legendary worker

298 Absolute Power

Come to the game, we welcome you!

Put on your blue suit and watch us play.Baidu search: reading novels

Sing loudly, sing clearly, till we win.

Everyone sings: Chelsea! ! !

Every game will have the same singing voice, but every time Su Yun hears this singing voice, he will have a different feeling.A feeling that makes Su Yun want to make this place his home.The singing carries on the culture of this club.

This is indeed the team culture, a team culture that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Chinese clubs lack the inheritance of this culture.

The names of those clubs can be seen.

They all add their company's name after the city.After a few years, those investors felt that it was useless, so they sold the club.Then the club started to change to another company name.With such changes, the fans themselves became dizzy.There is no culture at all to pass on.

Look at the clubs here in England.

Those clubs have used the same name for hundreds of years.Have Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool changed their names?Ever put a sponsor's name after your club's name, or the name of the owner's company?

But their fans passed it down from generation to generation.

It is very common in England for three generations to support a club together.

Think more.

Su Yun shook his head.

Every time he sees some advanced aspects of English football, Su Yun thinks of Chinese football.

The obsession with Chinese football has been deeply rooted in Su Yun's body.

Su Yun can think of Chinese football at any moment.

Just when Su Yun was listening to the singing of the Chelsea fans, Barcelona's head coach Ferrer came out.

Coach Ferrer is not very old.

Only 47 years old this year.

But the beard turned out to be all gray.In fact, although Ferrer is now the head coach of a wealthy club like Barcelona.But Su Yun really didn't know Ferrer before.It's all the same.

There is still a big gap in football between European countries.

Just like Su Yun's success in English football, but in European football, he is just an unknown junior.

It won't change just because Su Yun becomes Chelsea's head coach.

European football does not recognize a coach like Su Yun.Not only fans from other countries, but also colleagues from other countries will not know Su Yun's name.

And so did Ferrer.

His performance in the Spanish domestic league was not bad, but it was not as good as Su Yun's domestic performance in England.Later, he went to Barcelona as the coach of the second team. This season, Van Gaal dismissed get out of class, so he became the head coach of Barcelona.

Su Yun has some things that he can't figure out.

Ferrer's performance in La Liga is not bad, so why would he be willing to be the coach of Barcelona's second team?If it is Su Yun, let him be an assistant coach for coaches like Ferguson and Wenger.I would rather fight in League One.

It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

But people's choices are different.

Although he didn't understand, Su Yun wouldn't say anything.Maybe Ferrer just thought that was good?


"Hello everyone. This is at Stamford Bridge. Now we are showing you the UEFA Cup round of 32 knockout match. Chelsea vs. Barcelona."

"Let's look at the lineup of the visiting team first. The goalkeeper is the French goalkeeper Dutruel, the three defenders are Abelardo, De Boer, Petit, the midfielders are Overmars, Cocu, Guardio La, Xavi, Simão. Kluivert and Rivaldo up front."

"It's really star-studded."

After Martin Taylor introduced Barcelona's lineup, he gasped in admiration.

Barcelona deserves to be a giant team.

Look at their players, they are all big names in world football.

Compared with their Chelsea lineup, it is much inferior.

"Look at Chelsea's squad. Cudicini in goal, Le Saux, Ayala, Desailly, Panucci at the back, Didier Deschamps, Sorin, Lampard, Williams in midfield , the strikers are Hasselbaink and Eto'o."

"Chelsea's injuries have been relatively serious recently. Zola and Di Matteo both had some minor injuries. I heard that Desailly has not fully recovered, but he was forced to play for this game."

Martin Taylor is more familiar with Chelsea than Barcelona.

It is true that the recent intensive schedule has caused Chelsea to suffer a lot of injuries.

Especially veterans.

Di Matteo has an ankle injury and needs to rest for four weeks.Zora is too tired.The game was so intensive that the 34-year-old was exhausted.So although this match was very eye-catching, Su Yun still let Zola rest.

Desailly's injury is not fully healed either.

But Su Yun had no choice.

Terry Suyun was really worried.Although Terry is very strong, but this time he is facing Kluivert and Rivaldo, Su Yun is worried about Terry.After all, Terry's experience is too lacking.

And Desailly also wants to compete with Kluivert and Rivaldo.

Although old.But Desailly was not convinced at all.

As Barcelona said before the game, there are indeed some who look down on Chelsea.

Although Barcelona's own situation is not very good now.

But they still look down on Chelsea.

At this time, the Premier League has a low status in European football.Speaking of Premier League teams, Manchester United is the one they talk about the most.Even Arsenal, a team with good performance in the Premier League, has performed poorly in the European arena in recent seasons.

Not so bad.

So at this time, the powerhouses of Serie A, La Liga, and Bundesliga look down on the Premier League teams.

Except Manchester United.

Therefore, although it was an away game, Barcelona still took the offensive.Of course, Barcelona's style is to attack, let them defend and they will not defend.

Barça's possession is excellent.

Especially Guardiola.There is also Harvey who is next to him.Both are the most typical No. 4 players.

It is the position born out of Barcelona's style of play.

Both of them are players who are good at handling the ball and good at passing the ball.They are the metronomes that control the rhythm of Barcelona.Chelsea really don't have a player with such excellent ball control ability.

"Guardiola, a direct pass... Rivaldo, he gave the ball to Overmars on the wing. Overmars was very fast... the cross was pushed out by Desailly."

"Guardiola, hand it over to Overmars... Cocu. Far away!"

Su Yun frowned as he watched Guardiola wantonly control and pass the ball in the midfield from the sidelines.

"Jack, Jack. Push up. Push up."

Su Yun must not let Guardiola be so casual.

So he stepped forward and kept gesturing to Williams.Let him press it up.Barcelona play midfield possession, but they have a three-back system.Once the midfielder can grab the ball, it can pose a direct threat to Barcelona.

Williams was actually a little nervous.

It's the same as Su Yun's first time facing the European giants.The same goes for Williams.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Williams is not the kind of player who is very courageous or domineering.So after the game started, there was some restraint.But after seeing Su Yun's gesture, Williams pressed forward.

Guardiola also saw Williams step forward.

Who is Williams?

If it weren't for this game, Guardiola wouldn't even know that there is still a player like Williams on this earth.Of course, I don't know much about the characteristics of Williams.I know that Williams is in good health, has excellent defense, and has a strong header ability.

Guardiola didn't care much about these.

Most of England's midfielders are players with this characteristic.

So he still carried out the dispatching at a leisurely pace.

But when Williams leaned on Guardiola, Guardiola understood what physical strength is.Pushing himself from behind was so powerful that Guardiola could barely control the ball.

Guardiola quickly passed the ball to Xavi next to him.Let little brother Harvey organize the offense.

Finally understood Williams' physical strength.

Fortunately, Guardiola is not Gerrard, Morris and other children who have just debuted.He is already an established world-class midfielder, and he has passed the age of competing with someone.His task is to connect Barcelona's offense and use the pass to regulate Barcelona's rhythm.

A fight with a little furry kid?

That's what young people do.

So Guardiola didn't get entangled with Williams at all, as long as Williams stepped forward, he would pass the ball.

Williams was furious.

He felt like he was running around like a fool.Couldn't touch the ball at all.Guardiola and Harvey simply regarded themselves as fools.Like a monkey.This feeling made Williams a little crazy.

Deschamps saw it from behind.

On a dead ball, ran to Williams' side. "Jack, don't stare at someone. Take a good look at their passing route and their passing habits. When they pass the ball, you have to make a decisive move. Don't worry. You know?"

Deschamps told Williams while patting Williams on the shoulder.

Williams nodded.


Why is Williams a genius?In addition to his physical condition, the biggest thing is his comprehension.

Williams' perception is strong.

After the game restarted, Williams looked like he had been being played by Guardiola, Xavi and Cocu as before.But Williams has been keeping a close eye on Guardiola's passing habits.

Williams really found out.

Guardiola, it should be said that Barcelona attaches great importance to the younger brother Harvey.Every time Guardiola takes the ball, he will give the ball to Harvey for a transition.

In the beginning, Williams knew only a little anger.not found.

After calming down, he discovered Guardiola's action.

Of course it doesn't mean you have to go through Harvey.

Barcelona's offense is still in charge of Guardiola, and the rhythm is also controlled by Guardiola.His pass to Harvey was more of an unconscious move.

But Williams found out.

But Williams has always remained expressionless, of course Williams' dead face.It's the same expression all day long, and no one else can see it.

"Guardiola, although the game only lasted 4 minutes, but Guardiola was very good in the midfield. Chelsea's midfield was completely at a disadvantage in the battle with Barcelona. Barcelona's possession rate exceeded 60.00%, Chelsea The midfielders just couldn't get the ball. Guardiola was telling the Chelsea players what technical ability was."

The Spanish commentator almost didn't say Chelsea, you guys, your skills are too poor.

Martin Taylor meant the same thing.

"Chelsea's midfield is completely losing momentum now. Coach Su Yun should make some changes. Otherwise, it will be more and more unfavorable for Chelsea."

Barcelona's midfield skills are really good.

Compared with them, England players are indeed a bunch of rough guys.Whether it is Williams or Lampard, in terms of personal ball handling skills, they are really several grades behind.

Look at Guardiola.


Guardiola's ball control and passing are not the most gorgeous in world football.Not even as gorgeous as Real Madrid's previous midfielder Redon.But compared with the rough guys like Chelsea, it can no longer be compared with gorgeousness.

Barça's passes were passed back and forth, and again to Guardiola's feet.

Williams stared at Guardiola like a hawk.

Guardiola is playing more and more easily.As before, he casually handed the ball to Harvey next to him.

A very common pass.

But just when Guardiola just passed the ball, Williams, who had been cruising in front, suddenly jumped out.

"Guardiola...Williams, Williams. Guardiola's pass was weak and Williams cut the ball from it. It was Guardiola's pass error, pass error!"

Martin Taylor yelled.

Because Guardiola's position is very low, as long as you break through Guardiola's back, you will face Barcelona's defense.

In fact, the pass just now was not Guardiola's pass error at all, but Williams' accurate judgment.Guardiola was stunned by Williams' explosiveness.When Guardiola passed the ball, Williams was nearly four meters away from Guardiola, but when Guardiola passed the ball, Williams started running.

In the blink of an eye, he was in the middle of Guardiola and Xavi and intercepted the ball.

Neither Guardiola nor Harvey expected Williams to have such explosive power.

"Williams, Williams he steals the ball. What will he choose. Pass... Eto'o on the right, Eto'o gets the ball!"

When Eto'o took the ball, it turned out to be Cocu who followed him.

Cocu is a very good player, it should be said that he is very comprehensive.It can attack when attacking, and can help defend when defending.

When Guardiola concedes the ball.No one is ready.

It is not easy for Cocu to run to the right to defend Eto'o.

Eto'o is explosive and fast.But his experience is not good.Cocu is an extremely experienced player. Although he plays in midfield, his defensive ability is very good.Instead of stealing the ball, he kept disturbing Eto'o.

Simply do not let Eto'o have the opportunity to enter the restricted area.

Barcelona has a back three.

If there had been no interference from Cocu just now, Eto'o would have had every chance to go straight in.But Cocu pushed Eto'o all the way to the outside line, without giving Eto'o any space to let him in.

In desperation, Eto'o could only keep walking outside.

It's almost bottom line.Eto'o barely made a cross.

The quality is poor though.

There is no way, under the interference of Cocu, there is no good pass at all.

The ball was erratic, and it didn't look like a cross at all.

"Eto'o, the cross... the pass was not good."

Martin Taylor shook his head.

The pass was poor, the ball was high and floating, but Williams didn't give up.Then plug in and jump high.

Because the ball is slower.

Therefore, both Abelardo and De Boer are near the landing point of the ball.After Abelardo interfered, Williams plugged in, and De Boer jumped up to head the ball.As for Guardiola next to Williams, he also jumped up to squeeze Williams out.

Not only the three of them, but Barcelona's goalkeeper Dutruel has also stepped forward.He's going to catch the ball.

many people.

Williams felt the interference from these people, but he didn't see anyone in his eyes.

He just stares at that high, slow cross.

Then he ran and jumped high.

With three people interfering next to him, Williams had no fear at all.It's the physicality that Williams loves most.He has never been afraid of physical confrontation.

"Williams...Williams! Header! Amazing power!"


"Williams! Williams! Williams!" Martin Taylor called Williams' name more than ten times almost without interruption.

The power of a header shot is generally determined by the speed of the pass.But Eto'o's cross this time is soft, but Williams' header has amazing speed.Because Dutruel also stepped forward, there was nothing he could do.

The ball has already entered Barcelona's goal.

Of course it's not amazing.

The most surprising thing is that Abelardo, De Boer, and Guardiola who competed with Williams for this point were all directly knocked down by Williams.The goalkeeper Ditrul who attacked from behind was also tripped by them, and the four fell together in Barcelona's penalty area.

But Williams was fine.

It was a spectacular scene.

Williams knocked them all down by himself.

"Strength, I only see strength. Williams used strength to overcome Barcelona's defense. The three of them failed to withstand Williams. If the ball is close to the goal again, maybe all of them will be defeated. Williams went straight into the goal."

Martin Taylor's surprised and excited commentary.

"See? This is power."

Williams saw the goal raised his fist, and finally changed to a celebration.But that's all.

Neither jumping up excitedly nor running around excitedly.

Just hold one arm high in place.

But at this time, Williams seemed like a god descending from the earth.And the few people next to him have become a foil.

Guardiola and De Boer, who had direct physical contact with Williams, were both surprised.The two of them looked at each other.They have been rampant in football for so many years, and they have seen countless players.

But this is the first time I have seen someone with such physical strength as Williams.

Are you a human?

A common question for both of them.

"Andy, do you know who I thought of when I saw the goal just now?"


Andy Gray with Martin Taylor.

"Vieri. I seem to see the omnipotent Vieri in the penalty area. I think only Vieri can complete such a domineering shot in European football. I think coach Su Yun can consider letting him Williams became a center forward." (To be continued..)


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