Chapter 105 Azar

Another early morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the beams of light penetrated through the magic of the ceiling. The entire auditorium was extremely warm, which made the little wizards who had just started school and have not yet adapted to it relax a lot.

Of course, everything is subject to accident, such as our Savior and his knights.

"Oh, I always have a bad feeling!"

Ron walked carefully beside Harry.


"Is this the famous savior!"

“The back-to-school drive is so cool!”

Harry and Ron paused, staring blankly at the Slytherin who suddenly appeared in front of them. Ron quickly recovered his thinking, pulled away from Harry and said, "Hey, go away."

After scanning up and down and realizing that this was a new face, Ron immediately understood that this was a new student. He raised his head with the mentality of a senior and said: "First-year Dark Wizard Reserves, please stay away from us, otherwise my fist will Hit your nostril!"


"I don't think I've offended you. I just came to say hello. You're so rude. I think the savior can't just reject other people's kindness so casually."

He looked at Harry, stretched out his hand politely and said, "Just call me Azar, I'm from Belgium!"

Azar looked at Harry with an enthusiastic face and smiled playfully, which made Harry a little at a loss. He looked at Azar's hand, then looked at Ron holding his chest angrily next to him, and quickly made a choice.

"I think my friend doesn't like you, sorry."

Harry had long seen the contradiction between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Even though Harry didn't care about it at first, as Malfoy became more and more arrogant, he became more and more at odds with him. It's hard for him to get close to Slytherin people anymore.

When Bree came to the hall, what she saw was Azar with a frustrated look on his face and Ron happily pulling Harry to the table.

what happened?
And... why is the lion in front of him wearing a snake's clothes!
"Oh, Potter, you rejected the friendship of the great Azar, do you know what you missed!"

Azar shouted shamelessly: "I will continue to pester you!"

Harry was shocked when he was pulled away by Ron. Ron was also frightened by Azar's actions, and the entire hall instantly became audible!


A needle fell to the ground, and everyone's eyes turned to Luna's position. Luna said with a smile: "Ah, the method the fairy in the dream told me is indeed correct. I want to turn the needle into a needle like a dream." come out."

"Giggle, that's so interesting, but I clearly thought about cream just now, why not?"

Luna, who looked confused, soon noticed that many people were staring at her. Luna waved to everyone, stared at the messy blond hair, knelt down, picked up the needle she had conjured, and ran back to La La. Winclaw's dining room table continued to turn the needle into butter.

"Cream, cream, come out..."

Luna ignored the suspicious looks from those around her at her eccentricity.

A Ravenclaw freshman moved away from Luna. She whispered: "She is weird. Last night she made a wish on the cork of the wine bottle, hoping that the harassing flies would stay away from her, but I have never seen her." Too much harassment."

"Don't you know, she was talking about oyster hooks before, and I haven't seen them before..."

"Oh, she is the daughter of the owner of the Quibbler newspaper. When I heard that her mother went crazy, she even blew herself up..."

"Okay, stop talking!"


Luna seemed completely unaware of the things around her, but that Azar abandoned Harry, whom he had so eagerly confessed just now, and ran over.

"Oh, that's so interesting. Can this interesting young lady tell me what a mole fly or an owl hook is? I've never heard of them."

Azar bowed slightly and greeted Luna like a gentleman.

"Huh?" Luna looked at Azar, frowned and said, "You have attracted more harassing horseflies, and Dugou doesn't like you, can you stay away from me, I still want to be with Diagou Let's be friends."

"Huh?" Azar froze in place. He wanted to speak but found that Luna had turned her back, which made him a little embarrassed.

People around talked a lot, but most of the Slytherins changed their expressions, they were very wary of unusual guys.

Bree silently sat next to Draco and said casually to Draco who was watching the show: "Who is he?"

"A guy from Belgium, from a small family. Because a Peruvian Venomous Dragon appeared in the UK last year, there were some job changes in the International Wizarding Cooperation Department. His mother just transferred to the International Magical Cooperation Department of the British Ministry of Magic this year, so this guy Just come to Hogwarts and learn."

"Oh, that looks weird."

Draco clicked his tongue and said, "Maybe this guy wants to imitate you. He has good relations with every house except Slytherin. But you are a black crow and he is a stupid lion."

"I hope he has a talent as strong as yours, so that Slytherin can accommodate him."

Bree touched her nose and laughed.

"I hope, college life can't be so monotonous, can't it?"

Something was wrong in the hall, but no one had a fit at this time. They just enjoyed breakfast quietly and talked in low voices about what had just happened.

After being rejected twice in a row, Azar, no matter how shameless he was, couldn't stand it and decided to give it one last try!
He came to the Hufflepuff table, looked at second-year Hannah Abbott and said, "My lovely lady, may I meet you?"

Aibo had just been exchanging gossip with the little badgers when she heard someone talking next to her. When she looked up, she saw Azar smiling enthusiastically.

"Ode, Ode went to that strange girl!"

Aibo, who was just about to return the favor with Azar, heard the voices of his companions and immediately shifted his gaze.

Bri had no classes in the morning and was not in a hurry to eat. He wanted to study whether natural magic could be mastered by wizards other than himself, so he had to have subjects for the experiment.

It was safe, and Bree's first thought was Luna, because he had always felt that Luna was very close to nature.

Brie walked to Luna, and Luna quickly turned around and said happily: "Brie, as soon as you get close to me, the harassing flies flying around my head will run away!"

"I think Owl Hook will definitely like you. Can I take you to find him later?"


As it happens, Brie also needs Luna's help.

"Of course, I was going to date you. I'm also very interested in what you said about harassing flies and oyster hooks."

Bree stood next to Luna and looked at the blueberry cheese on the table and said, "Why isn't this on the Slytherin table?"

Taking a bite of the cheese, Bree felt unfair.

Not far away, Qiu Zhang looked at Bree unexpectedly, glanced at Luna teasingly, and joked: "This is the first time Ode has come to the Ravenclaw table. I don't think you know that in fact, every house has There are special delicacies, such as Slytherin’s red wine steak, Hufflepuff’s beef and potatoes, Gryffindor’s charcoal-grilled chicken legs, and Ravenclaw’s blueberry cheese.”

"Well, hopefully the Ravenclaws won't refuse me joining at breakfast."

"Pfft." Qiu laughed.

The surrounding Ravenclaws are kind to Bree, they like people who are smart and love to learn.

Luna on the side looked at Bree with starry eyes, and he found that Bree was more like Ravenclaw than her.

"Ode, try this. Ravenclaw's green apple pie is slightly sour and delicious." A second-year Ravenclaw like Bree shyly handed over a plate of green apple pie, and quickly bowed his head He ran back to his position.

"Oh, thanks, I like this."

"Drink some orange juice, Ode!"

"And the salad, I mixed this."


"Wow, it would be great if Oded could come to Hufflepuff for dinner, then I can get close to him." Aibo looked at the warblers surrounding Bree with envy, and looked at the people next to him Azar ignored it.


Hazard walked back to the Slytherin table in frustration, but soon he was looking back at Bree with fighting spirit.

He had already investigated the situation here before coming to Hogwarts from Belgium, and he knew that there were three people in the first year who deserved his attention.

One is Draco Malfoy, the only son of a large pure-blood family in the British wizarding world. However, Azar looks down on Draco because he thinks it is a matter of reincarnation.

The second one is the savior Harry Potter, a figure who is making a lot of noise in the British wizarding world. Originally, Azar was planning to join Gryffindor, so that he could become friends with the savior and accumulate political capital for his future. .

He is the eldest son of a small family, but his mother broke up with his father because of his arrogance. He chose his mother's side, which has more prospects. The only way for him to succeed in the future is to join the Ministry of Magic. His mother will Help him, so political capital is very important!

But he changed his course because of the third person, Bri Odd, a figure who was very controversial in Hogwarts and the pure-blood family.

Based on his and his mother's investigation, Azar learned that this Oude was good at making friends, but as a Slytherin, he had good relations with the other three houses. Even the people in Slytherin did not dare to provoke him at will. This is simply ridiculous. The most ideal location in Adjara.

"No one is more suitable to be a social butterfly than Azar. My mother is from the International Wizarding Cooperation Department!"

Azar completely ignored the cold looks on the Slytherin table, slapped the table, stood up, pointed at Bree loudly and said: "I want to challenge you, Bree Old!"


Many people dropped their forks on the ground.

Everyone in Ravenclaw looked at Azar as if he were a giant monster.

The Hufflepuff almost spat out the food he had eaten. Cedric, who had been staring at Bree's back, almost choked on the green apple pie in his mouth.

"Cough cough cough..."

Cedric thought he had misheard just now in a daze, but looking at the Gryffindors suddenly making noise in the distance, what he was thinking about now was how he should smile so that he didn't seem to be telling Hazard's innocence. .

"Oh, Xiaobri, please promise him!"

The Weasley twins were the first to stand up and cheer, the two of them immediately crossed their table, one ran to Bree and squeezed a girl next to him, and the other ran to Azar and gave him a thumbs up.

"Amazing freshman!"

Ron looked surprised and said: "Harry, I was wrong just now. I thought you should be friends with him. No, we are both willing to accept him!"

"I hope he can embarrass that boy Oude!"

Ron was excited. At this moment, he felt that the people in Slytherin were not so hateful, and that the Sorting Hat would make mistakes. Azar should belong to Gryffindor!

Harry smiled awkwardly. He didn't think being friends with Azar was a good thing at all.

He looked at Bree, who happened to see him too.

Harry blushed, pulled Ron beside him and said, "Stop talking about Ron, I think Oded is pretty good..."

I'd rather be friends with him.

"Oh, no kidding..."


Hermione slapped Ron on the shoulder.

"I think Harry is right. Bree is a very good person. I'm going to ask him to read in the library later."

"Oh, Hermione, you always favor him." Ron snorted, but soon he added: "I have a new guy. He just dated that weird girl. It's not like you didn't see it."

Hermione looked a little confused, but she didn't refute Ron's words.

But Yana, who had been sitting silently beside Ginny, suddenly said coldly: "Idiot, how can he provoke Bree."


(End of this chapter)

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