Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Slytherin’s Little Banquet

Chapter 19 Slytherin’s Little Banquet

Who does this Arnold Flint think he is, and who can represent Slytherin? He simply has no idea. I heard that he asked his cousin, the current sixth-year Quidditch captain, for the position of prefect, because the sixth-year The prefect originally belonged to Masku Flint, but that guy was a Quidditch fan, so he gave up. By the way, he traded with the guy who competed with him for prefect, and got this second-year prefect for his cousin.

Shabini seemed to have not given up on persuading you yet, and continued: "Flint, the college has regulations. Slytherin students are absolutely not allowed to fight among themselves in the first week. If the dean finds out, you will not be able to keep your position as prefect. "

It seemed that Shabini's persuasion had an effect, and Felinte also became a little more awake, but.

"Hmph, it's just the end of Wednesday. I can let that kid live for a while longer. If you don't respect the arrangements of the prefects, you will be punished. Slytherin is the world of the strong, and I act according to the rules."

Arnold Flint said proudly, with a flash of cruelty in his eyes, and said to the third-grade and fourth-grade prefects who were watching the show: "Right, you are also prefects, and it's not just my face that's been ruined. Compared with Get up, I’m only in second grade.”

Among the fourth-grade prefects, the girl didn't really want to join in this activity of bullying the freshmen. She actually liked Bree, but she was always a Slytherin and had no idea of ​​helping the vase. She just nodded and said, "I'm very fond of it." Agree with you, but I am a lady after all.”

The fourth-grade prefect didn't have so many twists and turns, and said directly: "Call me when the time comes."

The third-year prefect has some tricks up her sleeve. She hates Muggles the most, and pure-blood thoughts are strongest in this person.

"Maybe we don't have to do it ourselves, let those half-bloods do it..."

"Oh, don't be like this, you need to experience the fun for yourself, not to mention this is our majesty." The third-year male prefect said: "It's best to give him another beating and prepare some potions for him so that the school hospital can't see the injury. "

The second-year female prefect has been very silent. She lowered her head and drank pumpkin juice silently. If it were not for her family, she would not have become a prefect. The others also knew her nature and did not ask for trouble.


Bree had finished his study for the day. This time he was not so obsessed that he even forgot about dinner. However, it seemed that he had forgotten that today was Slytherin's small banquet. So when he packed up his things and came to the hall on the first floor, he found the dining table. Neither did the last Slytherin.

Bri walked calmly through the hall and towards the kitchen. Now he was sitting at the Slytherin table, which was like a beacon in the dark. The other leaders of the house were probably looking at him and muttering about him, tsk.

But Hermione looked quite normal today, and there were several Gryffindor girls eating with her. As for the savior Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley, these two guys looked He was very excited, as if the boy-who-lived gradually became ordinary and his life became more normal. No one was watching him eat, or for other reasons.

"Oh, George, I have the feeling that the well-behaved little viper is hiding something from us, like discovering a hidden fortress."

"Let's ask our Granger, did Little Viper go to the library today?" Fred said, winking at Hermione.

Hermione's face turned red, and then she said: "Brie didn't go to the library today or yesterday. I thought he was reading in the dormitory... He wouldn't go explore the castle. This would be against school rules!"

"Oh, my God, she is making too much of a fuss, but what does she care about that evil Slytherin? Slytherins are all bad wizards." Ron Weasley said to Harry Potter beside him: "Really..."

"Okay Ron, let's eat first." Harry Potter obviously didn't want to cause trouble or talk about Slytherin. He actually didn't like Slytherin, so he didn't refute Ron Weasley. if.

Felfred glanced at George, and then the two left arm in arm, not knowing where to go, maybe to deal with the stinky weeds or something.

Soon, Bree finished her dinner in the kitchen. Seeing that it was still very early, she was ready to find Professor Sprout, hoping to find out about the whereabouts of the Trance Grass.

"May I excuse you for a moment, Professor."

Sure enough, just as Bree thought, Professor Sprout was taking care of these plants in the greenhouse at this time.

"Oh, why are you here, my dear." Sprout was watering some devil's vines. After seeing Bree, he said kindly: "Do you want to experience it? These devil's vines are your next course."

"Of course!"

Brie touched the devil's ivy and wrapped them around Brie's fingertips, very affectionately, as if she was playing with Brie.

"Oh, I knew you had a special talent, Mr. Ode. If you want, I think you will become a master of herbal medicine. You see, they like you. You must know that devil's ivy does not like to be touched by warm things. ”

Brie joked: "Maybe I won't scare them with fire."

"I have to say that you are a smart child. If it is in class, I will definitely give you extra points." Professor Sprout blinked and joked: "But you have to say them in the next class The rest of the features."

Brie pursed her lips and said helplessly: "Well, who said that devil's ivy only has one characteristic of being afraid of fire? I can definitely get points on it."

"Okay, okay, I believe you."

After Bree helped Sprout water all the devil's ivy and some fluorescent grass, she heard Professor Sprout say: "Now tell me your purpose, don't be embarrassed, as long as it's not a bad thing, Professor They are all happy to help the little wizards."

Professor Sprout's words made Bree smile, and then he thought of Snape... Bree shook his head, threw the big bat out, and said eagerly, "Professor Sprout, I I want to know what Trance Grass is, I heard some senior students talking about it in the library, and I was a little curious."

"So I'll come to you soon, after all, Hogwarts can't find a herbalist like you anymore."

"Oh, hahaha, okay, but trance grass is not a plant you will encounter this year, or you may not see them in class in the past seven years."

Sprout said with memories and some sadness: "Although the trance grass is not extinct, they all grow in inaccessible places with abundant magic. However, as the name suggests, they subconsciously let other creatures ignore them, so even if you meet Even if you don't see them, you may not be able to see them. It is said that the Ignore Curse was invented by a wizard who found the secret from the trance grass, but it was too long ago..."

"Is that so?" Brie scratched her head. Trance grass was the core material and was not sold on the market. The wild ones were so hard to find, which made Brie a little disappointed.

"Ha, I remembered. I encountered Trance Grass when I was young, but it was in... well, that place is still very dangerous for you. Maybe if you are older, I can take you there, maybe We can still meet."

Professor Sprout rubbed Bri's black hair and said gently: "Perhaps because of Mr. Old's help, these plants are very happy, and I can rest earlier, so I will give Mr. Old 5 points, but There won’t be any next time.”

Bree smiled happily and said kindly: "I will come even if there is no score, Professor Sprout, then I will go back first, and you can rest early."


By the time Bree walked back to the Slytherin common room, the dinner had already ended. The students had all gone back to their rooms to clean themselves up. Several house elves were cleaning the common room. When they saw Bree After coming in, he hurriedly said hello, Brie waved to them kindly, and then returned to his house.

Shabini was writing something, and there were some gold galleons on the table. Bri didn't pay much attention and went to wash up.

"It smells like mud." Shabini glanced at Bree who entered the bathroom, muttered softly, then smiled coldly, looked at the contents of the envelope with a twinkle in his eye, and then put the gold galleons into the bag. , and went out with the letter and bag.

When Shabini came back, Buri had fallen asleep on the bed with a book. Shabini also turned off the light, looked at Buri fiercely, and turned to rest.

Soon Sunday followed the end of Bree's study career, and Monday came. This morning was Defense Against the Dark Arts class, which Bree was looking forward to. The alchemy notebook that Bree had always carried with him, but he didn't have it. For formal practice, one is that there is no place, the other is that there is no reference, and the third is that it is always dangerous to practice alone. Bree's own magic power is not very stable, just like the little wizards. Unless natural magic power is used, Bree has no Be sure to use it safely and effectively at one time.

But Bri still couldn't forget what he saw when his consciousness left his body that day. He didn't want to rely too much on that unknown power and have his soul taken away.

"Good morning, Ode." Some eaglets greeted Bree, but the little snakes ignored Bree indifferently, but Millicent quietly followed behind Bree, as if preparing to say something to him. But Shabini stops her.

"You're blocking the way, Miss Bosted." Then he walked in front of Millicent, but Bree didn't notice this. He was looking for a seat near the front.

"Ugh..." When Professor Kino from the Defense Against Dark Arts class came in, Bree was stunned. Then she secretly lowered her head and cast a powerful deodorizing spell around herself, which relieved Professor Kino's body. Strong garlic flavor.

Bree had never met Chino before, and Chino's garlic smell was very weak at the back-to-school dinner, but he seemed to be more flavorful these days.

"Does Professor Kino like to eat garlic?" Bree frowned and wanted to sit back, but there was only room on the left side of Malfoy's back. It seemed that Daphne Greengrass was killed by Pansy Parkinson. She was squeezed into the middle row of seats, separating her from Malfoy. What a good girl.

Bree knew Malfoy well and didn't care whether he was willing or not. Before the class officially began, Professor Chino trotted over to the seat next to Malfoy while he was still sorting out books.

Malfoy glanced at Bree sideways and hummed: "I'll cast a few of the spells you just used around here. The damn garlic smell is pervasive. Dumbledore must be tired of being in the honey pot and his nose is blocked." So that Kino can get the poor garlic from the house elves at will."

Garlic is in the plural, and Brie has seen it before, but her movements are not slow at all.

(End of this chapter)

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