Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 135 The self-directed and self-acted savior

Chapter 135 The self-directed and self-acted savior
Lockhart, who fell down awkwardly, smiled awkwardly and quickly got up.

"Oh, of course, this is just a demonstration. After all, I hit you first. You can definitely fight back..."

No matter how shameless Lockhart was, he couldn't continue to lie in front of everyone, so he could only change the subject and said hurriedly: "Then let's start a one-on-one battle. I hope that Oded and I can give you some help. .”

After saying that, Lockhart covered his butt and slowly walked onto the stage.

"Now all the little wizards move, hurry up."

At this time, Snape stopped Lockhart's behavior and said on his behalf: "We should let a few trouble-making guys have a duel first to let them understand that there are people outside."

Snape glanced indifferently at the audience, and as expected, he named Harry's name, and his opponent was——

Seeing Draco's positive expression, Snape did not refuse and immediately asked him to come on stage.

Bree had already slipped off the table at this moment, leaning against the wall in the corner silently, thinking about what happened to Lockhart just now.

"There is a very familiar feeling."

Just as Bree was thinking, Tom walked up to him and whispered: "Stay away from Lockhart in the future..."

But Tom didn't make it clear that he didn't want Bree to be involved in the battle between him and Voldemort. Only the winner could become Bree's father.

"Azar, you versus Yana Livina!"

Bree was about to ask Tom if he knew anything when he heard Snape's voice on the stage. At this time, Lockhart, like Snape, began to train the young wizards who didn't like it.

"Ron Weasley, you and Not Theodore are in a group. Quick, don't waste time."

"And Miss Granger, you and Miss Millicent."

As the little wizards stood in the small duel circles one after another, Lockhart immediately ordered: "Start!"

"Except your weapons!"

"Except you..."

The red lights flashed on and off. These little wizards were unable to cast this spell. However, most Slytherins could respond immediately. Obviously their family inheritance gave them a better preschool education. educate.

As time passed, Brie became a little irritable.

However, when she saw the tall and strong Millicent and the relatively short Hermione wrestling together, Bree grimaced and couldn't bear to watch.

Is that really Hermione? Isn't she an impostor who drank Polyjuice Potion?


"Damn it, you made a mistake!"


At this time, few young wizards were still dueling. After Draco was accidentally knocked to the ground by Harry's disarming spell, he angrily summoned a big snake as big as a bowl, and all the wizards were paying attention. was attracted.

Hermione, who was in a daze, was kicked off the stage by Millicent, but Hermione reacted quickly and waved her wand, and a disarming spell knocked Millicent back and fell.

Lockhart hurriedly shouted: "You can only use the disarming spell. Malfoy, this is against the rules!"

"But don't worry, Lockhart can handle this little problem!"

Lockhart was eager to show off, but Snape looked on lazily, knowing that this spell was just a bluff based on Draco's magic.

But Lockhart pointed his wand at the big snake, intending to destroy it!
But not only did the big snake not disappear, but with a bang, it instantly jumped up to a height of more than ten feet. It raised its head, exposed its fangs viciously, and assumed an offensive posture.

A timid boy on the side couldn't help but screamed, attracting the attention of the big snake. The terrifying big snake made the boy fall to the ground and dared not move.

When Professor McGonagall saw it, she immediately waved her wand. She had seen enough of this farce, and this Lockhart couldn't do anything serious.


McGonagall's wand gesture paused, and Snape was also suddenly stunned. Lockhart looked at Harry curiously.

Harry is speaking Parseltongue!

Bree frowned, he heard clearly what Harry said just now was to keep the snake still.

The big snake was obedient at this time and fell softly to the ground, but the scared little boy cursed Harry angrily and ran away in fear.

"Not everyone understands such a language." Tom has ended the battle, but his face is not very good at this time. Although he used his magic skills to win, Yana is not easy to deal with, which makes He, who already had a weak soul, couldn't bear it.

"This is Parseltongue, exclusive to descendants of Slytherin..." Tom stared at Bree inquiringly and smiled.

"I have studied some, but it requires the blood of Slytherin to fully control it."


At this time, Ron, who had been teased by Nott for a while in the duel circle, saw Harry using Parseltongue and immediately raised his broken wand wrapped in bandages. His wand had been used while driving the car. He crashed it, and later he misused the magic spell and tormented himself.

During the duel with Nott, he hesitated to use the magic spell because he was afraid that he would be injured again, but he couldn't care less at this time.

He was anxious and said harshly: "Expelliarmus!"

A strong red light flew out from Ron's broken wand, but it suddenly changed direction halfway and rushed towards Tom.


Tom pinched his cufflinks to prevent them from casting protective magic, and forcefully accepted the spell. His face was pale and bloodless under the severe pain.

"Aren't you wearing cufflinks, Hazard?"

Bree held onto Tom and slowly released the healing spell.

Ron's move also attracted everyone's attention.

"What a good friend, but it was you who was sacrificed, Azar."

Bree looked at Ron's apologetic look, chuckled, and patted Tom on the back.

"I say you go find Weasley now. Maybe Potter will accept you because of the guilt of being a good friend."

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, Potter is nothing."

Tom coughed twice with a cold face and turned a blind eye to Ron's gaze. He said to Bree, "I'm going to the school hospital to check it out. You don't have to come with me."

After saying that, Tom clutched his back and left the classroom. Of course, no one dared to speak to him at this time, because most of the professors' eyes were still on Harry.

Ron ran to Harry and pulled Harry, who was confused, out of the duel club. At the same time, the little wizards around him all moved out of the way. When he walked to Bree, Harry whispered: "Sorry, Ron's The magic hit your friend, we'll go see him later."

As he said this, Harry was pushed out by an embarrassed Ron.

Snape stared at Harry's back indifferently, thinking deeply about what he had just said.

"When I go to Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, I think I'll leave this place to you."

Professor McGonagall nodded. She also understood what that language meant, but Harry Potter?

No, it's impossible, Harry's birth is absolutely clear, and maybe Dumbledore knows what happened.

"Brie, is Azar okay?"

The embarrassed Hermione walked to Bree's side, and then secretly raised her eyebrows at Millicent who did not dare to step forward, proudly showing her friendship with Bree.

"Let's go see him. It seems like this duel club is terrible now. We can't learn anything useful at all."

Bree nodded when he heard this, and Cedric also came over. He said, "Brie, Professor Sprout is looking for you about Mandrake."


"Okay, I'll go right now."

Bree and Hermione waved their hands and said: "You should go see Potter. He was using Parseltongue just now. This is a very ancient language, but it should not appear on him."

After hearing this, Hermione did not refute, but said thoughtfully: "Parseltongue... I should go to the library to find information."


After leaving the Duel Club, Tom did not go to the school hospital, but came to the Gryffindor lounge. It was not difficult to enter here.

He weakly walked to the girls' dormitory and put the diary on Ginny's desk. Now he needs to continue to control Ginny, and Azar should have a good rest in the school hospital!

Soon, Tom used his remaining soul power to control Azar's body and placed him in the utility room next to the girls' bathroom on the second floor, so that he could control him back to the campus hospital later.

Now I just need to wait quietly for Ginny's arrival...

Here, Lockhart also announced that this club event has ended perfectly, and will continue to arrange for everyone to participate next time. Of course, his proud and proud look is really disgusting, as if someone really wants to come.

But when everyone left, Lockhart changed his mind and touched his wand anxiously, whispering: "Is it really a play directed and acted by Harry Potter?"


"It must be a scene that Harry Potter directed and acted in!"

In the evening, in the hall, the boy who was frightened by the snake disappeared, and his roommate was sitting at the Hufflepuff dining table and shouted to the people around him: "I asked Justin to hide in the dormitory, Harry ·Potter wants to kill him!"

"Harry Potter can actually speak Parseltongue. This is the symbol of Slytherin, and he is also the one..."

"Stop talking!" At this moment, Hannah pointed at the door and said, "Do you still dare to say that when the professor comes later? Don't create rumors based on your own opinions!"

"Are you sure Potter did it, including Arnold being petrified?"

Even as she said this, Hannah kept writing the next issue's report in her notes, which were full of speculations about Harry Potter.

"Those who are enemies of the Dark Magic King, beware!"

"That's the best joke ever, showman Harry Pott!"

Draco angrily sat in his exclusive seat in Slytherin, taunting Gryffindor in the direction of Gryffindor, and did not run to Bree's side. Of course, Bree had not yet left Sprout at this time. Professor, come back.

"No way, Draco?"

Pansy was helping to speak next to her. She had already hated Harry for his sneak attack on Draco, and now of course she had to work hard to throw dirty water on him.

"I think as a savior who escaped from the mysterious man, he will not do anything for the mysterious man. His parents are still dead..."

"Humph." Pansy did not continue, but looked at Daphne. Daphne didn't want to answer the conversation. She couldn't talk nonsense about this matter, but when she saw Draco's gaze, she still had the courage. Said: "Yes, but could it be that he wants to find enemies for the mysterious man?"

"As a second-year student, if you want revenge, you can only do this - let the mysterious man have more enemies."

After saying that, Daphne lowered her head and stopped talking.

Draco also got what he wanted. He immediately said: "A liar, or a liar who pretends to know Parseltongue. The Chamber of Secrets exists, and we Slytherins all know it, but Parseltongue, huh, Pott must have used some means to control the snake, Parselmouth is not something a hybrid like him can possess!"

(End of this chapter)

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