Chapter 250
You have to find a way to improve your relationship.

When sitting together to eat the next day, Lin Zhong thought to himself.

Ever since he and Fran reached that point yesterday, he would think about this idea from time to time.

Looking back now, it's not that he didn't treat Fran as a woman before, but that he didn't face up to the fact that he had always felt the charm of the opposite sex from her.

When I first met Fran, my recognition of Fran as an apostle was far greater than my recognition of her as a member of the opposite sex. After all, the other person could kill him at any time.

But now that we have been together, things are different.They had a spark, and even though it was impulsive, yesterday the window was probably broken.

Lin Zhong didn't feel any regrets. Anyway, he thought it would be good if he could develop a relationship with the other party.

He actually didn't feel much regret when he was unexpectedly interrupted by Wan Jin yesterday.

Yesterday's ambiguous atmosphere was filled with too much uncertainty. It is still unknown how far we can go. Being more stable is not a bad thing.If he regrets this, he should be able to foresee it.

Based on his experience, this matter is actually a matter of course if the relationship is advanced and the atmosphere is in place.


He looked up at Fran, who was sitting opposite and eating an omelette.

Fran took two bites and noticed his gaze, so she looked over and asked him, "What's wrong?"

When she was talking, she looked straight over, without any unnaturalness or dodge in her expression.

"It's okay." Lin Zhongqiang replied calmly, lowered his head and continued eating breakfast.

Fran's attitude was exactly the same as usual, and Lin finally could see that she was not pretending to be nonchalant like him.What happened yesterday did not make Fran feel the slightest bit embarrassed, because her ideas and thoughts were originally different from ordinary people.

Yes, it was different from ordinary people, so Lin Zhong really couldn't predict whether he would encounter any unexpected difficulties in developing a relationship with Fran.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed his sight, and glanced over from the corner of his eye, just in time to see Wan Jin holding the rice carefully, looking back and forth between him and Fran, and lowering his eyes as soon as he caught her gaze.

"Wan Jin." He called.

"Here!" Wan Jin's body suddenly tensed up.

"Are you going to the base for training today?" Lin Zhong asked.

"Today... I'm going to study in the database." Wan Jin answered cautiously.

"Then let's come along when we go out." Lin Zhong said.

"Eh?" Wan Jin's expression changed and he couldn't hold the bowl steady.

"What?" Lin Zhong asked after seeing her reaction.

"Okay, okay." Wan Jin's uneasiness was completely written on his face.

When the two of them went out of the apartment after the meal, Lin Zhong said to Wan Jin, "Actually, I have something to tell you."

"Brother Zhong, you're not holding a grudge, are you..." Wan Jin shrank her head as soon as she heard his voice.

"What's the point of holding a grudge?" Lin Zhong asked.
"Yesterday, what happened yesterday..." Wan Jin's voice was surprisingly soft.

"Not at all." Lin Zhong replied.

"Really?" Wan Jin looked a little unbelievable.

"But I have something I want you to help me with." Lin Zhong said again.

"Through fire and water, I'll do whatever it takes!" Wan Jin suddenly straightened up.

"Where did you learn the word?" Lin Zhong was amused by her, "I just want to give Fran something, what do you think is suitable?"

Only now did Lin finally realize that he didn't seem to have given Fran any special gifts.

Not to mention the past, even if he just thanked Fran for this kindness, he should actually express it.

As for what to give, you should probably refer to other people's opinions for the time being.

"Do you want to give Sister Fran a gift?" Wan Jin's eyes lit up, but then she fell into deep thought, "But I don't know what to give to others..."

"Tell me, what gift would you be happier to receive?" Lin Zhong asked.

"Send...send flowers?" Wan Jin said tentatively.

"You can really try this." Lin Zhong snapped his fingers.

He knew that sending flowers was a very common custom in the golden age, and various flower languages ​​were derived from it. Lovers would also send flowers, because sending flowers was relatively common, and there were also flower shops that specialized in selling flowers. , and some people think sending flowers is tacky.

But in today’s world, sending flowers carries a completely different weight.In order to feed more people with limited resources, today's agricultural resources are basically concentrated on edible crops and industrial cash crops.

As for flowers and ornamental plants...only a few protected areas cultivate them in small quantities. They are extremely expensive luxuries and cannot be sold in the [-]th District.

Of course, picking from outside is also possible.After all, most of the land is now no man's land, occupied by plants growing wantonly.

But activities in the outside world require taking huge risks.

Flowers are either luxuries that are hard to find, or treasures that require risking one's life.Therefore, sending flowers now has a significance that is unmatched in the past.

He immediately started calling A-Xia, and after a busy tone, A-Xia answered the phone: "Hello, Brother Zhong?"

"Axia, where can I buy flowers in this town?" Lin Zhi went straight to the topic.

"What hua?" A-Xia didn't realize for a moment what Lin Zhong wanted to buy, because flowers rarely appeared in the form of commodities.

"It's just flowers and plants that I want to give away. Does anyone grow them here?" Lin Zhi said bluntly.

"How is that possible? Who has the time to plant this now?" A Xia was confused for a while.

"Where can I get it nearby?" Lin Zhong asked again.

"What...are you going to do? Send flowers? To whom? Me?" A-Xia was confused.

"How is that possible? When I give flowers, I have to give them to women." Lin Zhong said casually.

"I'll knock you to death!" Axia heard Lin Zhong's intention and cursed, "Hey, wait, are you sending...oh!!"

She suddenly made a long sound of realization, with an obvious smile in her voice.

Lin Zhong could even imagine the man smiling evilly on the other end of the phone.

"Stop talking nonsense and say it quickly." Lin Zhong didn't want to hear the other party's teasing.

"There are a lot of wild flowers nearby... I have to think about it." Axia thought carefully, "This season... ah, there are several camellia trees at the south entrance of the village in the north. It should still be in flowering season now. "

"Is there any more?" Lin Zhong quickly recorded the location he just mentioned on his bracelet.

"It seems that there is a large flower base in Linhai Town in the north. Although it was abandoned after the disaster, the flowers in it may still be wildly propagated to this day. I will send you the previous map." Axia added .

"Very good." Lin finally recorded it again, "Then I'll go there and have a look."

"Hey, Brother Zhong, what anniversary is this? I'll give you some advice if you need anything?" Axia laughed teasingly.

"Goodbye." Lin Zhi hung up the phone and turned to Wan Jin, "Wan Jin, if you are free, come with me to pick flowers today."

"Okay!" Wan Jin looked interested.

"Why are the circles under your eyes a little dark? Didn't you go to bed very early yesterday?" Lin Zhi pointed at Wan Jin's eyes.

"I, I didn't lie on the wall to eavesdrop at night!!" Wan Jin waved his hands suddenly.

"You didn't bring it upon yourself." Lin Zhi reached out and patted the girl's head.

(End of this chapter)

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