Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 137 Dumbledore’s Legilimency

Chapter 137 Dumbledore’s Legilimency

Soon, Harry and Hermione were pulled out of the library by Snape. In the hall, Dumbledore had also returned not long ago. It was obvious that they had found nothing.

"Snape, let them come."

Dumbledore looked at the anxious Harry, sighed and said, "I will investigate this matter further. I believe it's not Harry."

"Hmph, let's go over there, a bunch of little trolls!"

Snape pushed Harry out hard, causing Harry and Ron to glare at him. Hermione was okay, but she looked worried when she saw Bree. She found out about the book in the library. Records of Parseltongue, and red eyes are also a symbol of Slytherin.

Just now Ron has been saying that Bree is the real murderer... This stupid Weasley can only open his mouth and talk without thinking.

Even Harry didn't believe it was Bree who did it, but Harry thought it was Malfoy, because Malfoy had been targeting Harry overtly and covertly during this period and poured dirty water on Harry.

And now, some people's comments made Hermione think that maybe Harry's feeling was right. Malfoy was highly suspicious. Even if it wasn't him, then he must know something——

"Stay away from us, Potter!"

A Gryffindor boy said angrily: "You attacked Colin and Justin, and they are now staying in the school hospital!"

"Are you satisfied, you hypocritical bastard, just like what Malfoy said, you have already done everything you can to deal with the mysterious man!"


Dumbledore immediately suppressed the voices below and asked Harry and Hermione to sit in their seats.

Dumbledore said: "Sorry, tonight..."

"Professor Dumbledore, Ginny is not back yet!"

At this moment Percy stood up hurriedly and shouted, "Didn't the professors see her?"

The Weasley twins also stood up and looked at each other with worry in their eyes, even saying that if the professors couldn't find it, they would sneak out and look for it themselves.

And Ron looked at Percy blankly.

"Percy, what's wrong with Ginny!"

Ron was a little excited. He looked around and found that Ginny was missing. He wanted to find her immediately!

Dumbledore frowned, and the professors around him shook their heads.

"We didn't see Ginny Weasley on any floor."

"There's nothing in her dormitory either..."

The professors' words made the little wizards below even more excited. Several impulsive boys even said: "Keep looking, professor!"

"Let's go together!"

The Weasley twins stood up. They were already preparing to go to the top of the building, and Ron followed. Harry hesitated for a moment and was about to get up.

But Hermione immediately shut him down and shook her head at him.

"Harry, don't do anything right now."

"But!" Harry looked unwilling. The buzz around him almost drowned him out. If he didn't do something, it seemed like he would really be the murderer.

He obviously didn't do anything.

"You don't understand, Harry, have you forgotten the voice you heard just now, it was a monster, we have to make it clear to Dumbledore!"

"Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione shouted directly: "I have something to tell you!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Hermione, and she immediately said: "There is a monster in Hogwarts, and Harry heard its voice!"

"Ron and I just accompanied Harry to the library. On the way there, we heard it again. It kept roaring and was full of violence. It was probably it that did these things. I was..."

Hermione inadvertently looked in the direction of Bree, lowered her head and continued: "When I saw that Parselmouth could understand the language of snakes, I guessed that the monster was a snake, although I didn't know what it was. , but it must have something to do with the previous Chamber of Secrets, maybe there was a snake guarding Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets, and now it has escaped!”

"Someone controls it!"

"Otherwise, we cannot explain why there are writings on the wall, and that person must be an enemy of Voldemort!"


Hermione's words made the little wizards below cover their mouths, especially when Hermione said the word "Voldemort", which is a taboo word!

Hermione pursed her lips and looked a little pale. She just said it without thinking too much, and now she was extremely scared.

Dumbledore looked at Hermione's appearance and said with relief: "There is nothing wrong with facing him and bravely calling his name. This means that you are not afraid of evil."

"I think you may be right, Miss Granger, but now we still have to find Ginny Weasley first, which is more important than finding the snake you mentioned."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed, and he seemed a little meaningful. He signaled to the two professors beside him to let them look for it first, and especially summoned the Patronus, telling him to go to Fox and Ginny.

"Of course." Hermione breathed out. She said these just to prevent Harry from being suspected anymore, but what she was worried about still happened, and her words caused another reaction.

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets... the snake... is the enemy of the Dark Lord. Could it be that it's really... Oded?"

"No way, how could Oude attack those people... It shouldn't be the case, right?"

Some people were shaken in their hearts, because the petrified Arnold was definitely someone that Brie hated, and Colin also took a lot of photos that Brie didn't like. As for Justin, he wasn't sure, but this possibility was also Very big.

Besides, Bree also has red eyes.

Some Slytherins looked at Bree silently, as if they were examining the fact that Bree was a descendant of Slytherin. Among them, Selwyn even gave a weird chuckle.

Obviously, this situation satisfied many Slytherins.

"Well... don't be so smart, Oude won't do anything secretly." Enid lazily crossed her chest and glanced at the talking guys with cold eyes.

"Perhaps to put it another way, if Oude wants to attack anyone, he only needs to spread some signals, and many people will help him, such as me."

Enid said this without caring about the surprised looks of the professors and young wizards.

The seventh-grade prefect, Alyssa, who had made a deal with Bree before, also coughed and said with a straight face: "I think everyone knows what kind of person Odd is, especially Slytherin's original Lesson, don’t forget it.”

It can be said that Alyssa is the most prestigious person in Slytherin now. If she hadn't had to deal with a lot of things this year, she might even be the president of the female student union.

Draco also wanted to speak for Bree at this time, but Pansy pulled him. When Draco saw Tom sitting opposite Bree, looking worriedly at Bree, he angrily thought about losing him. , Brie will not lack people to care about him, so who is he?

So Draco closed his mouth depressedly.


Slytherin has always only relied on the strong, and strong ones like Enid have found followers, and Alyssa is also willing to stand up for Bree, so naturally Slytherin, who has experienced Bree's suppression, does not dare to be presumptuous anymore.

As for other houses, Cedric in Hufflepuff is Bree's absolute friend, and the others also have an extremely favorable impression of Bree, especially at the dinner table, which has a special bonus.

Hannah Abbott, as the vice-president of the Oude Guardian Club, said seriously at this time: "We don't believe that Oude will do bad things to Hufflepuff's little wizards. Please don't express your judgment like this. It’s chiseled!”

Ravenclaw was even more clear. They did not participate in the topic of Odd being the murderer at all, they just watched silently.

Now only some people in Gryffindor were still suspicious, but due to the situation, they did not dare to speak. Ron was angry.

"You all said Harry was the murderer just now. Now a bigger suspect has appeared, but you don't dare to speak. Are you afraid of being petrified by Oded!"

"Oude is obviously an evil guy, and you have all been deceived by him!"

"Shut up, Weasley!"

Yana slammed the cream soup that had not been removed from her body onto Ron's body.


Ron was covered in greasy juice and pointed at Yana in disbelief, but Yana didn't want to pay attention to his anger and just wanted to make him suffer some more.

"Miss Livina!"

Professor McGonagall frowned and immediately stopped and stopped Yana, who was still trying to beat Ron.

"Come here if you can. You've been secretly speaking ill of Bree, you annoying redhead!"

Yana's beast-like pupils stared at Ron, and she even had fangs growing out of her mouth, but Ron was directly frightened by her fierce look, and was trembling and did not dare to step forward.


Brie had a sullen face and said to Yana, who was still angry: "Don't argue with people who don't deserve it."

Then, Brie looked at Dumbledore. Brie had seen enough of today's scene. He had already made it obvious that nothing should be involved with him, otherwise he would not worry about certain things. people's calculations.

And would Dumbledore not understand Parsel Language, and wouldn't he know that there might be monsters hiding in Hogwarts? No, of course he knew, but this matter involved Voldemort and Harry, so he started to pretend to be stupid, for It’s really hard to spare no effort in cultivating a savior.

Seeing the change in Bree's expression, Dumbledore secretly thought something was wrong and immediately said: "Okay, stop it all!"

Dumbledore sighed, looked back at Bree's eyes with a little reassurance, and said, "I think I should make it clear that Ode will not do anything to his classmates for no reason. Before Arnold was petrified, he stole He took the Sorting Hat and was cast on the Imperius Curse..."

"Ah, the Imperius Curse!"

The little wizard below was shocked, you must know that this is the Imperius Curse, one of the three unforgivable curses!

"I'm sorry, because I didn't want to cause panic, I temporarily let the people who knew about it conceal the news, but now I have to tell it because I will take some measures!"

"All young wizards should be inspected by me to see if they are controlled by the Imperius Curse."

Dumbledore said, looking at Bree apologetically.

"I hope no one is an exception!"

With that said, Dumbledore closed his eyes.

"This will have some adverse reactions, such as temporary dizziness, but this is the fastest magic."

"Of course, if any of you are unwilling, please raise your hand. I think I will not force anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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