Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Where is Voldemort’s soul?

Chapter 129 Where is Voldemort’s soul?

When Harry heard Professor McGonagall's words, he suddenly felt nervous and hesitated.

"When I came down the stairs, I saw Arnold running downstairs with the sorting hat. I went up to stop him, and he threw a spell on me. There were still traces on the stairs..."

Snape frowned and asked, "I think the dinner starts at seven o'clock. Mr. Potter should have a better sense of time than the troll."

"So tell me what you did before!"

"This..." Harry couldn't tell what happened to Bree, let alone the Lord is here now.

Bree saw Harry's gaze and immediately guessed that this guy was in the passage of the turret.

"Go ahead, Potter, the professors know."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Bree said, and hurriedly said, "I found Malfoy sneaking around with a box in his arms, so I followed him and saw him take the box to the eighth floor In a corner, a passage the passage."

Harry plucked up the courage and said, "I found out that Oded raised a child."

"Is this okay to say?" After Harry finished speaking, he looked carefully at Bree, who had a stiff face, and felt apprehensive.

"Of course..."

"Brie, you have a baby!"

When Azar heard what Harry said, he rushed out of the corner, and Draco behind him also cursed angrily: "Damn it, I was hiding well!"

But Hazard didn't care so much at all, he stared at Bree, and blamed incredulously: "You are only 12 years old, Bree!"

"Tsk... Azar, don't make a fuss. That's the flower elf raised by Bree. He was left in a secret base that I know but you don't know." As he said that, Draco raised his eyebrows arrogantly.

"Normal people are not allowed to go there."

Then Draco said disgustedly to Harry: "When did I not know that you had a habit of stalking me, Po Te?"

The professors looked at each other, and Professor Flitwick, who knew the inside story, helped and said: "Ode summoned the flower elf, Nicole liked him very much, so he followed him, this extinct magical creature reappeared It's something to be happy about for the entire wizarding world, so I don't think it's against school rules."

Professor McGonagall also said: "We all know that the corner tower does not belong to Hogwarts. It recognizes Bree, so I long as we have tested that the flower elf is not dangerous, we can let it stay there."

But Sprout gently slapped Bree on the head.

Pretending to be angry, he said: "Why don't you tell me about the flower elves? This is an amazing discovery. You have to take me to see it later."

Professor Snape said directly: "The flower plant where the flower elves were born."

At this time, the little guys who came up behind Draco and Azar also heard in the corner——

"Our Prince Bree has a child, George. This is big news!"

Fred laughed playfully, his eyes rolling, and he didn't know what good idea he had thought of.

But George disapproved: "That's a flower elf, not Bree's child, Fred."

"It doesn't matter. Isn't Bree having a child is a blast? He will definitely agree with us telling the whole of Hogwarts about this happy event!"

"Don't you... George, what's wrong with you? This is a great opportunity to tease Bree."

George blushed and said, "I'm just worried that Brie will be angry and won't let us play with his notes."

"Oh, come on George, Bree won't be so stingy. Tell Hannah about this. She needs this to build a foundation for protecting the Ode Club."

When George heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Is it the campus newspaper?"

Fred chuckled and raised his eyebrows.

The two looked at each other and immediately returned to the hall.


Bree looked at the group of professors with inquiring eyes, as well as Lockhart, whose eyes were flickering and thinking of some bad idea, and reluctantly agreed to the professors' request.

Dumbledore also spoke: "Flower elf, maybe I have time to look at it later, I happen to have nectar that flower elves like to eat, but I hope Bree can do the poor headmaster a favor, recently Sprout The professor is applying to me for a Guardian Oude Club that all four colleges can participate in."

As he said that, Dumbledore's eyes flickered, he stared at Bree inquiringly, and asked: "Just in time, we made some changes in the subsequent Quidditch Academy Games, hoping that the games will be safer and orderly, so I hope this The club can help the professors and maintain order together.”

"is it okay?"

Professor Sprout smiled and said for Bree: "Dumbledore, Odd did not participate in this club, maybe you misunderstood, we are talking about order (order), not Odd himself."

"Although we think of Oded as a symbolic figure, this is different."

Hearing this, Dumbledore forced a smile.

"Of course, I can't tell the difference."

Bree remained silent, he could understand that it was Dumbledore warning or testing his views on this club, and Bree didn't use the idea of ​​this club, such an interesting organization, he couldn't do it .

"I think the Old Guard Club is willing to help the professors, but the president is Hermione Granger of Gryffindor and the vice-president is Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff. It should be up to them to decide. "

"I have no idea of ​​being involved with the club."

As she said that, Bree looked at Hermione, who was following behind and had not shown up under the pressure of the professors.

Hermione immediately understood: "Yes, Principal Dumbledore, guarding the Old Club needs a chance to prove ourselves, and we will help the professors maintain order in the arena!"

After hearing this, Dumbledore looked at Bree's unfailing expression and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, then let's discuss it with Miss Granger and the professors."

The matter came to an end, but the matter of Arnold and the two cats being petrified was still here.

"Take them to the school hospital, I will notify Arnold's father." Professor McGonagall waved his wand, and the two cats on the ground and Arnold floated up.

The phoenix Fawkes also came back at this time. It chirped and shook its head at Dumbledore, which made Dumbledore frown.

"The Sorting Hat is missing."

"What?" Some professors couldn't believe that someone actually came to the principal's office to steal something, including a useless sorting hat.

But Dumbledore knew that it was not a simple hat.

"The Sorting Hat contains the sword of Gryffindor, and whoever stole it knew it."

Dumbledore looked at the petrified Arnold, waved him suspiciously, let him float over, and then touched his forehead.

"It's the Imperius Curse!"

Dumbledore looked at Arnold seriously.

"What, someone actually used the Imperius Curse on the little wizard at Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall covered his mouth in disbelief, and the floating Arnold and the two cats shook, making Filch beside him nervous Staring straight at his Mrs. Norris.

This matter is no longer something that a young wizard can understand casually.

Dumbledore looked at the group of young wizards and immediately said: "Please don't say anything about the Imperius Curse. We will talk to Arnold's parents, but before that, it is not easy to cause panic."

After speaking, he said to Snape: "Severus, I'd like you to take a trip to the Flint family."

"Hmph, I'll make it clear, but you should think about how to get rid of the writing on the wall."

The red blood on the wall says that the secret room has been opened. Those who are enemies of the Dark Lord, beware!

This was definitely not a prank, no one would make fun of the Dark Lord.

"I will investigate clearly." Dumbledore sighed and said: "Arnold's soul is a little unstable, most likely it is caused by the Imperius Curse, I think we can only ask him what happened when he wakes up. "

To remove permanent petrification, you must use mandrake.

Professor Sprout said worriedly: "The Mandrake has just been transplanted not long ago, and it will take a while to mature. If you expect Arnold to solve the mystery, you may have to wait for a long time, Dumbledore."

This is a real nuisance.

Dumbledore had a headache. He obviously just wanted to hold a Halloween dinner, but there was such a trouble. None of the prepared pumpkin candies were distributed, but he spent several months of salary to customize it.

"Let's do this for now, and we'll have a meeting to study this later."

"Minerva, you take the child and the cat to the school hospital, Pomona, you go to see the mandrake, Severus, you are going to go to the Flint's house to clarify the matter of Arnold and the Imperius Curse, Filius, go downstairs and let the little wizards rest..."

"Oude and I will go check on the flower elves and make sure they're safe."

"As for Harry and the other little wizards present... go back if there is no danger. I'm sorry to let you have a bad Halloween. There were too many accidents."

Dumbledore was a little tired.

"Oh, Dumbledore, don't forget me. I was the first to discover that Harry was in danger and protected him."

The arrogant Lockhart touched Harry's head and said, "I always thought that Harry was framed. Fortunately, I chose to believe him."


"Then please help Filius call the little wizard to rest."

After Dumbledore finished all arrangements, Bree waved to Draco, Azar and Hermione, and then followed Dumbledore towards the turret.

Azar frowned.

Dumbledore didn't find Voldemort's soul in Arnold's head...where did it go?

Lockhart, who followed Flitwick downstairs, suddenly changed his expression. He said to Flitwick beside him: "Oh, I'm sorry, look what I forgot. The little wizards secretly gave me the letter of admiration." There is no reply yet. This is a big deal. I can only leave early. I believe Professor Flitwick can arrange the little wizards’ bedtime..."

After saying that, Lockhart walked quickly to his office.

Flitwick muttered: "Why did Dumbledore invite him to be a professor..."

Draco on the side snorted.

"I just said Potter was an unlucky guy. Look, not only did he ruin today's Halloween, but he also involved Bree."

"He must be the one responsible for the soul-eating guy in the underground hall!"

Azar, who was listening on the side, sneered. Although he didn't like Harry, he was more interested in Bree's secret base than these.

Why did he just find out!
Following the pace, Draco walked to the Slytherin common room and looked back, only to find that Azar was missing.

"This guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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