legendary worker

Chapter 302 Home?

Recently, Su Yun is in a good mood. 78xs

Chelsea's performance has begun to increase significantly, and there are more ways to face those weak Chelsea teams.Instead of being unable to open the situation like before.

Thorin and Panucci are doing better and better.

Their cooperation with the midfielders has also become more and more tacit.

Know when to get in, when to assist, and when to defend.It opened up Chelsea's sideways at once, and because they cooperated well with the midfielders, they didn't have to be directly countered by others.

Especially in the recent games, it is very obvious.

In the No.17 round of the Premier League, Chelsea faced Derby County at home.

In this game, Chelsea's two wings were completely opened.Under the cover of the central players, Sorin and Panucci went straight up and down on the wing.Take turns to blow up the opponent's two sides.In the end Chelsea beat Derby County four to one.

Three of the balls were related to the wing.

Two of them were crosses after the full-backs plugged in at high speed, and Poyet and Williams who plugged in later scored a goal each.

There is also a wing attack.

After Sorin made a breakthrough from the wing, he made a one-two with Poyet and was saved by the goalkeeper, allowing Hasselbaink in the penalty area to make up.

The last ball is not directly related to the full-back.

But there are also their credits.

In particular, Panucci's intervention allowed the opponent's left back to defend and opened up Derby County's defense.It was on the right that Hasselbaink received a direct pass from Lampard.After throwing off the opponent with speed, he scored twice.

It can be said that when the two sides gradually become active, Chelsea's various coordination in the center is also very easy to play.

Su Yun was very pleasantly surprised by Panucci's outstanding performance.

Sure enough, he is a famous European player who can play the main force in Milan and Real Madrid.

Su Yun has even started negotiating with Inter Milan.If they really don't need Panucci, Su Yun hopes that Chelsea can buy Panucci directly.Su Yun really didn't understand what was wrong with the honest Panucci and Lippi, and Lippi insisted on banning him.

Such a good player as Panucci cannot be let go.

Although Inter Milan has already fired Lippi, they don't have much interest in Panucci.The main reason is that Inter Milan has too many good players.There is Zanetti, the big man, in Panucci's position.Therefore, Inter Milan and Chelsea had a good talk, leaving only the question of Panucci's worth.

After solving the transfer fee problem, Panucci will be able to become a Chelsea player.

After defeating Derby County in the No.17 round of the Premier League.Chelsea surpassed Liverpool and ranked No.3 in the Premier League.

This is not counting.

In the next quarter-finals of the League Cup, Chelsea, who played half as the main force and half as a substitute, easily defeated Sheffield Wednesday [-]-[-].

Chelsea's recent results on all fronts have been excellent.

The league is already on the right track.Ranking rose to No.3 position.The UEFA Cup also eliminated Barcelona and entered the top sixteen, and the League Cup also entered the semi-finals.

Chelsea fans have gradually begun to appreciate Su Yun.

They think that Su Yun's transformation of Chelsea has been completely successful.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions.

The excellent grades also brought huge economic benefits to Su Yun.Those companies that were still hesitant, seeing Su Yun's growing popularity, rushed in.After all, the Chinese market is too tempting.

Soon Su Yun had several more endorsements.

At first, I wanted to limit a few.After all, Su Yun's grades are not so good that they are against the sky, and there are some problems with his reputation.

**I hope to slowly increase the endorsements on my body.

But those companies are too enthusiastic.

Su Yun's endorsement fee is also getting higher and higher.

In the end, Su Yun had six endorsement advertisements, although some of them just signed contracts.But with the addition of the six endorsements, Su Yun's annual income has increased by more than 400 million euros compared to before, reaching 430 million euros.

Adding Su Yun's annual salary, the annual income exceeds 600 million euros.

Amazing data.

Everyone in European football sighs.

damn it.

Why is Su Yun, a young coach, able to earn so much money so easily?

So unfair.

You can get good grades and make money.Su Yun really didn't know what else to say now?

When I chose to be a coach before, I never thought that there would be such a day.


But after finishing the League Cup, Su Yun's mood was a little low.

Probably not low.

Just some mood swings.There are really some fluctuations.

Because the No.18 round of the Premier League is about to start.Su Yun is going to the Stadium of Light to challenge Sunderland.

Su Yun has stayed in many teams so far.

Definitely not one or two.

From the Chinese National Youth Team to the national team, the Liaoning team, and later the A-b club.Even in China, Su Yun has stayed in several clubs.After arriving in England, first at Dagenham, then at Sunderland, and then at Chelsea.

There are so many different clubs, but there is only one club that Su Yun really regards as his own.

That's Sunderland.

Su Yun has deep feelings for Sunderland.

Although only a short period of three years.But it was at Sunderland that Su Yun felt he was truly the head coach of a football club.

Sunderland club chairman Murray Suyun likes it very much.

really like.

Murray is a gentleman and a man who knows how to be chairman of the club.He respected Su Yun, the head coach from the British-African Union, and never interfered with Su Yun's work.Every time I discussed something with Su Yun, I would smile at each other.

Su Yun sometimes thinks.

The gentleman mentioned by the British should refer to people like Murray.

Su Yun, a Sunderland fan, also likes it very much.

they are cute.

really cute.They are crazy.But not as annoying as the fans in places like West Ham United and Millwall.

Their relationship is more simple.

As long as they are their own players and their own coaches, they will support them.

Sunderland team Su Yun prefers.

Because it is different from the current Chelsea.Sunderland's team at the time was completely created by Su Yun.The entire Sunderland first-team players, except for a few players, were all handpicked by Su Yun.

Followed them to create the League One points record.

He led them into a dark horse whirlwind in the Premier League, winning the League Cup and the FA Cup one after another.

These things are definitely not something that other clubs can replace.

Sunderland gave Su Yun countless good memories.

It was also the first time for Sunderland to make Su Yun feel like a head coach.

It's like first love.

Sunderland gave Su Yun the feeling of first love.

Su Yun knew it when he was the head coach for the first time in China.They were able to invite themselves not because of how capable they were, but because of the strength of their family.Whether it is to get the approval of zhengfu, or to get more business.Su Yun's family can satisfy him.

Although Su Yun's father stepped back, the influence he left behind was not small.

And Su Yun's two elder brothers are very good in the political and financial circles.That's why the young Su Yun had the opportunity to become the head coach.

And coming to England and Dagenham also relied on his elder brother's relationship.

In Dagenham, Su Yun is the overlord.

It didn't feel like I was the head coach at all.

Only to Sunderland have this feeling.

Relying on one's own strength.Attracted Sunderland's attention.He also achieved great success in Sunderland by relying on his own strength, rather than relying on family relationships.

These things are beyond the imagination of outsiders.

For Su Yun, this is really a first love.

A head coach's first love.

Su Yun believed that it was impossible for other clubs to give him this feeling.I will be in Chelsea in the future.Or go to other clubs.Possibly with great success at Chelsea or another club.

But the feeling that Sunderland once gave Su Yun will no longer exist.

So thinking of the Stadium of Light, Su Yun felt a little timid.

There are some fears.

Do Sunderland fans think they are ungrateful?

Although it is very normal for a coach to change jobs.It is very difficult for a head coach like Su Yun who has great ambitions and good results to stay in a small club like Sunderland.But this is just the idea of ​​Su Yun and others.

Su Yun is not God's illegitimate child.

You can't expect other people to think the same as you.

It is also possible for Sunderland fans to blame themselves.

It's just that Su Yun is sad when he thinks of these things.Will they really scold themselves?

Su Yun was a little worried.

Although Su Yun has some fame in British football, it is nothing.Compared with coaches such as Ferguson, Wenger, Robson and Houllier, Su Yun is not enough to watch.So Su Yun was very nervous, but apart from some London media and Sunderland local media, not many people paid attention to this game.

When Su Yun was a little flustered, Su Yun didn't expect Murray to be interviewed first.

"On behalf of Sunderland, I would like to thank Coach Su Yun. It is because of him that Sunderland can be promoted to the Premier League. It is also because of him that we can achieve such good results in the Premier League. A Carling Cup, a The FA Cup is what he bequeathed to us at Sunderland."

"Our club and fans are grateful to Coach Su Yun. We also welcome Coach Su Yun to return to the Stadium of Light."

Hear Murray's words.Su Yun didn't know what to say.

When leaving Sunderland, Murray was very reasonable.Now that Murray still made such a statement, Su Yun really didn't know what to say.


Really a little bit.

Sometimes Su Yun really thinks.If Sunderland is a traditional strong team in England, the Sunderland area is one of the central cities of England.Will I always cooperate with Murray, will I stay in Sunderland forever?

Instead of wandering around like now.

Just a wish.

Maybe I am the kind of life that wanders around after all.And Sunderland is only the fate of the middle and lower reaches of the Premier League.

Although Murray said that he welcomes Su Yun, the worry in Su Yun's heart is still not over.

Stadium of Light?

It's like coming home.

Come back home?

Hope they don't boo me. (To be continued..)


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