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Chelsea seem to have no problem at all.Baidu search: reading novels

Even the state seems to be very good.

Six games have been played since the beginning of the season, and Chelsea has achieved four wins and two draws.In the Premier League, there are three wins and two draws, just because of the disadvantage of goal difference, it ranks No.2 in the Premier League.

In the strong dialogue, Arsenal and Newcastle were also defeated.

More importantly, so far have not conceded a few goals.Solid defense and sharp counterattack are the British media's evaluation of Chelsea.

It looks really nice.

But in the sixth round of the Premier League, I was bored for a while.

In the sixth round of the Premier League, Chelsea hosts Leicester City.

weak team.

Absolute underdog.

Among the goals Su Yun set for himself, a team like Leicester City must be defeated.Because if you want to win the Premier League championship, the only way is not to lose points on weak teams.After all, there are still the most weak teams in the Premier League.Unfortunately, reality is always crueler than ideals.

Chelsea has actually been very flawed.

It is the lack of offensive strength.

In other words, there are not many ways to attack.

It's just that they have been playing teams like Arsenal and Newcastle recently. When they attack, Su Yun uses the fast striker to fight back.One hit and one accurate, Eto'o used three goals to solve the two powerful enemies.

But when the opponent does not play against you.

Just like Leicester City.

Their style of play is simple.It is a long pass to both sides, and then pass the ball into the penalty area.It is only a few people who solve the attack.There is a center in the frontcourt and a small forward to match him.Once they fail to succeed, their players will immediately recover their defense.

Then the attack is the same routine.

They are not afraid of you Chelsea.But also because there are no cumbersome problems in their offense, they will not go through the transition in the middle of the midfield.An attack can be completed with just a few clicks, so the number of people participating in the attack is very limited.The offense is fast and the defense is fast. Once Chelsea want to counterattack, they can find that Leicester City's defense is very stable.

No big holes.

It is far more difficult than playing a strong team's counterattack.

After a boring battle, Su Yun could only accept a zero-to-zero draw.

Only played six games.Chelsea already have three draws.Although there is one point for a tie, too many points are lost.Two points have been dropped for one draw and six points for three.It's like losing two games.

This made Su Yun very impatient.

The problem of offense is not solved.It is really impossible to rule the roost in the league.Although it is said that defense wins the championship, there is no offensive strength, and only defense is not enough.Soon Su Yun experienced this pain again.

September 9rd.Chelsea away to Southampton.

In Su Yun's plan, this should also be a game that must be won.

Southampton is an underdog in the Premier League.

But the game didn't go according to Su Yun's idea.Not long after the game started, Chelsea let Southampton play one instead.And Chelsea's offense is very problematic.There is no wing, and the opponent's defense cannot be opened.

Unable to pull away the opponent's defense, it is difficult for Hasselbaink in the middle to get a chance.Su Yun hopes to use Sorin and Panucci's back to solve the problem of side attack.It's a pity that although they are very active, they still have big problems with the team on the timing of insertion.

The main problem is not being able to form a cooperation.

When fighting back, everyone has a clear goal.It also fits very well.It's a pity that it has become a positional battle. When the team needs to attack, there will be many problems in cooperation.Because positional warfare and counterattack are completely different styles of play.


needs time.

Only time will be able to complete the cooperation.

The two sides could not be opened, and Zola was also caught in the squeeze of the opponent's tall defender in the frontcourt.

In the end, relying on a free kick, Desailly scored a goal.Evened the score.

Another draw.

One to one.

This made Su Yun very embarrassed.

September 9th.Chelsea flew to Switzerland to play in the second round of the UEFA Cup.

Unexpectedly, Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry again.

Although Su Yun brought a complete substitute lineup and youth team lineup, he actually got another draw in Switzerland.

Zero to zero.

A total score of [-] to [-] victory over St. Gallen.

Chelsea are in the second round of the UEFA Cup.

At that time, Su Yun was thinking, even if he lost this game, Su Yun would not be so funny.Did not expect to get another draw.

Now Su Yun is almost becoming a draw king.

Even Su Yun himself was embarrassed.

There are too many fucking draws.

At the end of the seven rounds of the Premier League, Chelsea have three wins and four draws.Chelsea are yet to lose a game this season.But it ranks No.3 in the Premier League.Arsenal have already lost two games.Even higher than Chelsea's ranking.

Some media even made fun of Su Yun.

It is said that Chelsea will be able to complete the relegation task with an unbeaten record this season.

This made Su Yun very angry.

However, this statement is not without basis.Because there are too many draws, the loss of points is also very serious.Four draws, already lost eight points.Almost indistinguishable from losing three games.

Draw a draw.

Su Yun was already tired of the draw.


Only three days later, on October 10st, Chelsea will face Liverpool at home.

Su Yun cannot allow the team to continue to draw.

It's a joke again.

Therefore, Su Yun put all his energy into the match against Liverpool.

And at this time, Arsenal, which had just had a battle with Chelsea for the "King of London", came out with new news.

Arsenal are building a new stadium.

Of course, this news did not just come out now.In fact, there have been reports from Arsenal since last year that the Arsenal management is trying to build a new stadium, but it has already begun to take action.

Before, they only asked about the possibility of building a new stadium in a consulting way.But recently they have to formally apply for a new stadium.

Once approved, then Arsenal's new stadium will officially enter the program.

Of course, there are still many procedures to go.It needs to be approved by the London Council and the Mayor of London, as well as the consent of the local residents.These cannot be resolved in a short while.But they are now formally applying to build a new stadium, which itself shows that they have entered the process.

Although the latter issues are complicated, as long as they are formally entered into the program, those things will not be a problem.

In other words, Arsenal really want to build a new stadium.

New stadium?

This is no ordinary action.

Although even the design drawings have not come out yet, the media generally predict that once Arsenal will build a new stadium in London, a place where land is very expensive.So at least it would take more than [-] million pounds.

Three hundred million pounds?

What a number.

Some media even think that [-] million pounds is just the most conservative figure.In the end, it will definitely far exceed this amount.Some media even exaggerated that the cost of this new stadium should be able to reach more than [-] million pounds.

For a football club, don't say £[-] million.Even [-] million pounds is a huge sum.Not to mention Arsenal, it is difficult for clubs such as Real Madrid and Manchester United to afford so much money.

Some people are amazed by the greatness of the Arsenal club and the active David Dunn.Some are not optimistic about the prospect of Arsenal building a new stadium.

The one who feels the most sour here is Chelsea's owner Bates.

damn it.

David Dunn is rubbish.How dare you play this kind of action.If this plan really goes well, then Arsenal in London will be the boss in the future.According to their thinking, the new stadium with [-] seats is bigger than Highbury.

Highbury's current game revenue is around 3000 million pounds.

Betts knew that once Arsenal had a new stadium, it would be possible to double their game revenue.At that time, Arsenal's income will increase a lot.Bates gets angry just thinking about it.

Because once Arsenal's new stadium is built, Chelsea will continue to lag behind Arsenal.

As soon as this idea came out, Bates became angry.

Bates' greatest hope in this life is to surpass Arsenal and become the boss of London.Better to kick him hard on top of Arsenal.

Therefore, he couldn't help but feel sour in front of the media: "Know what is the most dangerous thing in this world? It's a snake swallowing an elephant. There is only David Dunn of Arsenal, a lunatic who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth in order to prove his ability." .With Arsenal's financial strength, if a new stadium is really built, I can guarantee that Arsenal will be the first to go bankrupt in the Premier League."

Bates really hated David Dunn.

Regarding Betts' words, David Dunn quickly countered: "Arsenal's goal is to become a world-class giant. To compete with the world's giants, there must be a matching stadium. Real Madrid has the Bernabeu, Barcelona has the Nou Camp The stadium, Manchester United has the Old Trafford Stadium, and they rely on the big stadium to firmly overwhelm other teams in terms of income. The importance of the New Century Stadium to the club is growing. Arsenal want to compete with them Competition. A modern stadium is also needed."

"Of course Chelsea don't need such a stadium. Because we pursue different goals."

It's okay if you don't say it, but it makes Bates even angrier.

David Dunn is a hypocrite who fucking despises himself.

"Shit, Arsenal also want to be a world giant? I really want to ask how many fans does Arsenal have? What achievements does Arsenal have? David Dunn seems to be insane."

Bates even disregarded his identity in a rage.

"Arsenal, which wants to become a world-class giant, has how many fans in the world? Our Chelsea has more than [-] million fans in China alone."

Bates shouted that Chelsea has 4000 million fans in China.Because after the UEFA Cup game, there were reports that about [-] million Chinese fans watched that game. (to be continued..)


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