Although Vieira is a world-class midfielder.

But he is only one person after all.

He can't really cover the entire midfield.

But Di Matteo is different.There are three people behind to protect him, he can interfere with Vieira.You can also put pressure on Parlor.Very active in midfield.

"Now I can see it slowly. Su Yun's transformation of Chelsea is not bad. However, Chelsea's two goals in this game were scored on counterattacks. In the positional battle, I think Su Yun still has a lot to solve. "

Arsenal couldn't get in at all in front of the midfield defense.

Martin Taylor shook his head.

"In fact, Chelsea and Arsenal are both counterattacks. It's just that they counterattack in different ways. Arsenal counterattacks more from the side. Pires, Ljungberg and Henry all start from the side. Chelsea's counterattack It’s slightly different. Their counterattacks rely more on forwards because they lack the advancement from the side. Whether it’s Hasselbaink or the young Eto’o, they are all forwards with amazing speed and explosive power.”

Andy Gray analyzed the difference between the two teams from a technical point of view.

"If Eto'o hadn't scored a goal, the result of this game would be hard to predict. As long as the two teams have a chance to counterattack, they can create a great threat. It's just that Chelsea took the lead, so they are ahead of Arsenal. .”

Indeed it is.

As the game passed minute by minute, Chelsea's side became more and more stable.

Although it seems that Chelsea is at a disadvantage on the field, Chelsea fans are very excited in the field.

"Hey Lanse, our dream, football, our sport!

Solidarity.Victory is our goal!

Whether it is sunny or rainy, please keep cheering for us!

Because our name is Chelsea, Chelsea! ! ! ! "

"Chelsea! Chelsea! Chelsea!"

"Fuck Arsenal!"


very funny.

Do Chelsea and Arsenal have any big feud?No.

Arsenal's sworn enemy is Tottenham.Who is Chelsea's sworn enemy?

Fulham is.

So did Leeds United.

Even Chelsea hate Leeds United far more than they hate Arsenal.But looking at the voices of Chelsea fans now, they completely treat Arsenal as a sworn enemy.


Arsenal fans also booed the cheers of Chelsea fans.

"We've got a league champion - blah blah - we're going to be the kings of London - blah blah!!! We're the kings of London!!"

Arsenal fans were in a bad mood after the game fell behind.So it was immediately ironic that Chelsea only had one top league title.


The confrontation between the fans of both sides could not stop the passage of time.

"The referee's whistle is blowing. Chelsea beat Arsenal [-]-[-] at home. Before the game, the London Post wrote who is the king of London. I don't think there is any dispute at all. Arsenal has always been the king of London. Representatives of the team, their performance is the best in London. Even if Chelsea is catching up with Arsenal at the rate of one championship or even two championships every year. I think it will definitely not be able to surpass Arsenal’s influence within ten years force."

"Chelsea wants to be the king of London, I don't know when it will be. Ten years, 20 years, even 30 years."

"But as far as this game is concerned, Chelsea completely defeated Arsenal. Su Yun's arrangement completely defeated Wenger."

"Congratulations to Chelsea. They have achieved a victory in this strong dialogue in London. Congratulations to Su Yun, after he took over Chelsea. He achieved a victory in the first strong dialogue."

Martin Taylor began to summarize the game.

In Martin Taylor's opinion, even if Chelsea catch up with Arsenal from now on, they will not be able to compare with Arsenal in ten or twenty years.

This is not the opinion of Martin Taylor alone.

It is the opinion of all English football people.Not even the most crazily Chelsea fan thinks that Chelsea will overtake Arsenal as kings of London within a decade.

Of course, so is Su Yun.

With Arsenal's eleven top league titles out there, how can they catch up in four or five years, or seven or eight years.What's more, there is only one top league champion in Chelsea's century-old history.

Who is the King of London in the London Post, apparently just to raise a topic.

Even the reporter who wrote this title does not believe that Chelsea can become the king of London.



As the game ended, Bates laughed without grace in the box.

He saw David Dunn squinting.Bates walked over slowly.In fact, David Dunn had already spotted Bates coming, and he was unwilling to face Bates.So give a nod to the person next to you.Then want to leave.

But how could Bates let him leave so easily.

"David, why did you leave so quickly?"

Bates' disgusting face appeared in front of David Dunn.

"Chairman Bates, congratulations to Chelsea on a victory."

Although David Dunn was very upset, he still extended his hand to congratulate Bates.

Bates squinted at David Dunn's outstretched hand.There was no intention of shaking hands with David Dunn at all, and David Dunn didn't feel embarrassed either.Naturally, he withdrew his outstretched hand.

"Tsk tsk! Arsenal will lose too! I didn't expect that."

Bates shook his head.

Although he is 68 years old, he will soon be 69 years old.But David Dunn really wanted to punch Bates, it was so fucking arrogant.

"It's normal to win or lose. I think Coach Wenger is mainly preparing for the upcoming Champions League group stage. By the way, Chelsea don't need to prepare for the Champions League game."

What does it mean to kill without blood.

David Dunne is.

One sentence made Bates furious.

"Chairman Bates, goodbye then."

Seeing David Dunn leaving, Bates gritted his teeth.

The big shit bastard!

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