Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 100 Brie hopes to go to school safely

Chapter 100 Brie hopes to go to school safely

Harry made a sound from the collision because he was walking in front.

When he touched it, he saw some blood on his hand.

"Oh, Harry, you have a nosebleed. You didn't even hit that grumpy willow tree when we drove... Ugh!" Ron quickly covered his mouth. He had just said something, and Snape was still here. !
"Haha... I don't think Mr. Weasley needs to cover up, because I have to go with Professor Sprout later to see if the poor Whomping Willow is seriously injured. This is a precious potion material in Hogwarts! "

Snape looked at Harry's eyes, which were moist with pain, and suddenly felt a little distressed, but he was soon brought back to reason by Harry's face that looked very similar to Harry's father.

"Now, turn around with me. Because of Dumbledore's irresponsibility last year, we have stricter school rules this year. All penalties and deductions and praise points will be tallied and posted on the bulletin board in the hall by the professors."

"You will see it tomorrow, and your affairs are obviously not my business, so you have to go find Dumbledore."

"follow me!"

Snape smiled grimly. He wanted to see how Dumbledore would protect Harry Potter. This time, the magic was seen by Muggles. The flying car was not a Muggle product.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, with a strange flash of joy in their eyes. They would rather face Dumbledore than Snape, who frightened them all.

"Harry...look." Ron seemed to have discovered something and suddenly covered his mouth, holding back his laughter.

Harry looked along and saw his own blood on Snape's robes, which shone darkly in the surrounding firelight.

"This, there's nothing funny about this." That was his blood, or it came from his nose.

Harry touched his nose and found that the bleeding had stopped now, but he was not sure if his face was clean.

"Wait, we can't go through!" Ron suddenly shouted and was about to run away, but Snape grabbed him by the back collar and Harry's at the same time.

"Come on, why didn't you think about the consequences when you drove."

Snape pushed the confused Harry and struggling Ron into the hall.

"Luna Lovegood!"



The hall suddenly fell into an eerie silence as Harry, Ron and Snape appeared, and everyone looked at them in unison.

Luna stared in surprise and said, "Ah, you are the ones flying in the sky being chased by the Snorlax!"

Luna giggled and quickly jumped out of her chair.

"I wish you good luck, the Snorlax sometimes wakes up sleeping people angrily because no one cares about it!"

After saying that, Luna skipped to the Ravenclaw table, causing some of the little wizards around to cast strange looks at her, but she didn't care and just sat quietly.

"Oh, God." Ron lowered his head in collapse, not daring to look at Professor McGonagall's glaring eyes. Harry also pursed his lips. The current situation made him feel that he would be expelled soon.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, and Dumbledore opened his mouth to ask what happened, but he thought it would be better to speak later.

Professor McGonagall rushed down from the teacher's chair, her slender glasses exuding a dangerous light. She suppressed her anger and said: "Then please explain clearly why you are here and not at the dining table... yet."

Seeing the blood on Harry's face, the scars all over his body, and the similar condition of Ron, McGonagall took a deep breath and said, "Don't tell me that going to the bathroom will cause such a big trouble."

Snape sneered and took the blame for the two quails.

"I think if we look at the precious Whomping Willow, we can see the marks of the Weasley car running over it."

"Just now Filch came to me and told me that two children did not get on the train, but drove a flying car to Hogwarts. I originally went out to find them, but it was obvious that these two children The troll wants to hide the truth, do you think the professors are all idiots?"


Ron and Harry swallowed and did not dare to speak. They could only listen to Snape continue: "Please deal with this matter fairly, Dumbledore. I think this matter is beyond the scope of professors, because The car incident was seen by Muggles."

"Ah!" The little wizards below all exclaimed, especially some native wizard families. You must know that the Wizarding Secrecy Law is not a decoration, and Harry and Ron violated this law.

"Oh, haha, do you think Potato and the redhead will go to Azkaban?" Draco did not hide his voice. Although he was speaking to Bree, his eyes were fixed on Haha in front of the teacher's desk. Leigh and Ron.

"This year's sorting may be the most interesting one since the founding of Hogwarts."

Bree nodded tacitly, but both he and Draco understood that Dumbledore would not let the savior enter Azkaban, or even drop out of school, but how to deal with this matter... Dumbledore I will definitely sacrifice some more in exchange for it.

Now the young wizards of the pure-blood family are staring at him, and some pure-blood seniors exchanged glances with each other. They all understand that this is an excellent opportunity to weaken Dumbledore's prestige in Hogwarts.

Although Bree's confrontation with Dumbledore last semester caused the professors to find a way out, it was inseparable and everyone was watching.

At this time, Lockhart, who had listened to part of it, coughed twice and was about to stand up, but was stopped by Snape's look.

"Sit still, Mr. Lockhart, and if you wish to confront the Ministry, please feel free to do so."

Lockhart heard Snape's words and sat down awkwardly. He showed his big white teeth and forced a smile: "Ahem, I'm just moving. We have to hear what happened before we discuss it. No one can handle it better than Lockhart." The naughty little wizards!"


Dumbledore spoke——

"I will go to the Muggle world to deal with the exposure of magic to students at Hogwarts."

"It is my responsibility as the principal to ensure that young wizards can attend Hogwarts safely." Dumbledore's eyes flashed, and he smiled and looked at the many young wizards in the audience, especially the freshmen who had just arrived this time. .

"Hogwarts is your second home, and the professors are your parents, so please trust us. It is our responsibility to teach young wizards to be cautious about magic. We..."


Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, Bree clapped her hands slowly.

It was precisely because of Bree's actions that some freshmen also clapped, and the Gryffindor wizards quickly followed suit.

The little badgers and the little eagle looked at each other and clapped their hands too.

A Dumbledore whose slogan is "ensuring that young wizards can attend Hogwarts safely" is indeed worthy of praise. I just hope that Dumbledore will remember what he said today and do it.


Draco looked at Bree in confusion, and Bree said without covering up: "I think Principal Dumbledore is right. Ensuring the safe education of young wizards is what Hogwarts should do, not to mention that we are not Ministry of Magic, these matters are not for us to decide..."

At the only table that didn't applaud, the little snakes looked ugly. They just wanted Dumbledore to be ruined for the savior at the Ministry of Magic!
Damn it, it’s completely impossible for this Briod to favor them!
As Bree finished speaking, Dumbledore's eyes flashed and he nodded to him with a smile. Professor McGonagall also softened his expression, but when he saw Ron winking at Harry, he became serious again. .

“Don’t take any chances!”

McGonagall said angrily: "Dumbledore will deal with your exposure of magic, but as the head of Gryffindor, I have the responsibility to deal with your matters at school. You have made a big mistake!"

"Now tell me clearly what happened, don't say stupid things like getting lost or getting up late, otherwise I will really turn you into a map or an alarm clock!"


Ron was frightened by the appearance of Professor McGonagall. He quickly shrank his head and defended in a low voice: "There is something wrong with that pillar."

Harry also said hurriedly: "We can't get into the platform and get on the train..."

"Oh!" Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then why don't you use an owl to deliver the letter to me? I think it's not difficult, right?"

"Minerva..." Dumbledore spoke at this time. He said: "I think the freshmen should be sorted first. The Sorting Hat will complain."

Dumbledore smiled, then picked up the list and continued to read the names on the list, allowing the next little wizard to come on stage.

McGonagall glared at Harry and Ron, then stood aside with Snape, watching the new students being sorted into their own houses.

"Yana Livina!"

Mag's attention became more focused, and she was deeply impressed by Yana. This was the little girl she had turned into a cat and searched for in the woods for several days before finding her.

Mag frowned again. She discovered that Yana was not wearing the old robe she bought, but was wearing a transformed robe. However, this was already a trivial matter and she did not pursue it. Now she was so upset that she was so upset. How could she be such a troublemaker? Lost it to Gryffindor!


"Oh, God..." Mag closed his eyes tightly and sighed deeply.

Yana lowered her head and silently walked to the Gryffindor table, but she stared at the Slytherin table in the distance, next to Bree.

"Hello, I'm Ginny Weasley, your hair is really nice."

Ginny came over and said, she was a little nervous because her brother Ron was standing on the stage, and she couldn't find her other brothers, so she could only talk to the freshmen, hoping to relieve her nervousness.

She muttered under her breath: "I hope there won't be a Weasley who gets kicked out."

Seeing that Yana had no intention of talking to her, Ginny stepped back, staring at Ron silently and praying to Merlin.

"Okay, welcome everyone, but we have to take care of some things before we can eat. I hope it won't take too much time."

"Two gentlemen, I think as a professor I am qualified to...hear this matter, haha, I'm sorry, I thought of this word, but it's not that serious."

Dumbledore seemed to have returned to his original appearance, talking happily, but this state also made Harry and Ron relax a little.

Ron seemed to have relieved his burden, looked at Ginny below apologetically, and then said: "Let's go get something..."

Professor McGonagall frowned and said, "What are you talking about, Weasley?"

"We're fired, aren't we?"

Ron sighed, and Harry also exhaled. He did not complain about this ending, but just thinking about returning to the Dursleys made him feel that his life was extremely dark.

"You..." Professor McGonagall was about to say something, but Snape had already said in advance: "It's good that you have this awareness. Hogwarts will be safer without you. At least no flying cars will break in." The precious Whomping Willow was injured..."

After saying that, Snape looked at Dumbledore, and the other professors and young wizards also looked at him. Only the principal can make a decision about dropping out of school.

But Lockhart was ready to make a move. Now that Dumbledore was going to deal with the Ministry of Magic, he didn't care.

For him, there is nothing more honorable than saving Harry Potter!

(End of this chapter)

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