Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 Brie thinks no one will know

Chapter 112 Brie thinks no one will know
"Perhaps I can use my magic power to make an introduction!"

Bree looked at the wand in her hand, her pure black pupils flashing with excitement under the moonlight!
"Yes, wand, how could I not have imagined that as long as I can store my magic power in a magic wand, I can limit the spread of natural magic power, so that all wizards can only communicate with nature through my magic power. the power of!"

Bree had experimented a little bit the day before yesterday. His magic was attached to Hermione and Draco's eyes to see the elements, and he used the natural magic pattern on Luna's eyes-spiritual awareness.

"As long as I make my magic power into a magic pattern, or a totem, and attach it to something that can cast spells like an alchemical item, I can use this magic power to mobilize the natural magic power of the outside world. It won't be difficult, as long as It just takes a long time to lay out.”

Bree chuckled lightly, wrote down the plan she just thought of in her notes, and sealed these things away.

No one in the world would know about this plan except Bree.

"Now is not the time, step by step, I must first let my alchemy items be recognized by everyone. By then, the Oude family will launch his special spellcasting items. Sorry, Mr. Ollivander, I hope this won't happen." It will affect your business."


Defense Against the Dark Arts class was canceled on Thursday, and it was said that the principal and professors were investigating whether Professor Lockhart had violated the teacher's code.

Hermione said happily: "I just said that Lockhart must be a liar!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other helplessly. They should remember that Hermione was Lockhart's little crush before.

And Hermione's idea of ​​forming an Oude Protection Association with Hannah still hasn't stopped.

"No one can tell whether there will ever be another person like Lockhart!"

Hermione hurriedly walked towards an empty classroom with a stack of papers, and Harry behind her asked: "Are we still going to follow?"

Ron immediately grabbed Harry.

"Oh, she's going to protect Oded. What are we going to do? That's a Slytherin guy. Hermione must be crazy. She's a Gryffindor. She's going to set up a private club for that Oded!"

Harry looked at the direction Hermione was leaving. He actually wanted to follow her and have a look, but Ron's emotions had to be taken into consideration. He had better comfort Ron first.

Here, Bree, who had no classes for the day, was not idle, and he did not want to go to Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Instead, he spent the whole day experimenting with how to store his magic power in an alchemical item that could induce the natural world outside. The magic method, but unfortunately it didn't work until he was too sleepy and fell asleep.

Early the next morning——

"Are these the alchemy items you want to sell to me?"

In Slytherin's dormitory, Bree used his suitcase to drag the alchemy items he used to practice during the finals. None of these items could contain Bree's natural magic power and form spell-casting items. Bree thought he had to reimagine it. , make one specifically for natural magic.

These alchemy items filled the dormitory, and Draco looked at them with disgust on his face.

He picked up an exquisite small lantern, which automatically emitted light. He curled his lips and said, "Isn't this very useful? A fluorescent flash can do it."

Brie helplessly pointed to the small wooden sign hanging on the lantern and said: "You should read the introduction above. This is a lantern that only you can see the light of. Others in the dark will not be favored. Very interesting, a thief’s invention.”

"...It's indeed quite interesting." Draco put the lamp behind his back, coughed twice, and said righteously: "I have to pick two things to try myself. Malfoy has to ensure the quality of the things he sells. , otherwise it will ruin the reputation.”

"Oh, I don't know when Malfoy also paid attention to the buyer's usage." Bree shook her head and said: "If you like it, get a few more. I will continue to do it in the future, and then I will let you sell it." , after all, the material cost of these things is quite expensive, so I have to form a supply and demand cycle."

Of course, with the help of the Sorcerer's Stone, Bree was not worried about this. He was more worried about the reputation Draco just mentioned.

"Oh, you will be so poor that you can't afford to eat... don't be famous again - a poor family, a lonely Ode family." Draco joked and knelt down to look at the wooden hangings of these things. Brand, and soon there are many small things on hand.

"How could you use fake diamonds? The design of this ring is obviously very good. You are wasting it!"

Draco quickly stood up, ran to his luggage and dug out a gold ring with black gemstones and said: "Look, this is a gift from my aunt who is far away from home. Gold and black gemstones are so tasteless. , If it weren’t for this gem, I definitely wouldn’t have brought it to school. You can make me a new ring based on the design just now, and I’m going to play the Grim Reaper at the Halloween dinner.”

"It is said that as long as you collect the Three Holy Artifacts of Death, you can escape from death. The Resurrection Stone among the Three Holy Artifacts is a black gem. Please get me a mithril inlay."

Turning over the wooden sign on the ring, Bree said: "Do you need the ignore spell on this ring? It can prevent you from being noticed by everyone."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Malfoy is always the object of attention wherever he goes. Ignore the curse? Give me a radiant charm. It will make my handsomeness even more charming."

Radiant, a magic spell that can make you feel more energetic. It can also change your state after fatigue and rejuvenate your body's functions. However, you will become even more tired after the magic expires... I don't know when it started, but it actually became These pureblood families love makeup charms.

"As you wish, Draco."

Bree smiled and Draco soon threw over a bag of gold.

"Don't waste your time. It's not easy to become a master of alchemy. Considering your talent, I, Draco, voted for it."

Draco raised his eyebrows at Bree and said with an evil smile: "But it's all on the account. You have to pay it back. If you can't pay it back, then you can raise dragons for me for the rest of your life."

Bree saw Draco's expression and immediately wanted to smash the bag of gold in his face.

And Draco quickly changed the subject.

"Hurry up and pack your things. There will be a mud-playing class in a while. You like it the most."

In herbal medicine class, what we are going to learn today is about mandrake. Brie has read a book and knows that this is a magical plant that can break the powerful petrification spell. Its leaves are huge, and its root system is like a baby. It emits extremely strong sound waves and requires some protective measures when approaching.

After Draco and Draco put aside their trivial matters and left the dormitory with their textbooks, they unexpectedly saw Azar.

"This guy looks just like you back then. He was isolated by his peers in the first week. Tsk, is he going to hold back and explode?"

Draco looked at Azar with his head lowered. The first-year students around him were far away from him, looking very miserable...

"Ah, I see, it turned out to be like this, haha, great Hazard!"

Azar suddenly raised his head, stretched out his wand, and said fiercely to the match in his other hand: "Change it!"


A burst of smoke rose, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke hit my nose.

"Ahem!" Draco coughed, and Bree waved his hands hurriedly, and a gust of wind blew away the smoke.

The match in Azar's hand had turned into a silver needle. Although he looked very bad at this time, with a big black ash on his face, it could not stop his happiness.

"I wonder how the genius Hazard can't deal with a small match!"

The little snakes around looked at the arrogant Azar and moved further away. One of them even looked sad.

"Oh my god, you don't know how uncomfortable it is for me to be in the same dormitory with him. This guy makes a lot of noise, stays up and dances there in the middle of the night, making me unable to sleep. When he falls asleep, he snores and talks in his sleep!"

"The key is that he kept saying that he would overwhelm Ode and let Ode hold his thigh and call him master... I was so scared. In the second half of the night, I dreamed about Ode breaking into the dormitory and squeezing Aza to death while he was sleeping and talking in his sleep. Well, you even slapped me to death!"

"Hurry up and pass the protection period. Even if I drown in Snape's spit, I'm still going to find someone to beat him up!"


Draco looked strange as he listened to the words of the little snake in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

After hearing this, Bree glanced at Hazard, who was as nervous as a stupid lion, and said flatly: "It seems that this little snake is different from me."

Bree isn't going to argue with a first-year brat. There are many people who want him to end up worse. The key is to see if they dare.

"Ahem." Draco came back to his senses and said with a slightly angry expression: "This Azar is really an idiot. I thought he would be as smart as her mother."

Draco decided to give this guy a look when the protection period was over. Bree was his friend, but this guy dared to think about getting Bree to surrender to him. This was simply an insult to Malfoy's friendship. provocative!
"Leave this guy to me, leave it alone."

Draco said coldly: "Some people shouldn't have thoughts that they shouldn't have."

Bree smiled helplessly, his eyes full of puzzlement, and he had no intention of dealing with Azar, he thought he didn't have enough time to study magic.

But thinking about Azar's silly smile and his arrogant sleep talk, Bree felt that he couldn't let this guy be happy anymore. He himself didn't have a good life when he first came to Slytherin.

Bree pretended to be moved, stared into Draco's gray eyes, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Thank you, my friend, this Azar is really eye-catching. With your help, he will definitely understand what is Slytherin’s.”

Looking into Bree's sincere dark eyes, Draco blushed and promised, "Humph, Malfoy's friends have privileges."

"Of course, if you can give me the magic to see the elements, Malfoy's friendship with you will be deeper."

 Due to the recent major events, I can't post book reviews for the time being.No comments are visible to anyone other than the author.

  I don’t know if you can see my reply or not. .

  Also, in the book, Aite’s reply to me would be swallowed by himself, and I couldn’t see it.

(End of this chapter)

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