Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 The Wet Diary

Chapter 114 The Wet Diary

The professors on the teacher's bench watched the farce. Dumbledore flashed his eyes and looked at Snape. Snape's face turned pale. Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and prepared to stand up to mediate.

Selwyn sneered, took Azar back to the last seat at the Slytherin table, and said to him: "I think we should teach you Slytherin etiquette."

After saying that, he glanced at Snape at the teacher's desk, then curled his lips at Bree, who was sitting firmly at the dining table, and returned to his seat.

After Bree finished his green apple pie, he didn't know what Selwyn meant by "quiet". Was he not causing trouble recently?
Or do you think he has succumbed to Dumbledore?
At the teacher's desk, Snape looked at Lockhart who had turned into a quail, and sneered: "Professor Lockhart, why don't you show off your responsibilities as a professor now, such as punishing our Selwyn?"

Lockhart looked at Selwyn's cruel behavior and smiled.

"Oh, it was just a little joke, kids always make it fun for us."

Snape snorted and then said to Professor McGonagall on the side: "I think this was indeed a joke. No one was injured and no school rules were violated."

So don't even think about deducting points from Slytherin!
During this period, Bree had no idea of ​​earning points, which made Snape a little dissatisfied.

"Of course, Severus, kids are always wonderful, haha."

Dumbledore laughed and said, "But sometimes it's good to have some friendships between different houses."

Of course Dumbledore didn't think so. A little snake can approach any little lion, but not the savior. No one knows what Azar wants. Although the Sorting Hat is old, he hasn't made any mistakes yet. .


Azar was depressed, especially after being punished by the Dean for copying the Slytherin Code. The Code was compiled by Slytherin himself when he was still alive and was more complicated than some family rules.

"Damn it, I'm so close to the savior!"

Azar came out of Snape's office just before curfew, but at this moment, he heard a noise.


what sound!
Azar rubbed his face in a daze, but found that the voice was constantly approaching him, right behind him.

Azar panicked and immediately ran forward, but he saw a figure in front of him, it was Ginny!
"Hey, little girl, run quickly, you're in danger..."


A spell hit Azar, and he fell instantly. Ginny heard the sound coming from the corridor, and her cold eyes turned gloomy. She pulled Azar's leg and walked towards the broom room beside him.

After Ginny hides with Hazard, Arnold comes menacingly out of the hallway.


Even Arnold, who was controlled by Voldemort, couldn't stand Azar's behavior. He also wanted to use Azar to cause chaos. Unfortunately, this kid is destined to be lucky.

"Dumbledore is going to attend the International Wizarding Conference this afternoon. He shouldn't be back for a while. Maybe I can find someone at random."

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Arnold's face lit up and he hid in a dark corner, but soon he stopped laughing.

"Mr. Arnold Flint, I think you should be in the dormitory at this time, instead of hiding in the corner of the cold corridor."

Snape looked at Arnold coldly and said, "I hope you didn't do anything stupid, otherwise I think you will be written down on the bulletin board in the hall."

"Now, come back, I don't want there to be fewer people in the lounge for a while!"

Snape strode upstairs, obviously he had his own things to do and didn't want to worry about Arnold.

Arnold looked evil and sighed.

"Snape is going to the Headmaster's office?"

After letting the basilisk carefully return to the secret room, Arnold walked towards the lounge with a dull face. He did not want to be suspected by Snape, and he was not sure that the basilisk, which had not been fed for thousands of years, could kill Snape with one blow. Nep.

After they all left, Ginny in the broom closet looked at the fainted Azar and coldly took out the diary from her pocket.

"Azar...I think you need some help."

Ginny opened Azar's finger and dripped a few drops of blood on the diary. The blood was quickly absorbed by the diary, forming a vague connection. Then she cast a spell on Azar. Wang Jiekong revised the memory of meeting Ginny, and left with a sneer.

He had found the guy who controlled the basilisk, so the next step was to investigate when Slytherin had another guy who might have Slytherin blood.

That Ode, and this Arnold!

The notebook emits a black mist, which is extremely cold. The consciousness inside is thinking: It is no longer useful to control Ginny Weasley. I need to control this weird boy Azar to understand the current situation of Slytherin!
He originally wanted to control Ginny to get closer to the savior, but now he has changed his mind, and the priority is to solve Arnold first!

Hazard fainted in the broom...


On the second day, Snape stood in the Slytherin common room with a cold face. He looked at the seventh grade female prefect Alisa and said, "Who wasn't in the common room yesterday."

As he said that, he looked at the gloomy Arnold. He went to find Dumbledore last night and did not come to the Slytherin lounge, but this did not mean that he had no way of knowing whether there were people there.

The Slytherin snakes did not leave without leaving a trace. Many people in the dark were watching indifferently.

Alyssa had a straight face. She stood up and said to Snape: "There are Arnold and Azar. Arnold was out for half an hour, but Azar... didn't come back all night and came back this morning."

As he said that, everyone looked at Azar, who was standing in the corner and was still dazed after being captured just now.

"What are you looking at!"

"Ah, Headmaster Snape?"

Snape stared at Hazard coldly.

"I think our Mr. Azar has not considered the mood of a dean at all. You just copied the Slytherin rules and stayed up all night!"

Snape took a deep breath and asked again: "Is there anyone else?"

Alyssa's eyes flickered and she said abruptly: "And Oude, he's not back yet."

Today is Saturday, and Bree is still sleeping in the corner tower.

"Do you want to get Oded back, Dean?"

The prefects in the Slytherin lounge and some guys who happened to be present all looked at Snape, and Azar suddenly looked at him expectantly, which made Snape choke.

"...No need, I will talk to Ode privately."

If Snape was in a good mood.

Snape looked at Arnold and said, "Go to Professor Sprout's place to do some work for a few days."

Then he looked at Azar again.

"As for you..."

Hearing that Snape was going to punish him, Azar immediately shouted: "I was knocked unconscious. I didn't want to. When I woke up, my head was as cold as my butt. It was so uncomfortable!"


Snape looked at Arnold, gave him an appreciative look, then looked at Azar and said: "I believe it for now, then you can privately copy and send it a copy of the Slytherin Code."


After Snape finished speaking, he strode out of the lounge.

"Oh no!"

Azar sighed dejectedly, don't let him catch who knocked him out, otherwise he would have to show that guy some color!
But Azar did not wait for his enemies but waited for his love.

In the dormitory, Azar looked at the box sent by the owl, he scratched his head and said, "Did it come from my mother?"

Azar opened it in confusion, but only saw a diary. Strangely enough, Tom Riddle was written on the first page.

"Strange, why does it feel familiar?"

There is also a piece of paper tucked in the diary, which looks like it was written by a girl——

Dear Azar, I admire you...

"Oh!" Hazard blushed, raised his head instantly, swallowed his saliva and shouted in disbelief: "My God, I just said, the great Hazard will always be discovered!"

"Someone admires me!" Azar looked narcissistic. After reading every word, he picked up the diary and kissed it several times.


Looking at the diary covered with saliva, Azar looked excited and put aside the idea of ​​showing off the guy who knocked him out. He said: "Oh, this is the best comfort. I I have more fighting spirit!”

"Haha, it says this is a diary full of wisdom that can help the owner solve troubles..."

Azar turned to the first page and wrote on it - How to be Harry Potter's friend.

“Just write it on it and I’ll get back to you soon!”

The diary quickly absorbed the ink, and a passage emerged - You need to be pitiful enough and speak for him with a weak body. A righteous person will always sympathize with the weak, especially the weak who are useful to themselves...


In the following days, Azar seemed to have changed. He had restrained his arrogance. Although he was still approaching the savior, at least he no longer looked like a stupid lion, but more like a little snake that had been abandoned.

Bree was at the platform railing outside the Hogwarts gate, enjoying the breeze, reading a book and waiting for someone. When he looked up, he saw the aggrieved Azar running up to Harry in Quidditch uniform and the Ron, who was wearing three-hand robes, cried in front of him about the unfair treatment he received in Slytherin, looking very weak.

When a little boy from Gryffindor came to take a picture of Harry, he stopped him like a warrior.

"Stay away, don't you know that Harry doesn't like to be photographed? You have to care about other people's moods, but not everyone is like Lockhart!"

At this time, Azar was like a hen guarding his chickens, protecting Harry behind him.

Ron whispered to Harry who looked embarrassed: "I think this Azar is not bad, maybe we can accept him... as our spy in Slytherin, hehe, this must be disgusting to those bad guys."

Harry smiled helplessly, but when he looked up, he saw Bree enjoying the breeze by the guardrail, and a strong wind blew in front of her, followed closely by a Quaffle, which was hitting Bree!


Harry hurriedly pushed Azar away and ran over, but the Quaffle had already been caught by Wood flying on his broom.

"Huh?" Brie looked up and saw an apologetic Wood.

"Sorry, there's something wrong with the Quaffle."

Wood is a sunny guy, but he was a little nervous at this time. He blushed and scratched his head and said: "I almost hit you, Oded."

(End of this chapter)

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