I became a member of the ancient gods

Chapter 247 The Problematic Dawn Hunter

Chapter 247 The Problematic Dawn Hunter

Lin Zhong's voice reached Axia through Zhou Yun's earphones.

Both A-Xia and Zhou Yun were a little surprised, but after thinking for a moment, A-Xia said the matter: "Perhaps there is a possibility that someone in Area 33 has colluded with the Deathstroke Order?"

"Why do you think so?" Khadija looked confused.

"Is it strange to think of this possibility?" Axia asked.

"After all, that is the territory of the coalition government, and Vito Solaso ​​is also a registered Dawn Hunter." Khadija said.

"But you can't deny this possibility. Colonel, you said you investigated Area 33 earlier. Have you sent intelligence personnel there?" Axia asked seriously.

"Do you want to get information directly from us?" Khadija asked bluntly.

"You said that your Defense Forces can't stay out of it, so what's the inconvenience of sharing information?" Axia looked at it as a matter of course, "Or do you want to make a condition that I will be loyal to Admiral Sukhoi? "

"That's not the case. If the Major is unwilling in the first place, there is no loyalty at all if he forces himself to come. It's just..." Khadija fell into thinking and paused for a moment, "If the Major can contribute to our side in the abyss exploration work in the future, If we provide assistance, we are naturally willing to provide some information to express our sincerity."

"If I owe a favor, I will definitely pay it back. But it sounds like you really know something." Axia was convinced that the Sukhoi camp knew something about the situation.

Lin Zhong also thought that it would be good to have information.

Originally, if we wanted to verify the content of the email, it would be most appropriate to rely on the power of the Enji Society. The nun claimed that she had been looking for the whereabouts of Paradise Island. If a feasible reason could be found for the origin of this information, then the nun would probably find a way to deal with it. District 33 launches an investigation.

But the nun happened to enter the abyss at this time, and Lin finally had no choice but to find ways to obtain information from other channels.

Now that Axia is connected with the Sukhoi camp, it is excellent to obtain useful information from Sukhoi.He had seen intelligence sources from the Sukhoi camp who had infiltrated the Tunkou Gang, and Lin was quite optimistic about the level of intelligence work there.

Alexander Sukhoi is both a Dawn Hunter and a Superior, and now he has evolved into a demigod, so he will inevitably come into contact with the Deathstroke Order.According to the nun, he is a powerful and ambitious person. Regardless of whether he is good or evil, he is still on the civilized side after all. He has irreconcilable conflicts with the Deathstroke Order.

If he knew about Mr. Key's existence, he would have been wary of him and investigated him.

It is possible that they already knew that Area 33 was related to Paradise Island.

"Okay, for the time being, I still believe in the Major's character." Khadija sorted it out in her mind and said, "In fact, we have found more than once that there has always been an unknown flow of materials in Area 33."

"The flow of materials is unknown...what do you mean?" Axia didn't understand.

"There is a large port in District 33, and the terminal transportation is also controlled by the Clown Gang. The terminal warehouse is the property of the Clown Gang. We have tried to monitor the flow of materials at the terminal, and found that the goods packed and transported into the terminal have always been significantly less than We can only make a rough observation about the goods being shipped and leaving the port, but the discrepancy is so large that it cannot be explained by errors in any case," Khadija said.

"Maybe they are hoarding supplies in the dock warehouse. In this world where the end of the world is always around the corner, it is not unusual for people to desperately hoard supplies." Axia said.

"We made records within two months, and found that the different materials had already exceeded the storage limit of the warehouse, and the warehouse seemed to be very empty all the time. There are also some warehouses that are basically only accessible." "We have always suspected that an underwater dock was built under the warehouse," Tiga said.

"Submarine passage?" Axia immediately had a guess.

"We have tried launching underwater robots, but we have never found them." Khadija replied.


Lin Zhong immediately thought of a possibility.

Since the email he just sent may be from Irene, he now has the impression that Area 33 is colluding with Paradise Island.

On this basis, he immediately thought of the possibility that these supplies were transferred from Area 33 to Paradise Island with the help of Mr. Key's ability.

"Even the underwater robots are used, you have investigated so carefully, there should be a lot of doubts worthy of your attention in Area 33, right?" A-Xia said seriously.

Lin Zhong also thought the same way. The investigation by the Sukhoi camp was obviously a bit unnaturally deep.

"I wonder if the Major knows anything. In fact, when the 33th District was attacked before, the 25th District near the [-]rd District was also attacked with the same method and then destroyed." Khadija said that Asha knew intelligence.

"Is this happening?" A Xia reacted in surprise.

"Area 25 is very close to Area 33. We even asked for help from Area 33, but were rejected. A few months have passed, and Area 33 has been safe and sound. There are also Dawn Hunters stationed near the same abyss. Why? Doesn’t the Major find it strange that Area 33 would be ignored?” Khadija asked.

"It's strange." Axia quickly answered. They had thought about this matter for a long time.

"In addition, in Area 33, there seems to be a cult that has been secretly active. That cult has been preaching that human beings have no ability to escape the judgment of the ancient gods. The end of the world is inevitable. Human beings should accept the judgment calmly and enjoy themselves in time." Katie Chia said.

"Isn't this a cult that believes in ancient gods?" Axia reacted immediately.

"This sect also claims that they have built a paradise where any desire can be satisfied. As long as you serve the sect and make enough contributions, you can get a ticket to enter the paradise." Khadija added.

"I heard this statement in Huangcheng when I was investigating the Deathstroke Order!" Axia cheered up.

"Yes, according to our investigation, this seems to be one of the recruitment methods of the Deathstroke Order. Vito Solaso's Clown Gang has such a deep control over Area 33, but there will be religions that the coalition government cannot tolerate in the Sanctuary The idea is quietly popular..." Kadijia spread her hands, "Combining all the circumstances, we can at least say that there is a high possibility that Area 33 has a close relationship with this religious order."

After hearing this, Lin Zhong had basically concluded in his mind - there must be something wrong with the Dawn Hunter stationed in Area 33, Vito Solaso!
(End of this chapter)

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