legendary worker

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"Su, talk for a few words?"

These days, Su Yun felt more and more pressure, and he couldn't breathe ().high-speed update

It's not easy being a coach.

This 140 million pounds is really tiring to earn ().

When Su Yun was in Sunderland, he never felt this kind of pressure.In Sunderland, Su Yun is everything.But Chelsea is really not Sunderland.

Su Yun also understood why it is true success only when he proves himself in a strong team.

Because the pressure of coaching a strong team is beyond the imagination of some weak team coaches who have suddenly emerged.It's no wonder that so many coaches who have performed very well in weak teams and even won championship honors can only leave in despair when they arrive in strong teams.

All because of stress.

Many head coaches from small teams fail because they cannot overcome that invisible pressure.

At this time, Deschamps found Su Yun.

"Didier, if you have anything to say, just say it."

He is very satisfied with Deschamps Su Yun.Williams has clearly matured a lot this season.Although Williams is now 24 years old, he has also reached a mature age.But in the past few years at Sunderland, he has played with his talent.

It is far from a player like Didier Deschamps who can lead him to improve quickly.

Williams' defense is now more stable.Su Yun can even proudly say that the current Williams is not weaker than Keane and Vieira, the top two Premier League players in defense.Even better than them.

This is all thanks to Deschamps.

Su Yun didn't dare to ignore these credits.

An old player driving a new player is far better than the coach Su Yun's verbal guidance.Although Su Yun emphasized the position to Williams many times.But it is not as good as what Deschamps has taught him in the past few months.

Plus, after Deschamps joined the coaching staff, his understanding of defense is even better than Su Yun's ().As a world-class midfielder, he has played for Juventus for so many years and is the captain of the French national team. He has a deep research on defense.

After communicating with Deschamps, Su Yun learned more from him.

So Su Yun has always respected Deschamps.

Very much for Deschamps.

Compared with Wise, who was named on the coaching staff, Deschamps played a much more important role.

Su Yun knew about Deschamps' ambitions.

He is not a person who is only satisfied with being successful as a player. It is obvious that he is heading for the position of head coach.But Su Yun was sure.

Deschamps will definitely be a successful coach in the future.

This was after Su Yun contacted him.That's for sure.

"Su, let's sit over there."

De Shang and Su Yun are not much different in age.He was the only one in the team who directly called Su Yun that way.Even Zola and Wise wouldn't call Su Yun that.Of course, it is also because Su Yun and Deschamps have the best relationship.

"Why, Didier?"

After sitting down.Su Yun asked De Shang with a smile.

This is what Deschamps admired most about Su Yun.Su Yun's body is under a lot of pressure now, and it's not normal.Almost all the media are criticizing Su Yun, and you hardly see a few media that support Su Yun.

Instead, Su Yun's former club, Sunderland's "Echo", supported Su Yun.

Very ironic.

Deschamps as a member of the coaching staff ().It is even more able to feel the pressure on Su Yun.

But every time he sees Su Yun, he is always cheerful.

Su Yun never showed anything else in the locker room.Chatting with those young players, you can't see the pressure Su Yun is under now.Talk and laugh with them, as if Su Yun doesn't care at all.

This kind of thing needs to be learned.

As a head coach, you must have this kind of stability without changing your face.Only in this way can the players feel at ease.

Otherwise, if the coach panics first, the players will panic more than the coach.

Su Yun has done a very good job in this regard.

"Sue, I think your use of Jack and Frank is somewhat limiting their performance."

Su Yun respected Descendants, and Descendants respected Su Yun in the same way.

Such is the relationship between people.

You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot.He was very careful when he spoke.

Su Yun nodded.

"I know."

Both Williams and Lampard have a strong ability to get in the shot from the back.But now they share a heavy defensive task in the midfield, and the league has gone on for two and a half months with very few goals.This is related to Su Yun's current style of play.

"Su, I'm with Jack these days. His potential is far more than that. I don't talk about his defense and physical strength. Even in passing, Jack is very thoughtful. He is really a genius. I've been a player for so long. I've seen a lot of players. But Jack is a rare talent. I think you should give him more responsibility. And I think Jack and Frank's range is too limited. .”

Deschamps told Su Yun everything he thought of ().

Su Yun didn't speak.

Just quietly listening to Deschamps' words.Although he didn't know Deshang Su Yun for a long time, he knew him very well.He rarely speaks, but as long as he speaks, he can definitely hit the point.


Running range?


Su Yun has been thinking about these words.

Give Williams and Lampard more responsibility.

run, run.

Listening to Deschamps' words, Su Yun gradually had some ideas in his mind.

"Su, think about it carefully. I always think that using Jack like this now is a bit overkill."

Su Yun nodded.

"Thank you, Didier. After I sort out an idea, let's discuss it together."

When De Shang saw Su Yun's expression, he knew that Su Yun had some new ideas.In fact, Deschamps now only sees some problems and thinks that these should be changed.But how to change Didier Deschamps himself did not sort out an idea.

But Deschamps always thought that he should talk to Su Yun.

So I told Su Yun.

Seeing that Su Yun had some ideas, Deschamps was very happy.But at the same time Deschamps was a little frustrated.It seems that I still have to continue learning.

He only said a few words, Su Yun seems to have some solutions ().

Deschamps really guessed right.

Su Yun had some thoughts in his mind.I fiddled with the formation and style of play too statically, but did not make further changes.

What Su Yun thought of was Vialli's style of play.

At that time, Vialli did not have side attacks at Chelsea, but they were often able to score high points when playing against weak teams.Although playing strong teams has been massacred repeatedly, but playing weak teams has never appeared in the current predicament of Chelsea.

How Chelsea played at the time.

Just by passing the ball non-stop.In the midfield they had Wise, Di Matteo, Poyet, Petrescu and others.They just rely on non-stop passing to tear apart the opponent's defense.

In the non-stop passing, find the opponent's gap.

As this kind of pass is blown out in games against strong teams, it is still very useful in games against weak teams.

In the past, it was because of Vialli's Chelsea every time.So Su Yun despised Vialli and Chelsea at that time.But thinking about it now, their style of play at that time still has a lot of merit.


The current Chelsea players completely surpass the Chelsea at that time in terms of running ability.Lampard and Williams are players with extremely strong running ability.Standing and passing the ball is far worse than running to tear apart the opponent's defense.

Keep running.

Since coaching Williams, Su Yun has attached great importance to the running ability of players.But in Chelsea, Suyun puts this ability more on defense.Now that I think of it, it was indeed a waste of their talents.


This is a remarkable ability ( ).

I have never used it well.


Of course, this is just a preliminary idea of ​​Su Yun.

The competition during this period is also very intensive.Su Yun was not given any chance to catch his breath.

On October 10th, the second round of the UEFA Cup began.

Su Yun led Chelsea to Belgium.Chelsea's opponent in the second round of the UEFA Cup is the Brugge team from the Belgian First Division.

The Brugge is one of the most successful clubs in Belgium.Is the traditional strong team of Belgium.Even 22 years ago, they reached the Champions League final.This is also the best result of a Belgian team in the Champions League.

It's a pity that Bruce at that time met Liverpool who were in full swing.

Liverpool at the time dominated European football.When all the giants in Europe have to retreat when they encounter Liverpool.Bruni can only sigh to himself that he is unlucky.

Defeated by Liverpool, failed to win the highest trophy in the Champions League.

But this achievement is enough for them to be proud of.

It's a pity that it doesn't work now.

Since the Bosman Act, these small football countries in Europe can be said to have been devastated.Bururi's strength also plummeted.Facing the strong European teams, there is no resistance.

At home, he couldn't stop Chelsea at all.

It was also the first time for Su Yun to try his own idea.

During the game, Su Yun is no longer a fixed player position ().Deschamps leans back and acts as a defensive midfielder.Then there are Lampard, Di Matteo, and Williams in front of them, and they keep running and crossing positions.

And Zola is between Eto'o and the midfielder.

Lampard, Di Matteo, and Williams, who cooperated with the running, kept passing the ball to mobilize Bruri's defense.

Because it is the first time to use this kind of running, it is a little strange.Even several players sometimes run to the same position, but the effect is very obvious.

Bururi's offense couldn't be played at all.

However, the defense was completely messed up by the running of the three people.Of course because it was the first time I played like this.So a little rusty.But there is no doubt that running non-stop can run out of the opponent's space.

During the game, Eto'o, Di Matteo and Zola all contributed to Chelsea.

In the away game, Chelsea easily defeated Brunei [-]-[-].

There shouldn't be any problems entering the top 32 of the UEFA Cup.

Of course, what Su Yun was more happy was that he had a new way of thinking.In the past, I always paid too much attention to the formation of play, and did not use the ability of players flexibly.Confining both Williams and Lampard to one side is really a big mistake.

With this game.Su Yun's head suddenly seemed to open up.

Even if it is a defensive counterattack, there are many ways.Running can not only be used in defense, but various crossovers and running can also open up the opponent's defense.

Of course, these all need to be practiced.

Otherwise, it will seem nonsensical.That's not good. (to be continued..)


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