I became a member of the ancient gods

Chapter 201 The Divine Position of the Bishop

Chapter 201 The Divine Position of the Bishop
The angle of the video shown by Sister Yisi seems to be from a high altitude. I don’t know what facility was used to shoot it. It doesn’t look particularly clear.

The video captures a city surrounded by walls, which is obviously a sanctuary area. The defense facilities in this sanctuary area are obviously much better than those in Area 18. You can vaguely see machine guns and missiles neatly arranged on the wall. The sanctuary area A special dome was built above, blocking several areas, but Lin finally identified what looked like an airport facility in the shelter area.

Rows of tanks and chariots line up outside the city walls, and military helicopters and airships patrol the surrounding area. To describe this sanctuary as impregnable is probably not an exaggeration at all.

Lin finally knew that these were just the weapons he could see through the screen. With this level of external armed forces, they probably also had a considerable amount of high-tech weapons hidden in their cards.The scale of the troops brought by the Lord of Time brought serious damage to the Eighteenth District, but if their goal was here, they would basically be seeking death.

"This is..." Lin Zhong asked subconsciously.

"The Sixth Sanctuary Area near Abyss No. [-], the base established by the coalition government Army General Alexander Sukhoi, this is a picture taken by a low-orbit satellite." The nun explained.

"Satellite photography? Not a drone?" Lin Zhong was a little surprised.

"The Sixth Shelter Area can be said to be a complete military fortress. Drones cannot approach it at all, let alone other large aircraft. We can only use low-orbiting satellites to conduct a rough reconnaissance. This was taken three days ago. You It can be seen that the entire sanctuary has entered a state of alert in advance. In fact, the fortress had begun preparations for war as early as a day ago." The nun explained, "Then..."

As she spoke, the video suddenly fast-forwarded to a certain point in time, and a large area of ​​gray fog pushed over from the bottom left of the screen, gradually occupying the entire screen and completely covering the shelter.

"They knew that the gray fog would erupt at this time!" Lin finally understood.

It is a terrible thing for a sanctuary to be swallowed up by the expanding abyss. The gray fog will accumulate towards a city where a large number of humans live, and then attract a tide of abyssal creatures.Sanctuary Six was clearly preparing for that moment.

But Lin finally fell into doubt: "But if they knew in advance, why didn't they evacuate in advance?"

Gray fog eruptions generally only last a few hours. If you know the time of the gray fog eruption at least one day in advance, then it is the wisest choice to temporarily escape from a place that may be covered by an abyss.

"Because this is the task they were ordered to do, the garrison in this city must be used as bait to attract most of the dependents of Abyss Three to open a way for their master." The nun said.

"You mean General Sukhoi?" Lin Zhong asked in surprise.

"Yes, he entered the center of the abyss and started the ritual, so the gray mist erupted. I guess he used all the resources at his disposal to make his city a bait to attract abyssal creatures, and he led his elite troops from a few places. Rush into the center of the abyss from a certain direction, kill the bishop apostle who competes with him, and then seize the authority of the demigod yourself." said the nun.

"But it can't be observed from the outside in the abyss, right? It shouldn't be enough to determine what happened." Lin Zhong was a little confused.

"Then take a look at this." Sister Yisi said, continuing to fast forward the video.

Lin Zhi saw that the gray fog in the picture receded at a certain point in time, and the disaster of the gray fog outbreak seemed to have subsided.

When the gray fog that obscured the lens disappeared, what Lin finally saw was the fortress surrounded by dense dark red.

"Those are... creatures from the abyss?" Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

The body tone of abyssal creatures is basically dark red, which means thousands of abyssal creatures are besieging human settlements.

The outside of the wall has been blocked, and the tanks and chariots deployed outside have disappeared. The sea of ​​monsters is surging like a wave and washing away the fortress wall, but the fortress is still resisting tenaciously, and the artillery fire and missiles have never stopped. .

Suddenly, a bright white light appeared without warning in the tide of monsters.A terrifyingly powerful explosion almost turned the picture monitored by the satellite into a pale white.

When the picture recovered from the dazzling white, Lin finally saw a big circle vacated in the dark red monster tide, where there was a huge pit, and the luster of lava shone in the huge pit.In the satellite's bird's-eye view, the crater only occupies a small area, but it can be seen that the area of ​​the huge crater is already one-third the size of the sanctuary.

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Zhong's forehead. The explosion was enough to destroy one-third of a large shelter area, which meant that only two to three attacks were enough to level a shelter area.

It may be very difficult for the current common weapons used by mankind to achieve such an explosive yield without meeting the specifications of nuclear weapons.

Perhaps a nuclear-tipped missile attack?

This thought flashed out in Lin Zhong's mind, because immediately he saw a ball of light appear on the screen, and then the ball of light projected several white rays in all directions, shooting at the ancient gods' descendants, who were hit by the rays. An explosion is triggered immediately where it hits.

In just a few seconds, the number of abyssal creatures surrounding the sanctuary area was reduced by one-third.

Lin had finally seen this kind of attack. It was a beam of energy emitted by an artificial angel, but the attack scale of this light ball was obviously not of the same level. There was no doubt that...

"Although we did not directly photograph Admiral Sukhoi, there is no doubt that this is the power of a demigod." The nun began to explain.

Lin Zhong nodded unconsciously, already accepting this conclusion in his heart.

Alexander Sukhoi, the third-ranked Dawn Hunter in the Exploration Association, the army general of the coalition government, and the great warlord, has become a bishop and demigod.

"To a certain extent, this is also your credit." The nun suddenly said.

"Us?" Lin Zhong was a little surprised.

"Admiral Sukhoi has become the demigod's biggest competitor, and that is Robert Vader. They have been at odds with each other for a long time. They both have huge resources at hand and know the secrets of the abyss. Not only that, they are also eyeing the same abyss. According to According to our intelligence, when Vader sent artificial angels to capture you, Sukhoi attacked the Rootless Fortress, delaying Vader's progress. He should have started the ceremony directly while Vader was unable to move. Given that he has military resources, it probably won’t matter even if he is targeted by the apostles of Abyss No. [-]." Sister Yisi explained.

Lin did not comment in the end. He knew that the biggest blow they had caused to Vader was not to delay the artificial angel to create opportunities for Sukhoi's attack, but to directly kidnap the artificial angel. For Dr. Vader, this was It can be called a drain on the bottom of the cauldron.

After hearing this news, Lin finally felt for the first time that he seemed to have a huge impact on the history of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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